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JSC Exhibits Requirements and Application

IMPORTANT: THESE REQUIREMENTS MUST BE READ. They are a part of the Exhibit Application. After completion, this page must be attached to the copy retained by the Sponsor.


  1. All questions on the Exhibit Application (requires free Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded here) should be completed. If a question is not applicable, the response should state that fact.
  2. NASA exhibits are available for professional, trade, civic, educational, or public service events. Use of NASA exhibits must give no unfair commercial advantage. This criterion normally rules out individual businesses and advertising uses, but not events that public relations firms organize for public service or educational sponsors.
  3. There must be no admission fee charged for a NASA exhibit. Although a NASA exhibit may be part of a larger exposition that charges an admission fee, such as a state fair, it may not be the major attraction of such an event.
  4. NASA exhibit requests for fund raising events benefiting a single organization or events sponsored by religious or political groups, are normally not approved.
  5. The sponsor assumes all shipping expenses to and from the place of exhibition.
  6. The sponsor shall provide suitable labor to unload, uncrate, set up and take down, crate and load aboard the common carrier. All other expenses including property insurance, adequate indoor storage of empty crates, daily exhibit maintenance, utility hookup, shall be borne by the sponsoring organization.
  7. Title to the NASA exhibit furnished by the Government shall remain in the Government. The sponsor shall maintain adequate property control records of the Government-furnished exhibit in accordance with sound business practice.
  8. During the period the NASA exhibit is in the custody of the sponsor, the sponsor will pay expenses relating to its operation, including maintenance and repair. During this period the sponsor assumes the risk of, and is responsible for, any loss of, or damage to, the exhibit except for reasonable wear and tear. (The sponsor will contact NASA before effecting any repairs.)
  9. The sponsor assumes responsibility for any liability, damages or injuries to persons or property arising out of, or in any way connected with, the sponsor's possession or use of the exhibit(s), and shall hold the Government harmless against any claims arising hereunder.
  10. Federal law prohibits any member of, or delegate to the U.S. Congress, or Resident Commissioner, from sharing in or benefiting from this agreement.
  11. When necessary, and at the expense of the sponsor, NASA will provide an Exhibits Specialist to supervise the uncrating, set-up and take-down of complex exhibits. The sponsor will be notified when it is necessary for an Exhibits Specialist to be on site.
  12. Compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, will be required as it applies.
  13. The sponsor may be required to carry insurance covering loss or damage to the exhibit(s), persons, or property. The requirement of insurance and the minimum amount (if specified) will be shown in the Exhibit Loan Agreement. Insurance is required for exhibits loaned to state, county, municipal, and city entities, including organizations such as educational institutions established by those entities.
  14. All exhibits shall be displayed indoors unless written exception is given. The specific location of exhibits will be agreed upon by the sponsor and NASA before the loan agreement is approved. Once finalized, approval must be granted by NASA before the exhibit can be moved to another location.
  15. The sponsor shall not assign to another person or entity this agreement or any part of the rights under this agreement, except as otherwise agreed to by the United States in writing.

To proceed to the Loan Application Form you must click to Accept the requirements as stated above.

Send questions, comments and requests about JSC Exhibits to Louis Parker. Please do not contact the Web site curator or Responsible NASA Official listed at the bottom of this page.