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Helmets, gloves and space food are available for a "hands on" experience.
Name Photo Description
Apollo Helmet Apollo helmet

A full size Apollo inner helmet originally used for training.

Shuttle Extravehicular Activity Glove Shuttle EVA glove

A functional, full size Shuttle EVA glove.

Space Food Samples Space food samples

Various examples of encapsulated space food.

Space Food Tray Space food tray

Various examples of encapsulated space food including a space shuttle food tray.

Shuttle Launch Helmet Shuttle launch helmet

A full size space shuttle launch and reentry helmet.

Shuttle Tile Shuttle tile

An example of the Space Shuttle Thermal Protection Tile System.

Send questions, comments and requests about JSC Exhibits to Louis Parker. Please do not contact the Web site curator or Responsible NASA Official listed at the bottom of this page.