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Last Updated
August 22, 2005

GCIP Bibliography

Abdulla, F.A., D.P. Lettenmaier, E.F. Wood and J.A. Smith, 1996: Application of macroscale hydrologic model to estimate the water balance of the Arkansas-Red River basin. JGR, 101, 7449-7460.

Arain, A.M., J. Michaud, W.J. Shuttleworth, Z.-L. Yang and A.J. Dolman, 1996: Mapping surface cover parameters using aggregation rules and remotely-sensed cover classes, Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society, (submitted).

Arain, M.A., J. Michaud, W.J. Shuttleworth, Z.-L. Yang and A.J. Dolman,1996: Mapping vegetation parameters with remotely sensed land surface covers and FIFE- and ABRACOS-validated aggregation rules, presented to EOS, American Geophysical Union, 1996 Spring Meeting, Vol. 77, No. 17, page S137, (invited).

Arya, L.M. and J.F. Paris, 1981: A physioemperical model to predict the soil moisture characteristic from particle-size distribution and bulk densit data. Soil Sci. Soc. Am J., 45, 1023-1030.

Avissar, R. and M. Coughlan, 1996: Preface, JGR, 101 7137-7138.

Avissar, R. and Y. Liu, 1996: Three-dimensional numerical study of shallow convective clouds and precipitation induced by land surface forcing. JGR, 101, 7499-7518.

Baldocchi, D.D. and C.Vogel. 1996: A comparative study of water vapor, energy and CO2 flux densities above and below a temperate broadleaf and a boreal pine forest. Tree Physiology. 16: 5-16.

Baldocchi, D.D., C.A. Vogel and B. Hall. 1996. Seasonal variation of energy and water vapor exchange rates above and below a boreal jackpine forest. Journal of Geophysical Research (in press).

Baldocchi, D.D., C.A. Vogel and B. Hall. 1996. Seasonal variation of carbondioxide exchange rates above and below a boreal jackpine forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (in press).

Baldwin, M., and K. Mitchell, 1997: The NCEP hourly multi-sensor U.S. precipitation analysis for operations and GCIP research. To appear in Preprints, 13th Conf. on Hydrology, Long Beach, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2-7 February 1997.

Baldwin, M., and T. Black, 1996: Precipitation forecasting experiments in the western U.S. with NCEP's Mesoscale Eta Model. Preprints, 11th Conf. on Numerical Weather Prediction, Norfolk, VA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 19-23 August 1996, J109-J110.

Baldwin, M. E., and K. E. Mitchell, 1996: The NCEP hourly multi-sensor U.S. precipitation analysis. Preprints, 11th Conf. on Numerical Weather Prediction, Norfolk, VA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 19-23 August 1996, J95-J96.

Baldwin, M. E., and K. E. Mitchell, 1996: The NCEP hourly multi-sensor U.S. precipitation analysis for operations and GCIP research. Preprints, 2nd International Conf. on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, Washington, DC, 17-21 June 1996, 232-233.

Barr, A.G. And A.K. Betts, R. Desjardins and J.I. MacPherson, 1996: Radiosonde base estimates of the boundary-layer budgets of sensible and latent heat above Boreal forest. Submitted to BOREAS JGR special issue.

Barros, A. P., Kuligiowski, R.J. 1998: Orographic Effects During Severe Wintertime Rainstorm in the Appalachian Mountains. Monthy Weather Review, 126, 2648-2672.

Barros, A. P. and Bindlish, R. 1998: Using Image Analysis Techniques for Intercomparison of Spatial Variables: An Application to Satellite Observations and Model Simulations of Cloud Fields. International Journal of Systems Research and Information Science, in press.

Barros, A.P., Brennan, K.E. and Bindlish, R., 1999: Monitoring and Forecasting the Onset of Drought. In preparation for J of Climate.

Barros, A.P., R. Bindlish, G. Jenkins 1999: On the skill of RegCM2 for Regional Assessment of Drought Predictability. In preparation for Geophysical Research Letters.

Basist, A., D. Garrett, R. Ferraro, N. Grody, and K. Mitchell, 1996: A comparison between snow cover products derived from visible and microwave satellite observations. J. Appl. Meteorol., 35, 163-177.

Bastidas, L. H.V. Gupta, S. Sorooshian, W. J. Shuttleworth, and Z.L. Yang 1998: Comparison of Land Surface Schemes by use of Multi-Criteria Methods, Presented at the fall meeting of the the American Geophyisical Union, San Fransisco, California, USA, Dec 6-10, 1998.

Bastidas, L. H.V. Gupta, S. Sorooshian, W. J. Shuttleworth and Z.L. Yang 1999: Sensitivity Analysis of a Land Surface Scheme using Multi-Criteria Methods, GCIP II special issue of the Journal of Geophysical Research, in press.

Bastidas, L. H.V. Gupta, W.J. Shuttleworth, Z.L. Yang, and S. Soroohian, 1999: Comparative Evaluation of the Performance of Land Surface Schemes Using Multi-Criteria Methods, in preparation for the Journal of Geophysical Research.

Bastidas, L. H.V. Gupta, S. Sorooshian, W. J. Shuttleworth, and Z.L. Yang, 1999: Effects of Areal Versus Point Information in the Parameter Identification of Land-Surface Schemes Using Multi-Criteria Methods, to be presented at the IUGG99 Conference, Birmingham, UK, July 18-30 1999.

Beljaars, A.C.M., P. Viterbo, M.J. Miller and A.K. Betts, 1996: The anomalous rainfall over the US during July 1993: sensitivity to land surface parameterization. Mon. Wea. Rev., 124, 362-383.

Berberry, E., E. Rasmusson, and K. Mitchell, 1996: Studies of North American continental-scale hydrology using Eta model forecast products. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 7305-7319. Berberry, E. H., E. M. Rasmusson, C. F. Ropelewski, and E. S. Yarosh. On the use of EDAS analyses to estimate moisture budgets over the Mississippi Basin. Preprints of the Second International Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, June 17-21, 1996, Washington, DC, p. 272 - 273.

Berberry, E. H., E. S. Yarosh, E. M. Rasmusson, and C. F. Ropelewski. Estimates of the atmospheric water balance over the Mississippi River basin as obtained from two Eta model based datasets. Preprints of the Second International Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, June 17-21, 1996, Washington, DC, p. 172 - 173.

Berberry, E. H., E. S. Yarosh, E. M. Rasmusson, and C. F. Ropelewski. The Effect of Resolutions in Moisture Budget Components for the Mississippi and Mackenzie Rivers Basins. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, October 28 - November 1, 1996, Huntsville, AL.

Betts, A.K., 1994: Relation between equilibrium evaporation and the saturation pressure budget. Boundary-Layer Meteor. 71, 235-245.

Betts A.K., 1995: A lagged mixing parameterization for the dry convective boundary layer. Mon. Wea. Rev., 123, 1912-1915.

Betts, A.K. and J.H. Ball, 1995: The FIFE surface diurinal cycle climate. J.G.R. 100, 25679-25693.

Betts, A.K. and J.H. Ball, 1996a: FIFE surface climate and site-average dataset: 1987-1989. Submitted to J. Atmos Sci. FIFE special issue.

Betts, A.K. and J.H. Ball, 1996b: Albedo over the Boreal forest. Submitted to JGR BOREAS special issue.

Betts, A.K., and J.H. Ball, Beljaars, A.C.M., J.J. Miller and P. Viterbo, 1996: The land-surface-atmosphere interaction: a review based on observational and global modelling perspectives. J.G.R. 101, 7209-7225.

Betts, A.K. and A.G. Barr, 1996. FIFE 1987 Sonde Budget revised. J.G.R. (in press)

Betts, A.K. and F. Chen, K. Mitchell and Z. Janji, 1996: Assessment of land-surface and boundary layer models in 2 operational versions of the Eta Model using FIFE data. (Submitted to Mon Weather Rev).

Betts, A.K., S-Y. Hong and H-L. Pan, 1996: Comparison of NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis with 1987 FIFE data. Mon. Wea. Rev., 124, 1480-1498.

Betts, A.K. and B.J. Smith and S.R. Shewchuk, 1996: Comparison of SRC/BOREAS and AES humidity sensors at Meadow lake, Saskatachewan. Submitted to BOREAS JGR special issue.

Bindlish, R. and Barros, A.P. 1999: Disaggregation of Rainfall for One-Way Coupling of Atmospheric and Hydrological Models in Regions of Complex Terrain. J of Global and Planetary Change, in review.

Bonan, G. B. 1996: A land surface model (LSM Version 1.0) for ecological, hydrological, and atmospheric studies: Technical description and user guide, NCAR Technical Note (NCAR/TN-417+STR, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder CO.

Brennan, K.E. and A.P. Barros 1998: The Utility of Seasonal to Interannual Climate Predictions for Water Mangement: A Drought Forecasting Model for the Ohio River Basin. 2nd International Conference on Climate and Water, Espoo, Finland, Vol. 1, 333-342.

Brennan, K.E. and A.P. Barros June 1998: An Investigation of the Relationship Between Interannual Hydroclimatic Variability and the Onset of Drought in the Ohio River Basin. GCIP Mississippi River Climate Conference, St. Louis, MO, P. 177.

Carsteanu, A. 1997. Space Time Rainfall Modeling: Considerations of Scaling and Dynamics, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Carsteanu, A. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, 1996: Assessing dependence among weights in a multiplicative cascade model of temporal rainfall, J. Geophys. Res., 101, D21, 26,263-26,370.

Carsteanu, A. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, 1997: Non-trivial scaling in the loss of prediction information with aggregation in temporal rainfall, J. Geophys.Res., 102 (D6), 6631-6636.

Carsteanu, A., V. Sapozhnikov., V. Venugopal, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, 1997. Absolute optimal time-frequency basis--a research tool, J. Physics A: Marh, Gen, 30, 7133-7146.

Chase, T.N. and R.A. Pielke, T.G.F. Kittel, R. Nemani, and S.W. Running, 1996: Sensitivity of a general circulation model to global changes in leaf area index. JGR, 101, 7393-7408.

Chen, F.K., Z. Janjic, K. Mitchell, 1996: Impact of atmospheric surface layer parameterization in the new land surface scheme of the NCEP mesoscale Eta numerical model (submitted to Boundary-layer Meteor.)

Chen, F., and K. Mitchell, 1997: Simulation of global soil wetness by the land-surface model in the NCEP mesoscale Eta model. To appear in Preprints, 13th Conf. on Hydrology, Long Beach, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2-7 February 1997.

Chen, F., K. Mitchell, Z. Janjic, and M. Baldwin, 1995: Land-surface parameterization in the NCEP mesoscale Eta model. Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling}, published by Working Group on Numerical Experimentation. World Meteorological Organization.

Chen, F., K. Mitchell, and J. Schaake, 1995: Impact of soil moisture and hydrological processes on land-surface evaporation modeling. Preprints, 12th Conf. on Hydrology, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Dallas, TX, 15-20 January 1995.

Chen, F., K. Mitchell, J. Schaake, and Z. Janjic, 1995: Testing land-surface evaporation schemes for the Eta model. Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling, published by Working Group on Numerical Experimentation, WMO.

Chen, F., K. Mitchell, J. Schaake, Y.K Xue, and A. Betts, 1995: Modeling of surface evaporation by four schemes and comparing with FIFE data. International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS) and International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) joint meeting, Boulder, CO, 2-14 July 1995.

Chen, F., K. Mitchell, Z. Janjic, and M. Baldwin, 1996: Land-surface modeling progress in the NCEP mesoscale Eta model. Preprints, 11th Conf. on Numerical Weather Prediction, Norfolk, VA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 19-23 August 1996, 257-258.

Chen, F., K. Mitchell, Z. Janjic, and M. Baldwin, 1996: Land-Surface Modeling Progress for GCIP in the NCEP Mesoscale Eta Model. 2nd International Scientific Conf.on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, Washington, DC, 17-21 June 1996, 228-229.

Chen, F.K., Mitchell, J. Schaake, Y. Xue, H-L. Pan, V. Koren, Q. Duan, and A. Betts, 1996: Modeling of land-surface evaporation by four schemes and comparison with FIFE observations. J.G.R., 101, 7251-7268.

Chen, F., K. Mitchell, Z. Janjic, M. Baldwin, 1997: Coupling a land-surface model to the NCEP mesoscale Eta model. To appear in Preprints, 13th Conf. on Hydrology, Long Beach, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2-7 February 1997.

Chen, et. al., 1997: Cabauw experimental results from the project for intercomparison of land-surface parameterization schemes, J. Clim., 10(6), 1194-1215.

Chen, S.-C., and D.R. Cayan, 1994a: Low frequency aspects of the large-scale circulation and West Coast U.S.temperature/precipitation fluctuations in a simplified general circulation model, J. Climate, 7, 1668-1683.

Chen, S.-C. and D.R. Cayan. 1994b: Inter-decadal variability in a simplified general circulation model, Sixth Conference on Climate Variations, AMS, Nashville, TN, January 23-28 1994, 27-28.

Chen, S. -C., J.O. Roads, H.M. Juang, and M. Kanamitsu, 1994c: California weather and climate, Report of the CAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE), World Meteorology Organization.

Chen, S.-C., J.O. Roads, H.-M. H. Juang, and M. Kanamitsu, 1994d: California Precipitation Simulation in the Nested Spectral Model: 1993 January event. Proceedings for the Predicting Heavy Rainfall Events in California: A Symposium to Share Weather Pattern Knowledge. June 25, 1994,Rocklin, CA

Chen, S.-C., J.O. Roads, H.-M. H. Juang, and M. Kanamitsu, 1994e: California Climate Variability: Abstract for the Workshop on Study of Regional Climate, 1-5 August 1994, Beijing, China.

Chen, S.-C., J.O. Roads, and K.P. Georgakakos, 1994f: Characteristic scales of the atmospheric hydrological parameters in the NMC nested spectral model. International GCIP workshop, Victoria, Canada, September 18-23,1994

Chen, S.-C., C.N. Norris, J.O. Roads, 1996: Balancing the atmospheric hydrologic cycle. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 7341-7358.

Chen, S.-C., J.O. Roads, , H.-M. H. Juang, and M. Kanamitsu, 1996b: Global to regional modeling of California precipitation. (in preparation).

Chen, T.H., A. Henderson-Sellars, P.C.D. Milly, A.J. Pitman, A.C.M. Beljaars, J. Polcher, F. Abramopolous, A. Boone, S. Chang, F. Chen, Y. Dai, C.E. Desborough, R.E. Dickinson, L.D. Menil, M. Ek, J.R. Garratt, N. Gedney, Y.M. Gusev, J. Kim, R. Koster, E.A. Kowalczyk, K. Laval, J. Lean, D. Mitchell, O.N. Nasonova, J. Noilhan, A. Robock, C. Rosenzweig, J. Schaake, C.A. Schlosser, J.-P. Schultz, Y. Shao, A. B. Shmakin, D. L. Verseghy, P. Wetzel, E.F. Wood, Y. Xue, Z.-L. Yang, and Q. Zeng, 1996: Cabauw experimental results from the Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface Parameterization Schemes (PILPS). J. Climate, 9 (in press).

Chen, T.H. and Collaborators (including Y. Xue) 1997: Cabauw experimental results from the project for intercomparison of land surface parameterization schemes. J. Climate 10, 1194-1215.

Copeland, J.H. and R.A. Pielke, and T.G.F. Kittel, 1996: Potential climatic impacts of vegetation change: A regional modeling study. JGR, 101, 7409-7418.

Coughlan, M. and R. Avissar, 1996: The Global and Energy Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Continental-Scale International Project (GCIP): An Overview. JRG, 101, 7139-7148.

Crawford, T.L., R.J. Dosbosy, and E.J. Dumas 1996: Aircraft Wind Measurement Considering Lift-Induced Upwash. Boundary Layer Meteorology *0: 79-94.

Crawford, T.L, R.J. Dosbosy, R.J. McMillen, C.A. Vogel, and B.B. Hicks 1996: Air-surface exchange measurement in heterogeneous regions: extending tower observations with spatial structure observed from small aircraft. Global Change Biology 2, 275-285.

Cuenca, R. and M. Ek. and L. Mahrt, 1996: Impact of soil water property parameterization on atmospheric boundary layer simulation. JRG, 101 7269-7278.

Daubechies, I., 1992: Ten Lectures on Wavelets, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, pp. 357

Dawson, P., G. Johnson, C. Hanson, and D. Wang, 1995. "Meteorological Studies in a Mountainous Watershed," Proceedings of the ASME Heat Transfer and Fluids Engineering Divisions, HTD-Vol. 321, FED-Vol. 233, 147-152, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Nov., 1995, San Francisco, CA.

Desjardins, R.L., J.I. MacPherson, L. Mahrt, P. Schuepp, E. Pattey, H. Neumann, D. Baldocchi, S. Wofsy, D. Fitzjarrald and H. McCaughey. 1996. Scaling up flux measurements for the boreal forest using aircraft-tower combinations. Journal of Geophysical Research (submitted).

Devonec, E. and A.P. Barros June 1998: Evaluation of the transporatability of a land-surface hydrology model using multi-year data sets, GCIP Mississippi River Climate Conference, St. Louis, MO p. 207.

Devonec, E. and A.P. Barros, 1999: Evaluation of the Transportability of a Land-Surface Model. In preparation for Monthly Weather Review.

Dickinson, R.E. and J.C. Morrill, 1995: Land atmosphere coupling and data assimilation in global models. IUGG XXI General Assembly, Abstracts Week A, page A207.

Dosbosy, R.J., T.L. Crawford, R.T. McMillen, and E.J. Dumas, 1996: Accurate Aircraft Wind Measurements Using the Global Positioning System, Presented at the Second International Airborne Remore Sensing Conference and Exhibition, San Francisco, California, 24-27, June 1996.

Dosbosy, R.J., T.L. Crawford, J.I. MacPherson, R.L. Desjardins, R.D. Kelly, S.P. Oncely, and D.H. Lenschow, 1996: Intercomparison Among the Four Flux Aircraft at Boreas in 1994. Submitted to JGR Atmospheres.

Dosbosy, R.J., T.L. Crawford, C.A. Vogel, and D.D. Baldocchi 1996: Judging the Area Represented by Flux Measurements from a Tower in a Heterogeneous Region.

Duan, Q.Y., J.C. Schaake, and V.I. Koren, 1996: FIFE 1987 water budget analysis. JRG, 101 7197-7208.

Duan, Q., J. Schaake, V. Koren, K. Mitchell, and F. Chen, 1996: Intercomparisons of selected land-surface parameterization schemes using runoff data. 2nd International Scientific Conf. On the Global Energy and Water Cycle, Washington, DC, 17-21 June 1996, 199-200.

Duan, Q.Y., J.C. Schaake, V.I. Koren, F. Chen, and K.E. Mitchell, 1995: testing of a physically based soil hydrology model: a priori parameters vs tuned parameters. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 76(46)}:92.

Duchon, C. E., and J. R. Kilby: Preliminary Results From a Raingage Comparison Experiment in Oklahoma (poster). Abstracts, Annual Spring Meeting, AGU, Baltimore, MD, May, 1996.

Duchon, C. E., and J. R. Kilby: Raingage Undercatch in the Southern Great Plains. 13th AMS Conference on Hydrology. Annual Meeting of the AMS, Long Beach, CA, February, 1997.

Duchon, C. E., and G. R. Essenberg: Analysis of one-minute rainrates and contemporaneous wind speed in central Oklahoma. 10th AMS Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation. Phoenix, AZ, January, 1998

Entin, J., A. Robock, K.Y. Vinnikov, S. Qiu, V. Zabelin, S. Liu, and A. Namkhai, 1999: Evaluation of Global Soil Wetness Project soil moisture simulations. Submitted to J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan.

Fennessy, M. and Y. Xue 1994: Impact of vegetation map on GCM seasonal simulations over the United States. Ecological Application in press (will be published in Jan. 1997).

Foufoula-Georgiou, E. 1997. On stochastic theories of space time rainfall: Some recent results and open problems, Gupta et. al. (eds.) Stochastic Methods in Hydrology: Rain, Landforms and Floods, Vol. 7 in the Advanced Series on Stastical Sciences and Applied Probability, Word Scientific.

Foufoula-Georgiou, E. and W. Krajewski, 1991-1994. Recent advances in rainfall modeling estimation, and forecasting, Reviews in Geophysics, U.S. National Rep. to Int. Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1125-1137, July 1995.

Foufoula-Georgiou, E. and P. Kumar, (editors), 1994. Wavelets in Geophysics, Acadmeic Press, 373 pages.

Foufoula-Georgiou, E. and A. Tsonis (editors) 1997. Space-Time Variability and Dynamics of Rainfall, A Collection of Papers from Fifth International Conference on Precipitation, held in Crete, Reprinted from J. Geophys. Res.

Franchini, M. K. R. Helmlinger, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, and E. Todini, Stochastic storm transposition coupled with rainfall/runoff modeling for estimation of exeedance probabilities of design floods, J. Hydrol., March 1996.

Gao, X. and S. Sorooshian, 1994, "A stochastic precipitation disaggregation scheme for GCM application", Journal of Climate, Vol. 7, No. 2, 238-247.

Gao, X., S. Sorooshian, and H.V. Gupta, 1996: Impact of analysis of the biosphere-atmosphere transfer scheme. JRG, 101, 7279-7290.

Georgakakos, A.P., M.G. Mullusky, H. Yar, and K.P. Georgakakos, 1998a: Impacts of climate variability on the operational forecast and management of the upper Des Moines River Water Resources Research, 34(4), 799-821.

Georgakakos, K.P., A.P. Georgakakos, and N.E. Graham 1998b: Assessment of benefits of climate forecasts for resevoir mangement in the GCIP region. GEWEX News 8(3), 5-7.

Giorgi, F. and R. Avissar 1997: Representation of heterogeneity effects in earth system modeling, Review of Geophysics, 35, 413-438.

Greene, E. M., G. E. Liston, and R.A. Pielke, Sr., 1998: Relationships between landscape, snowcover depletion, and regional weather and climate. Hydrological Processes, in press.

Greene, E. M., G. E. Liston, R.A. Pielke, Sr., 1998: Simulation of above treeline snowdrift formation using a numerical snow-transport model. Cold Regions Sci. Tech., accepted.

Greene, E. M., G. E. Liston, and R.A. Pielke, Sr., 1998: Investigating relationships between landscape, snowcover depletion and weather and climate using an atmospheric modeling system. International Conference on Snow Hydrology, Brownsville, Vermont, October 6-9, 1998.

Greene, E. M., G. E. Liston, and R.A. Pielke, St., 1998: Simulations of above treeline snowdrift formation using a numerical snow-transport model. International Snow Science Workshop, 27 September -1 October, Sunriver, Oregon.

Groisman, P. Ya. and D.R. Easterling: 1994: Variability and trends of precipitation and snowfall over the United States and Canada" J. Climate, 7, 184-205.

Groisman, P. Ya., T.R. Karl, R.W. Knight, and G.L. Stennchikov: 1994: Changes of snow cover temperature, and radiative heat balance over the Northern Hemisphere, Journal of Climate, 7, 1633-1656.

Groisman, P. Ya., and D. R. Easterling 1994: Observed impact of snow cover on the heat balance and the rise of continental spring temperatures, Science, 263, 198-200.

Groisman, P. Ya and D.R. Easterling: 1994: Precipitation changes over the Northern Hemispheric Extrapropics during the last hundred years, Proceedings of the NATA Advanced Research Workshop, Global Precipitations and Climate Change , La Londa les Maures, France, 27th September - 1st October 1993, NATO ASI Series, I 26, (Eds. M. Desbois and G. Desalmand), 119-133.

Groisman, P. Ya., and Dr. R. Legates, 1994: The accuracy of United States precipitation data, Bull Amer., Meteorological. Soc., 75, 215-227.

Groisman, P. Ya. and D.R. Legates, 1995: Documenting and detecting long-term precipitation trends: where we are and what should be done. Climate Change, 31, 601-622.

Groisman, P. Ya. and D.R. Easterling, R.G. Quayle, V.S. Golubev, A.N. Krenke, and A. Yu. Mikhailov, 1996: Reducing biases in estimates of precipitation over the United States: phase three adjustments. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 7185-7195.

Groisman, P. Ya. and D.R. Easterling, 1996: Variability and trends of precipitation and snowfall over North America, In Natural Climate Variability on Decade-to-Century Time Scales, National Academy Press (in press).

Groisman, P. Ya., E.L. Genikovich, and P.-M Zhai, 1996: "Overall" cloud and snow cover effects on internal climate variables: The use of clear sky climatology. Bull Amer. Metereorol. Soc. (in press).

Guetter, A.K. and K.P. Georgakakos, 1996: Large-scale properties of simulated soil water variability. JRG, 101, 7175-7184.

Gupta, H.V., L. Bastidas, S. Sorooshian, and W.J. Shuttleworth 1998: On the Calibration of Land-Atmosphere Models: How Much Performance Improvement Is Possible? Presented at the GCIP Mississippi River Climate Conference, June 8-12, 1998, St. Louis, MO.

Gupta, H.V., L. Bastidas, S. Sorooshian, and W.J. Shuttleworth 1998: Advances in the Calibration and Evaluation of Land-Atmosphere Models Using Multi-Criteria Approaches, Invited presentation at the 1998 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Taipei, Taiwan, July 21-24, 1998.

Gupta, H.V., L. Bastidas, S. Sorooshian, and W.J. Shuttleworth 1998: Parameter Estimation for Land Surface Schemes via Multi-Criteria Methods. Presented at the Fall Meetinf of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA, Dec. 6-10, 1998.

Gupta, H.V., S. Sorooshian, and L. Bastidas, 1998: Multi-Criteria Methods of Improved Calibration of Hydrologic Models. Invited presentation at the the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec 6-10, 1998.

Gupta, H.V., L. Bastidas, S. Sorooshian, W. J. Shuttleworth, and Z.L. Yang 1999: Parameter Estimation of a Land Surface Scheme using Multi-Criteria Methods, in press, GCIP II special issue of the Journal of Geophysical Research.

Hartman, M.D., J. S. Baron, R.B. Lammers, D.W. Cline, L.E. Band, G.E. Liston, and C. Tague, 1998: Simulations of snow distribution and hydrology in a mountain basin. Water Resource Res., in press.

Higgins, R.W., Y. Yao, and X. L. Wang, 1997a: Influence of the North American Monsoon system on the U.S. summer precipitation regime. J. Climate, 10, 2600-2622

Higgins, R.W., Y. Yao, E.S. Yarosh, J.E. Janowiak, and K.C. Mo, 1997n: Influence of the Great Plains low-level jet on summertime precipitation and moisture transport over the central United States. J. Climate 10, 481-507.

Hsu, K., H.V. Gupta, X. Gao, and S. Sorooshian 1999: A neural network for estimating physical variables from multi-channel remotely sensed imagery: application to rainfall estimation, Water Resource Research, in press.

Hu, Y., X. Gao, W.J. Shuttleworth, H. Gupta, J. Mahfouf, and P. Viterbo 1999: Soil moistre nudging experiments with a single-column version of the ECMWF model, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, in press.

Hwu, W., S. Sorooshian, X. Gao, and J.S. Famiglietti 1999: Intercomparisons of ECMWF ERA and TOGA data with observations for the 1993 Great Flood, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, in press.

Janjic, Z., 1994: The step-mountain Eta coordinate model: Further development of the convection, viscuous sublayer and turbulence closure schemes. Mon. Weather Rev., 122, 927-945.

Janjic, Z., 1996: The step-mountain Eta coordinate model: Further development in the turbulence closure scheme. (completed NCEP internal review, to be submitted to J. Atmos. Sci).

Janjic, Z., 1996a: The Mellor-Yamada Level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme in the NCEP Eta model. Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, WMO, Geneva, CAS/JSC WGNE, 4.14-4.15.

Janjic, Z., 1996b: The Surface Layer Parameterization in the NCEP Eta Model. Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling, WMO, Geneva, CAS/JSC WGNE, 4.16-4.17. Janjic, Z., 1996a: The Mellor-Yamada Level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme in the NCEP Eta model. Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, WMO, Geneva, CAS/JSC WGNE, 4.14-4.15.

Janjic, Z., 1996b: The Surface Layer Parameterization in the NCEP Eta Model. Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling, WMO, Geneva, CAS/JSC WGNE, 4.16-4.17.

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Jenkins, G.S. and J. Celenza, 1999: Examining the effects of horizontal resolution and domain size over the Great Plains for three extreme periods. AGU Spring Meeting, Boston.

Jenkins, G.S. and M. Pontrelli June 1998: Simulating the 1982-83 ENSO event with a regional climate model, the GCIP Misssissippi River Cliamte Conference, St. Louis, MO.

Jin, J., X. Gao, Z. Yang, R.C. Bales, S. Sorooshian, R. E. Dickinson, S.F. Sun, and G.X. Wu 1999a: Comparative analyses of physically based snowmelt models for coupled atmospheric model. Journal of Climate, in press.

Jin, J., X. Gao, S. Sorooshian, Z. Yang, R.C. Bales, R.E. Dickinson, S.F. Sun, and G.X. Wu 1998b: One-dimensional snow water and energy balance model for vegetated surfaces, Journal of Hydrological Processes, in press.

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Kelly, R.D., J.I. MacPherson, R.J. Dosbosy, and T.L. Crawford 1996: 22nd Conf. on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology and 12th Conf. on Biometeorology & Aerobiology, 28 January - 2 February 1996, Atlanta, GA by the AMS, Boston, MA.

Koutsoyiannis, D., and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, 1993. A scaling model of storm hyetograph, Water Resources Res., 29 (7), 2345-2361.

Kumar, P., and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, 1993. A new look at rainfall fluctuations and scaling properties of spatial rainfall, J. Appl. Meteor., 32 (2), 209-222.

Kumar, P., and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, 1993. A multicomponent decomposition of spatial rainfall fields: 1. segregration of large and small scale features using wavelet transforms, Water Resources Res., 29 (8), 2515-1532.

Kumar P. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, 1993. A multicomponent decomposition of spatial rainfall fields: 2. self-similarity in fluctuations, Water Resources Res., 29 (8), 2533-2544, .

Kumar, P., P. Guttorp, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, 1994. A probability weighted moment test top assess simple scaling, J. of Stoch. Hydrol. and Hydraul., 8, 171-183.

Kumar, P., and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, 1994. Characterizing multiscale varibility of zero intermittency in spatial rainfall, J. App. Meteor., 33 (12), 1516-1525.

Kumar, P. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, Introduction to wavelet transforms, Ch. 1, in Wavelets in Geophysics, (editors), 1994. Academic Press.

Kumar, P. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, 1995. A multicomponent self-similar characterization of rainfall fluctuations, in Environmental Studies, M. Wheeler et. al. (editors), Springer-Verlag, N.Y.

Kumar, P. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, 1997. Wavelet analysis for geophysical applications, Reviews in Geophysics, 15 (4), 385-412.

Leung, L.R. and S. J. Ghan, 1995: A subgrid parameterization of orographic precipitation. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 52, 95-118.

Leung, L.R., M.S. Wigmosta, S.J. Ghan, D.J. Epstein, and L.W. Vail, 1996: Application of a subgrid orographic precipitation/land surface hydrology scheme to a mountain watershed, J. Geophys. Res., 101, D8, 12, D8, 12, 803-12, 817.

Leung, L.R., and S.J. Ghan, 1998: Parameterizing subgrid orographic precipitation and surface cover in climate models. Mon. Wea Rev., 126, 3271-3291.

Leung, L.R. and S.J. Ghan, 1999: Pacific Northwest climate sensitivity simulated by a regional climate model drive by a GCM. Part I: Control simulations. J. Clim., in press.

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Liang, S. and Collaborators (including Y. Xue) 1997: The project for intercomparison of land-surface parameterization schemes (PILPS) phase - 2@ Red-Arkansas River basin experiment: 3. Spatial and temporal analysis of energy fluxes. Submitted to Global & Planetary Change.

Liang, Z., D. P. Lettenmaier, E. F. Wood, and S.J. Burges, 1994: A simple hdyrologically based model of land surface water and energy fluxes for general circulation models, J. Geophys. Res. 99(D7), 14,415-14,428.

Liang, Z. E.F. Wood, and D.P. Lettenmaier 1996a: Surface soil moisture parameterization of the VIC-2L model: Evaluation and modifications, Global and Planetary change, 13, 195-206.

Liang, X. and D.P. Lettenmaier and E.F. Wood 1996b: A one-dimensional statistical dynamic representation of subgrid spatial variability of precipitation in the two-layer variable infiltration capacity model, J. Geophys. Res. 101(D16), 21,403-21,422.

Liang, X., E. F. Wood, D.P. Lettenmaier et. al. 1998: The project for intercomparison of land-surface parameterization schemes (PILPS) phase-2c Red-Arkanasas river basin experiment: 2. Spatial and temporal analysis of energy fluxes, Global and Planetary Change (special issue) 19(1-4), 137-159.

Liang, X., E.F. Wood and D. P. Lettenmaier 1999: Modeling ground heat flux in land surface parameterization schemes, J. Geophys. Res., in press.

Lin, Y., K. Mitchell, J. Charba, M. Baldwin and E. Rogers, 1994: Assimilation of hourly rain gauge data into NMC's Eta model. Preprints, 10th Conf. on Numerical Weather Prediction, Portland, OR, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 301-302.

Lin, Y., K. Mitchell, E. Rogers and G. DiMego, 1995: Impact of satellite moisture observations on forecasts made by NMC's Eta model. Preprints, 14th Conf.on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Dallas, TX, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 161-162.

Lin, Y., K. Mitchell, E. Rogers, and M. Baldwin, 1996a: Impact of hourly precipitation input on the NCEP Eta model. Preprints, 11th Conf. on Numerical Weather Prediction, Norfolk, VA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 19-23 August 1996, 268-269.

Lin, Y., K. Mitchell, E. Rogers, and M. Baldwin, 1996b: Assimilation of hourly precipitation data and satellite-derived water vapor information to improve the water cycle components of NCEP's Eta model. Preprints, 2nd International Scientific Conf. on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, Washington DC, 17-21 June 1996, 230-231.

Lin, Y., E. Rogers, G. DiMego, K. Mitchell, and R. Aune, 1996c: Assimilation of GOES-8 moisture data into NMC's Eta model. Preprints, 8th Conf. on Satellite Meteorology, Atlanta, GA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 28 January - 2 February 1996.

Liu, Y. and R.Avissar, 1996: Sensitivity of shallow convective precipitation induced by land surface heterogeneities to dynamical and cloud microphysical parameters. JGR, 101, 7477-7498.

Lin, Y., K. Mitchell, E. Rogers, and M. Baldwin, 1997: Assimilation of hourly precipitation data to improve the water cycle components of NCEP's Eta model. To appear in Preprints, 13th Conf. on Hydrology, Long Beach, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2-7 February 1996.

Liston, G.E. 1998: Interrelationships between snow distribution, snowmelt, and snowcover depletion: Implications for atmospheric, hydrologic, and ecologic modeling. J. Applied Meteorol., in press.

Liston, G. E. R. A. Pielke, Sr. and E.M. Greene, 1998: Improving first-order snow-related deficiencies in a regional climate model. J. Geophysical Res. in press.

Liston, G.E. and M. Sturm, 1998: A snow-transport model for complex terrain. J. Glaciol., in press.

Liston, G.E. 1999: Accounting for snow in regional and global atmospheric and hydrologic models. National Institute of Environmental Sciences (NIES) and Meteorological Research Institute (MRI), January 22, Tsukuba, Japan. Invited presentation.

Liston, G. E., 1999: New methods to account for subgrid snow distributions in regional and global weather and climate models. Institute of Global Change Research (IGCR), January 21, Tokoyo, Japan. Invited presentation.

Liston, G. E., 1999: Simulating snow distributions in complex terrain using a 3-dimensional snow-transport model (SnowTran-3D). Institute of Low Temperature Science (ILTS), January 27, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Invited presentation.

Liston, G.E. 1999: Accounting for blowing and drifting snow, and other subgrid snow influences, in regional and global atmospheric models. Shinjo Branch of Snow and Ice Studies, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, January 25, Shinjo, Japan. Invited presentations.

Liston, G.E. 1998: Example applications of a 3-D snow-transport model (SnowTran-3D). American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, December 6-10, San Francisco, California. Invited presentation.

Liston, G.E., 1998: Accounting for snow in regional and global atmospheric models. ECMWF and WCRP/GEWEX Workshop on Modeling and Data Assimilation for Land-Surface Processes, ECMWF, Reading, U.K. 29 June - 2 July. Invited presentation.

Liston, G.E., R.A. Pielke, Sr., L. Lu, and E. M. Greene, 1998: Central U.S. Climate Simulations Using the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System. GCIP Mississippi River Climate Conference, June 8-12, St. Louis, Missouri.

Liston, G.E., R.A. Pielke, Sr., D.K. Hall, and E. M. Greene, 1998: Assimilating Observed Snow-Distribution Products in a Regional Climate Model. GCIP Mississippi River Climate Conference, June 8-12, St. Louis, Missouri.

Liston, G.E., 1997: Modeling subgrid-scale snow distributions in regional atmsopheric and hydrologic models. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, December 81-12, San Francisco, California. Invited presentation.

Liston, G.E., and R. A. Pielke, 1997: Parameterizing subgrid-scale snow-cover heterogeneities for use in regional and global climate models. NOAA GCIP PI's Meeting, November 5-6, Boulder, Colorado.

Liston, G.E. and R.A. Pielke, Sr. 1999: A Climate version of the regional atmospheric modeling system. J. Climate, submitted.

Lohmann, D., D.P. Lettenmaier, X. Liang, E.F. Wood et. al, 1998: The project for intercomparison of land-surface parameterization shcemes (PILPS) phase 2c-Red Arkansas river basin experiment: 3. Spatial and temporal analysis of water fluxes, Global and Planetary Change (special issue), 19(1-4). 161-179.

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Manikin, G., K. Mitchell, E. Rogers, and D. Stensrud, 1996a: Severe weather forecasts using the Eta and Meso Eta models. Preprints, 15th Conf. on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Norfolk, VA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 19-23 August 1996, 295-296.

Manikin, G., K. Mitchell, E. Rogers, and D.J. Stensrud, 1996b: Predicting heavy rainfall events with the Kain-Fritsch convection scheme in the NCEP Mesoscale Eta Model. To appear in Preprints, 13th Conf. on Hydrology, Long Beach, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2-7 February 1996.

Marshall, S., M.A. Mann, R.J. Oglesby and B. Salzman, 1993: A Comparison of the CCM1-simulated climates for pre-industrial and present-day CO2 levels, 1993 Fall Meeting, AGU, Dec. 6-10 1993.

Marshall, S., R.J. Oglesby, J. Larson and B. Saltzman. 1994a: Comparison of GCM sensitivity to changes in CO2 and solar luminosity.Geophysical Research Letters, 21(23), 2487-2490.

Marshall, S., J.O. Roads and G.A. 1994b: Snow hydrology in a general circulation model, J. of Climate, 7, 1251- 1269.

Marshall, S., M.A. Mann, R.J. Oglesby and B. Saltzman. 1995a: A comparison of the CCM1-simulated climates for pre-industrial and present-day CO2 levels, Global and Planetary Change, 10, 163-180.

Marshall, S., J.O. Roads, R.J. Oglesby and S.-C. Chen. 1995b: Moisture transports and the atmospheric hydrologic cycle in CCM2 as a function of model resolution, presented at the IUGG 1995 meeting in Boulder, CO. July, 1995.

Marshall, S., J., O. Roads, R.J. Oglesby and S.-C. Chen. 1996: Precipitation in NCAR CCM2 as a function of model resolution. (to be submitted)

McPherson, J.I. and A.K. Betts, 1996: Aircraft encounters with strong coherent vortices over the boreal forest. Submitted to JGR BOREAS special issue.

Meng, C. J., R. T. Pinker, J. D. Tarpley, and I. Yucel. Estimating monthly mean regional evapotranspiration, using satellite data. Spring 1998 AGU meeting, Boston, MA, June 26-30.

Mitchell K., and F. Chen, 1997: Using the GEWEX/ISLSCP global soil wetness project to determine a land-surface data assimilation system for the NCEP mesoscale Eta model and GCIP. To appear in Preprints, 13th Conf. on Hydrology, Long Beach, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2-7 February 1996.

Mitchell, K., F. Chen, H.L. Pan, and Z. Janjic, 1995: Testing two land-surface schemes in the NMC mesoscale Eta model. International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS) and International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) joint meeting, Boulder, CO, 2-14 July 1995.

Mitchell, K., 1994: GCIP Initiatives in Operational Mesoscale Modeling and Data Assimilation at NMC. Preprints, 5th Conf. on Global Change Studies, Nashville, TN, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 23-28 January 1994.

Mitchell. K., J. Schaake, F. Chen, and H. Pan, 1994: Land surface modeling and assimilation initiatives in NMC's mesoscale ETA model. CAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation. World Meteorological Organization.

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Mo, K., and J. N. Paegle 1999: Antecedents to North-America Summer Rainfalls. Submitted to J of Climate.

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Nykaneu, D. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, Space-time rainfall variability in coupled modeling: issues of scale and effect on water and energy budgets, GCIP Mississippi River Climate Conference, St. Louis, June 1998.

Ohmura, A., J. DeLuisi, E. Dutton, A. Heimo, B. Forgan, R.T. Pinker, C. Frohlich, R. Philipona, G. Konig-Langlo, C. Whitlock, B. McArthur, and K. Dehne, 1997. Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN/WCRP), a new precision radiometry for climate resesarch. In press, Bull. Am. Met. Soc.

Oki, T. and Y. Xue 1998: Investigation of river discharge variability in Sahel desertification experiment. Preprint of Ninth Symposium on Global Change Studies, 259-260.

Oki, T., and Y. Xue, 1998: Investigation of river discharge variability in Sahel desertification experiment. Ninth Symposium on Global Change Studies, Phoenix, Arizona, January 12-16, 1998.

Paegle, J., K. C. Mo, and J. N. Paegle, 1996: Dependence of simulated precipitation on surface evaporation during the 1993 United States summer floods. Mon. Wea. Rev., 124, 345-361.

Paegle, J., K.C. Mo, and J.N. Paegle, 1996: Dependence of simulated precipitation on surface evaporation during the 1993 United States summer floods. Mon. Wea. Rev., 124, 345-361.

Paegle, J.N., and K. C. Mo, 1999: RSM Simulations of North American Summer precipitation and related low-level currents. Submitted to J. of Geoph. Research.

Paegle, J.N., and K. C. Mo, 1999: Winter and Summer Precipitation over North-America. 14th Conference on Hydrology (January 10-15). Paper 5A.1 Dallas, Texas

Perica, S. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, 1996a: Linkage of scaling and thermodynamic parameters of rainfall: Results from midlatitude mesoscale convective systems, J. Geophys. Res., 101(D3), 7431-7448.

Perica, S. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, 1996b: A model for multiscale disaggregation of spatial rainfall based on coupling meteorological and scaling descriptions, J. Geophys. Res., 101, D21, 26,347-26,361.

Peterson, T.C., V.S. Golubev, and P. Ya. Groisman, 1995: Evaporation losing its strength. Nature, 377, Oct. 26, 1995, 687-688.

Pielke, R.A. Sr., G.E. Liston, L. Lu, R. A. Pielke, Jr. and R. Avissar 1998: Land surface influences on atmospheric dynamics and precipitation. Integrating Hydrology, Ecosystem Dynamics, and Biogeochemistry in Complex Landscapes, J. D. Tenhunen and P. Kabat, Eds., Chapter 6, Dahlem Workshop Report, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., in press.

Pielke, R.A., G. E. Liston, L. Eastman, L. Lu, and M. Coughenour 1998: Seasonal weather prediction as an initial value problem. J. Geophys. Res., accepted.

Pielke, R. A., G.E. Liston, and L. Lu 1999: Climate prediction as an initial value problem. 14th Annual Conference on Hydrology. 79th AMS Annual Meeting, 10-15 January, Dallas, Texas.

Pielke, R. A. Sr., I. Burke, W. Cotton, M. Coughenour, J. Eastman, M. Hartman, G. E. Liston, L. Lu, D. Ojima, W. Parton, J. Ramirez 1998: Climate prediction as annual value problem. GCIP Mississippi River Climate Conference, June 8-12, St. Louis, Missouri.

Pielke, R. A., T.N. Chase, P.L. Vidale, C. L. Ziegler, G.E. Liston, R. L. Walko, L.T. Steyaert, J. H. Copeland, and T.G. F. Kittel 1997: Landscape effects on the hydrologic cycle. IAHS Workshop, Scaling Issues in the Coupling of Hydrological and Atmospheric Models, Fifth Scientific Assembly, 23 April -3 May, Rabat, Morocco.

Pinker, R. T., I. Laszlo, Y. Wang, and J. D. Tarpley, 1996. The GCIP GOES Shortwave Radiation Budgets: Validation Activity. Second International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, 17-21 June 1996, Washington, D.C.

Pinker, R. T. Surface Radiation Budget Climatology: Current Status and Issues (invited). IRS 96, Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation. 1996 International adiation Symposium, August 19-24, Fairbanks, Alaska.

Pinker, R. T. 1997. Surface Radiation Budgets from Remotley Sensed Data: Current Status and Data Availability (Invited). 1997 Fall AGU Meeting, December 8-12, San Francisco, CA.

Pinker, R. T., Laszlo, I., Q.-H. Li, and J. D. Tarpley. GCIP GOES shortwave radiation budget. 77th AMS Annual Meeting, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California.

Pinker, R. T., J. D. Tarpley, I. Laszlo, and Q.-H. Li. High resolution shortwave radiation budgets from GOES 8 in support of modeling the hydrological cycle in GCIP. IAMAS/IAPSO, Earth-Ocean-Atmosphere Forces for Change. 1-9 July, 1997, Melbourne, Australia.

Pitman, A.J., A. Henderson-Sellers, F. Abramopoulos, A. Boone, C.E. Desborough, R.E. Dickinson, J.R. Garratt, N. Gedney, R. Koster,E.A. Kowalczyk, K. Laval, D. Lettenmaier, X. Liang, J.-F. Mahfouf, J. Noilhan, J. Polcher, W. Qu, A. Robock, C. Rosenzweig, C.A. Schlosser, A.B. Shmakin, J. Smith, M. Suarez, D.L. Verseghy, P. Wetzel, E. Wood, Y. Xue and Z.-L. Yang, 1996:Results from the off-line control simulation phase 1(c) of the Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface Parameterization Schemes (PILPS), Climate Dynamics, (submitted).

Polcher, J., and collaborators (including Y. Xue), 1998: A proposal for general interface between land-surface schemes and general circulation models. Global and Planetary Change, 19, 261-276. 

Qu, W.Q., A. Henderson-Sellers, A.J. Pitman, T.H. Chen,F. Abramopoulos, A.C.M. Beljaars, A. Boone, S. Chang, F. Chen, Y. Dai, C.E. Desborough, R.E. Dickinson, L. Duemenil, M. Ek, J.R. Garratt, N. Gedney, Y.M. Gusev, J. Kim, R. Koster, E.A. Kowalczyk, K. Laval, J. Lean, D. Lettenmaier, X. Liang, J.-F. Mahfouf, H.-T. Mengelkamp, P.C.D. Milly, K. Mitchell, O.N. Nasonova, J. Noilhan, J. Polcher, A. Robock, C. Rosenzweig, J. Schaake, C.A. Schlosser, J.-P. Schulz, A.B. Shmakin, D.L. Verseghy, P. Wetzel, E. Wood, Y. Xue, Z.-L. Yang and Q. Zeng, 1998: Sensitivity of latent heat flux from PILPS land-surface schemes to perturbations of surface air temperature, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 55(11), 1909-1927. 

Rabin, R.M. and D.W. Martin, 1996: Satellite observations of shallow cumulus coverage over the central United States: An exploration of land use in impact on cloud cover. JRG, 101, 7149 -7156.

Rasmusson, E. M., E. H. Berbery, C. F. Ropelewski, and E. S. Yarosh. An integrated strategy for the evaluation of GCIP continental-scale land/atmosphere moisture budgets. Preprints of the Second International Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, June 17-21, 1996, Washington, DC, p. 93 - 94.

Roads, John, O., S.-C. Chen, A. Guetter, K. Georgakakos. 1993: The Large-Scale U.S. hydrologic cycle. 1993 Fall Meeting, AGU, Dec. 6-10 1993.

Roads, John, O., S.-C. Chen, A. Guetter, and K. Georgakakos, 1993: Climatological aspects of the large-scale U.S. hydrologic cycle. Proceedings of the 18th Climate Diagnostics Workshop, Boulder, CO, Nov. 1-5, 1993.

Roads, John, O., S. C. Chen, A. Guetter, K. Georgakakos. 1993: The Large-Scale U.S. hydrologic cycle. EOS Vol.74, no.43, pp 160.

Roads, John, O., S.-C. Chen, A. Guetter, and K. Georgakakos, 1993: Climatological aspects of the large-scale U.S. hydrologic cycle. Proceedings of the 18th Climate Diagnostics Workshop, Boulder, CO, Nov. 1-5, 1993.

Roads, John, O., 1994a: Climatological Aspects of the U.S. Hydrologic Cycle. In: NOAA National Environmental Watch (N. Guttman, ed.), (available on CD Rom). National Climatic Data Center Asheville, N.C., 7 pages.

Roads, J.O., S.-C. Chen, A. Guetter, and K. Georgakakos, 1994b: Large-Scale Aspects of the United States Hydrologic Cycle, Bull. Amer. Met. Soc.,75, 1589-1610.

Roads, John O., S. Marshall, R.J. Oglesby and S.-C. Chen. 1994b: Large-scale aspects of the NCAR CCM1 hydrology, Sixth Conference on Climate Variations, AMS, Nashville, TN, January 23-28 1994, 60.

Roads, J. O., S.-C. Chen, and K. Ueyoshi, 1995a: Comparison of NMC's Global pressure analysis to NCDC's U.S. observations. J. Climate, 8, 1410-1428.

Roads, J.O., S.-C. Chen, S. Marshall and R.J. Oglesby,1995b: Sensitivity of the NCAR CCM1 hydrologic cycle to CO2. IUGG, July, 1995, Boulder, CO.

Roads J. 0., S.-C. Chen, S. Yang, M. Kanamitsu, and H. Juang, 1995: GCIP energy and moisture budgets. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop. Oct. 23-27, 1995. NTIS (PB96)

Roads, J.O., S. Marshall, R.J. Oglesby and S.-C. Chen, 1996a: Sensitivity of the CCM1 hydrologic cycle to CO2. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 7321-7340.

Roads J. 0., S.-C. Chen, S. Yang, M. Kanamitsu, and H. Juang, 1996b: GCIP energy and moisture budgets. 2nd GEWEX Conf. Wash. DC June, 1996

Roads J. 0., S.-C. Chen, M. Kanamitsu, and H. Juang, 1996c: GDAS' GCIP energy budgets. J. Atmos. Sci. ( to be submitted)

Robock, A., C.A. Schlosser, K.Y. Vinnikov, S. Liu, and N.A. Speranskaya, 1995: Validation of humidity, moisture fluxes, and soil moisture in GCMs: report of AMIP Diagnostic Subproject 11: Part 1 soil moisture. Proceedings of the First International AMIP Scientific Conference, WCRP-92, WMO/TD-No. 732, W.L. Gates, Ed. (World Climate Research Programme, Geneva), 85-90.

Robock, A., K.Y., Vinnikov, C.A. Schlosser, N.A. Speranskaya, and Y. Xue, 1995: Use of midlatitude soil moisture and meteorological observations to validate soil moisture simulations with biosphere and bucket models. J. Climate, 8, 15-35.

Robock A., K.Y. Vinnikov, J. Entin, V. Zabelin, N.A. Speranskaya, and Suxia Liu, 1996: Regional scale variations of soil moisture, Preprint volume, Second International Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle (GEWEX, Washington, DC) 39-40.

Robock, A., C. A. Schlosser, K. Y. Vinnikov, N. A. Speranskya, and J. K. Entin,, 1998: Evaluation of AMIP soil moisture simulations. Global and Planetary Change, in press.

Rogers, E., T. Black, D. Deaven, G. DiMego, Q Zhao, M. Baldwin, N. Junker, and Y. Lin, 1996: Changes to the operational "Early" Eta Analysis/Forecast System at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction. Weather Forecasting, 11, 391-413.

Ropelewski, C. F., E. S. Yarosh, and K. E. Mitchell. Comparisons of Radiosonde Observations and Eta Model Analyses During the GCIP Integrated Systems Test (GIST). GEWEX News, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1995, p. 4-5.

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Xue, Y. and M.J. Fennessy, 1994: A preliminary assessment of the impact of land surface heterogeneity on simulations with the COLA GCM. International GCIP/MAGS workshop on scaling in hydrometeorological/hydrological processes and models in Victoria, B.C., September 19-22, 1994.

Xue, Y., M.J. Fennessy, and P.Sellers, 1994: Impact of vegetation properties on U.S. Prediction. Fifth GCIP science panel meeting in Boulder, November 2-4, 1994.

Xue, Y., 1994: (invited): An introduction to the simplified biosphere model (SsiB). RICE/PILPS soil moisture, vegetation and climate model comparison workshop in Sydney, Australia, November 14-25, 1994.

Xue, Y. 1995: The impact of desertification in the Mongolian and the Inner Mongolian grassland on the East Asian monsoon. XVIII Pacific Science Congress in Beijing, June 5-12, 1995.

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Xue, Y. F.J. Zeng, and C.A. Schlosser, 1995: The sensitivity of SsiB to soil properties - a case study using HAPEX-Mobillhy data and Russion soil moisture data. AGU 1995 Fall Meeting in San Francisco, California, December 11-15, 1995.

Xue, Y., 1996: The Impact of desertification in the Mongolian and the Inner Mongolian Grassland on the regional climate. J. Climate, 9, No 9.

Xue, Y., 1996: Regional features of land-surface-atmosphere interactions - a GCM study. EGU XXI General Assembly in the Hague, May 6-10, 1996.

Xue, Y., H. Bastable, P. Dirmeyer, and P. Sellers, 1996a: Sensitivity of simulated surface fluxes to changes in land surface parameterization--a study using ABRACOS data. J. Appl. Meteo., 35, 386-400.

Xue, Y., M. Fennessy, and P. Sellers, 1996b: Impact of vegetation properties on U.S. summer weather prediction. J. Geophy. Res., 101, D3, 7419-7430.

Xue, Y., F.J. Zeng, and C.A. Schlosser, 1996c: SsiB and its sensitivity to soil properties--a case study using HAPEX-Mobilhy data. Global & Planetary Change, 13, 183-194.

Xue, Y., F.J. Zeng, K. Mitchell and Z. Zanjic, 1996: The impact of land surface processes on the prediction of the hydrological cycle over the U.S.-A study using a coupled ETA/SsiB model. Preprint of the Second International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, 73-74.

Xue, Y., F.J. Zeng, K. Mitchell, and Z. Janjic, 1996: The impact of land surface processes on the prediction of the hydrological cycle over the U.S.--A study using a couple ETA/SsiB model. Second International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle in Washington, D.C. June 17-21, 1996.

Xue, Y. and J. Shukla 1998: Model Simulation of the influence of global SST anomalies on the Sahel rainfall. Mon. Wea. REv., 126, 2782-2792.

Xue, Y., F. J. Zeng, K. Mitchell, Z. Janjic, and I. Takayabu 1998: The impact of land surface preocesses on the prediction of the hydrological cycle over the U.S.--testing SSiB in NCEP regional Eta model I. Model Development. To be submitted to Mon. Wea. rev. early this year.

Xue, Y. , F. J. Zeng, C.A. Schlosser, and S. Allen 1998: A simplified Simple Biosphere Model (SSiB) and its application to land-atmosphere interactions. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. In press.

Xue, Y., F.J. Zeng, Y. Ji, K. Mitchell, and Z. Janjic, 1998: The impact of land surface processes and reanalysis data on the U.S. Weather prediction. Proceedings of the First WCRP International Conference on Reanalyses, WMO/TD-NO. 876, 243-246.

Xue, Y. H. H. Juang, S. Y. Hong, M. Kanamitsu, R. Defries, Y. Sud, H. Pan, and S. Nicholson 1999: Monsoon and vegetation interactions-a study using a coupled NCEP GCM/SSiB model. Preprint of 23rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 208-209.

Xue, Y. and T. Oki, 1998: (Solicited): Biosphere feedback on rainfall and runoff in tropical North Africa, European Geophysical Society XXIII General Assemby, Nice, France, April 20-24, 1998.

Xue, Y., D. B. Clark, R. J. Harding, 1998: Mechanisms of west African monsoon and land surface process interaction, European Geophysical Society XXIII General Assembly, Nice, France, April 20-24, 1998.

Xue, Y., Y. Ji, Z. Janjic, H-M H. John, and K. Mitchell, 1998: The impact of initial and lateral boundary conditions on U.S. regional climate prediction. GCIP Mississippi River Cliamte Conference, St. Louis, MO, June 8-12, 1998.

Xue, Y., M. Ruml, Y. Ji, F. J. Zeng, K. Mitchell, and X. Janjic 1998: The impact of land surface processes on prediction of drought and wet events. GCIP Mississippi River Climate Conference, St. Louis, MO, June 8-12, 1998.

Xue Y. (invited) 1998: Regional features of vegetation-atmosphere interactions in GCM sensitivity studies. AGU 1998 Fall Meeting in San Francisco, California, December 6-10, 1998.

Xue, Y., H. H. Juang, S. Y. Hong, M. Kanamitsu, R. Defries, Y. Sud, H. Pan, and S. Nicholson, 1999: Monsoon and vegetation interactions - a study using a coupled NCEP GCM/SSiB model. 23rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Dallas, Texas, January 10-15, 1999.

Xue, Y., Y. Ji, E. Roger, T. Black, K. Mitchell, Z. Janjic, and M. Ruml 1999: The prediction of the U.S. climate variability using a regional Eta Model. 14th Conference of Hydrology, Dallas, Texas, January 10-15, 1999.

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Yang, Z.-L. and R.E. Dickinson, 1994: Intercomparing Soil Moisture Simulations with One-Dimensional Meteorological Model Coupled with Different Land-Surface Schemes. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 1994 Spring Meeting, Vol. 75, No. 16, page 162.

Yang, Z.-L. and R.E. Dickinson, 1994: On the interannual variability of the land surface hydrology and implications for drought: Analysis of results from a climatic model BATS-CCM2. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 1994 Fall Meeting, Vol. 75, No. 44, page 228.

Yang, Z.-L. and R.E. Dickinson, 1995: Validation of soil moisture simulations in BATS model using HAPEX-MOBILHY data, IUGG XXI General Assembly, Abstracts Week A, page A190.

Yang, Z.-L., R.E. Dickinson, A. Henderson-Sellers and A.J. Pitman, 1995: Preliminary study of spin-up processes in land-surface models with the first stage data of Project for Intercomparison of Land Surface Parameterization Schemes Phase 1(a), Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmosphere), 100, 16,553-16,578.

Yang, Z.-L. and R.E. Dickinson, 1996: Description of the biosphere-atmosphere transfer scheme (BATS) for the Soil Moisture Workshop and evaluation of its performance, Global and Planetary Change, 13, 117-134.

Yang, Z.-L., R.E. Dickinson, A. Robock, and K.Y. Vinnikov, 1996: Evaluation of land-surface parameterization schemes using observations; Response to comment on ude of midlatitude soil moisture and meteorological observations to validate soil moisture simulations with biosphere and bucket models. J. Climate, 9 (in press).

Yang, Z.-L., R.E. Dickinson, A. Robock and K.Y. Vinnikov, 1996: On validation of the snow sub-model of the Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme with Russian snow cover and meteorological observational Data, Preprint Volume, Second International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, Washington, DC, 509-510.

Yang, Z.-L., R.E. Dickinson, A. Robock and K.Y. Vinnikov, 1997 On validation of the snow sub-model of the Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme with Russian snow cover and meteorological observational data, Journal of Climate, 10, 353-373.

Yang, Z.-L., R.E. Dickinson and W.J. Shuttleworth, 1995: Validation of soil moisture simulations for different surfaces using ABRACOS, ARME, HAPEX-MOBILHY and Russian data, Annales Geophysicae, XX General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society (EGS), Supplement II to Vol. 13, page C485.

Yang, Z.-L., R.E. Dickinson and W.J. Shuttleworth, 1996: Treatment of Soil, Vegetation and Snow in Land-surface Models: A Test of the Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme with the HAPEX-MOBILHY, ABRACOS and Russian Data, invited to a BAHC Special Issue of Journal of Hydrology, (in revision).

Yarosh, E. S., and C. F. Ropelewski. Variability of Wind Components from Wind Profiler Measurements. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annua A™p D -stics Worksh AôNovember 14-18, 1994, College Park, MD, p. 271-274.

Yarosh, E. S., and C. F. Ropelewski. Variability of Wind Components from Wind Profiler Measurements. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, November 14-18, 1994, College Park, MD, p. 271-274.

Yarosh, E. S., and C. F. Ropelewski. The Mean Annual Cycle of Water Vapor Over the Mississippi River basin (1973 - 1992). Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, October 23-27, 1995, Seattle, WA, p. 180-183.

Yarosh, E. S., C. F. Ropelewski, and E. H. Berbery. Atmospheric and Terrestrial Water Balance Elements over the Central U.S.: A Study of Temporal and Spatial Limitations of Observations. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, October 28 - November, 1996, Huntsville, AL.

Yarosh, E. S., C. F. Ropelewski, and E. H. Berbery. Observed Water Budgets over the GCIP Domain: Role of Diurnal Variability and Spatial Sampling. Submitted to the preprints of the 13th Conference on Hydrology, Long Beach, CA, Feb. 2-7, 1997.

Yarosh, E. S., C. F. Ropelewski, and K. E. Mitchell. Preliminary Intercomparison of Rawinsondes and "Synthetic" eta model Soundings During the GCIP Integrated Systems Test (GIST). Abstracts of AGU Chapman Conference on Water Vapor in the Climate System, 1994, p. 22.

Yarosh, E. S., C. F. Ropelewski, and K. E. Mitchell. Comparisons of humidity observations and Eta model analyses and forecasts for water balance studies. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 101, No. D18, p. 23289 - 23298, 1996. 

Zeng, F., Y. Xue, K. Mitchell, Z. Janjic, and E. Rogers, 1996: The impact of land surface processes on the regional weather prediction: A case study using a coupled Eta/SSiB model. Preprints, 11th Conf. on Numerical Weather Prediction, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Norfolk, VA, 19-23 August 1996, 262-263.

Zeng, F. J. Y. Xue, K. Mitchell, Z. Janjic, I. Takayabu, F. Chen:1995: Testing SsiB in the NMC mesoscale Eta model. IUGG XXI General Assembly in Boulder, Colorado, July 2-14, 1995.

Zepeda-Arce, J. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, Multiscale statistical measures fore verification and interpretation of quantitative precipitation forecasts, GCIP Mississippi River Climate Conference, St. Louis, MO, June 1998.

Zhang, S. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, 1996: Effect of Subgrid-Scale Rainfall Variability on Atmospheric and Surface Variable Predictions, submitted to Water Resources Research.

Zhang S. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, 1996: Development of an efficient dynamical-statistical approach for rainfall prediction over a large range of scales, 13th Conference on Hydrology, Abstract, AMS Annual Meeting.

Zhang S. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, 1996: Parameterization of Subgrid-Scale Rainfall and Effects on Short-term Rainfall Prediction, AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract, in EOS, 77, No. 46.

Zhang S. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, 1997. Subgrid scale rainfall variability and effects on stmospheric and surface variable prediction, J. Geophys. Res., 102 (D6). 19, 559-573.

Zhang, S. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, 1997: Effects of subgrid-scale rainfall variability on short-term rainfall prediction, Proceedings of 13th Conference on Hydrology, AMS, in press.

Zhao, Q., T.L. Black, and M.E. Baldwin, 1995: Implementation of the cloud prediction scheme in the Eta model at NCEP. (Accepted in Weather Forecasting).

Zhao, Q., and F. Carr, 1996: A prognostic cloud scheme for NWP models. (Accepted in Mon. Weather Rev.)

Zhao, Q., T. Black, G. DiMego, K. Mitchell, and F. Chen, 1996: Improved clouds and their impact on radiation calculation in the Eta model at NCEP. Preprints, 11th Conf. on Numerical Weather Prediction, Norfolk, VA, 19-23 August 1996, 368-369.

Zhao, Q., K. Campana, S. Saha, K. Mitchell, S. Moothi, Y. Hou, and P. Caplan, 1996: Incorporation and test of a prognostic cloud scheme in the Global Spectral Model at NCEP. Preprints, 11th Conf. on Numerical Weather Prediction, Norfolk, VA, 19-23 August 1996, 338-339.

Zhao, Q., T. L. Black, and G. J. DiMego, 1996: Prognostic clouds and their impact on radiation calculation in the Eta Model at NCEP. Preprints, 2nd International Scientific Conf. on the Global Energy and Water Cycle. Washington, DC, 17-21 June 1996, 396-397.

Zhao, Q., K. Campana, K. Mitchell, S. Moothi, Y. Hou, and P. Caplan, 1996: Prognostic clouds in the MRF model at NCEP. Research Activities in Atmospheric And Oceanic Modeling, CAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation, WMO. Report No. 23, WMO/TD-No. 734, February 1996.

Zhao, Q., K. A. Campana, and S. Moorthi, 1995: Prognostic clouds in NMC's global spectral model. Workshop on Cloud Microphysics Parameterizations in Global Atmospheric Circulation Models. 23-25 May 1995, Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada.

Zhao, Q., T. Black, and M. Baldwin, 1994: Cloud prediction scheme in the Eta model at NCEP. Workshop on Modelling, Validation and Assimilation of Clouds. 31 October - 4 November 1994, Reading, U.K.

Zhu, Y., Toth, Z., E. Kalnay, and S. Tracton, 1998: Probabilistic quantitative precipitation forecasts based on the NCEP global ensemble. Preprints of the 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 11-16 January 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, J8-J11.

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