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Seismicity Rates for 1996 Seismic Hazard Maps

California grid of seismicity rate (CAagrid.asc), 2.9 Mb
dmag= 0.2, rate per year per cell for earthquakes between moment magnitude -0.1 and +0.1, b-value of 0.9, does not include eastern CA in Basin and Range Province

Western U.S. (except most of CA) grid of seismicity rate (WUSagrid.asc), 2.9 Mb
dmag= 0.2, rate per year per cell for earthquakes between magnitude -0.1 and +0.1, b-value of 0.8, used adaptive weighting between historic seismicity and background zones (see Frankel et al., 1996 USGS OFR 96-532). Does not include deeper events > 35 km. Does not include CEUS seismicity which overlaps eastern portion of grid

Central/Eastern US grid of seismicity rate (CEUSagrid.asc), 5.8 Mb
dmag= 0.1, rate per year for mblg from -0.05 to +0.05. Incremental seismicity rate per year per cell (i.e., 10**a value) Only for CEUS runs; does not include seismicity in WUS which overlaps the western portion of the grid. See USGS OFR 96-532 for details. Lon, lat are centers of source cells. Weighted average of agrids from models 1-4. Use CEUSbgrid.asc to compute incremental rates for larger magnitudes. Does not include characteristic events in New Madrid, Charleston

Central/Eastern US grid of seismicity rate (CEUSbgrid.asc), 5.8 Mb
b= 0.95 except for Charlevoix area where b=0.76, b= 0.0 defaults to b=0.95

Grid of seismicity rate for deeper events (> 35 km) (DEEPagrid.asc), 2.9 Mb
dmag= 0.2, rate per year per cell for earthquakes between magnitude -0.1 and +0.1, used b-value of 0.6

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