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SAMHSA News - March/April, Volume 14, Number 2

SAMHSA Announces Funding Opportunities

SAMHSA recently announced several new grant funding opportunities for Fiscal Year 2006. Announcements include the following:

  • Cooperative Agreements for HIV/AIDS Related Mental Health Services in Minority Communities (Application due date: May 1, 2006)—Up to 16 cooperative agreement grants, for $525,000 per year for up to 5 years, to expand the provision of effective, culturally competent, HIV/AIDS-related mental health services in minority communities for persons who are living with HIV/AIDS and who have a need for mental health services. These grants will be awarded by SAMHSA's Center for Mental Health Services. Domestic and public and private nonprofit entities may apply. (SM-06-001, $8.4 million)

  • Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grants (Application due date: May 1, 2006)—12 to 15 cooperative agreement grant awards for $2.3 million or less for up to 5 years, to prevent the onset and reduce the progression of substance abuse, including childhood and underage drinking. A minimum of 85 percent of the total grant award must be allocated to community-level organizations for activities at the community level. These cooperative agreements will be administered by SAMHSA's Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. (SP-06-002, $33 million)

  • Co-Occurring State Incentive Grants (COSIG) (Application due date: May 16, 2006)—Up to 2 awards will be made in Fiscal Year 2006, with up to $2.1 million in funding expected to be available. Awarded by SAMHSA's Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), the COSIG grants provide accessible, comprehensive, and evidence-based treatment services to persons with co-occurring substance abuse and mental disorders. Grantees will also participate in a national evaluation of the COSIG program. (TI-06-003, $2.1 million)

  • Cooperative Agreements for Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral and Treatment (SBIRT) (Application due date: April 27, 2006)—2 cooperative agreement grant awards, for $2.8 million per year for up to 5 years, to expand and enhance state substance abuse treatment systems to include screening, brief intervention, referral, and brief treatment in general medical and other community settings. Funded by SAMHSA's CSAT, the grants will support clinical services for persons at risk for or diagnosed with a substance use disorder.

  • The awards also will identify systems and policy changes to increase access to treatment in general and specialist settings. States, territories, and federally recognized tribes and tribal organizations are eligible. (TI-06-002, $5.6 million)

  • Development of Comprehensive Drug/Alcohol and Mental Health Treatment Systems for Persons Who Are Homeless (Application due date: April 6, 2006)—Up to 25 grant awards, for $400,000 per year for up to 5 years, to develop programs that provide comprehensive drug, alcohol, and mental health treatment systems for persons who are homeless. (TI-06-005, $9.7 million)

  • Projects To Deliver and Evaluate Peer-to-Peer Recovery Support Services (Application due date: April 4, 2006)—7 grant awards, for $350,000 per year for up to 4 years, to deliver and evaluate peer-to-peer recovery services that help prevent relapse and promote sustained recovery from alcohol and drug use disorders. The Recovery Community Services Program focuses on keeping people in recovery and complements SAMHSA's Access to Recovery program, which provides vouchers for treatment. Domestic and public and private nonprofit entities may apply, including state and local governments, state and federally recognized tribes, urban Indian organizations, universities and colleges, and community and faith-based organizations. (TI-06-004, $2.5 million)

For an application kit for any of the awards, call SAMHSA's National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information at 1 (800) 729-6686.

For the most up-to-date grant information throughout the year, visit

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