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BMC Biology


Melissa Norton, MD

Biology Editor
Penelope Webb, PhD

In-house Editor
Elizabeth Moylan

BMC  BMC Biology, Volume 6

Methodology article
Use of the viral 2A peptide for bicistronic expression in transgenic mice
Georgios Trichas, Jo Begbie, Shankar Srinivas
BMC Biology 2008, 6:40 (15September2008)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF]

Research article
Docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids increase prion formation in neuronal cells
Clive Bate, Mourad Tayebi, Luisa Diomede, Mario Salmona, Alun Williams
BMC Biology 2008, 6:39 (12September2008)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
Viral cystatin evolution and three-dimensional structure modelling: a case of directional selection acting on a viral protein involved in a host-parasitoid interaction
Celine Serbielle, Shafinaz Chowdhury, Samuel Pichon, Stephane Dupas, Jerome Lesobre, Enrico O Purisima, Jean-Michel Drezen, Elisabeth Huguet
BMC Biology 2008, 6:38 (10September2008)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
Erythropoietin enhances hippocampal long-term potentiation and memory
Bartosz Adamcio, Derya Sargin, Alicja Stradomska, Lucian Medrihan, Christoph Gertler, Fabian Theis, Mingyue Zhang, Michael Muller, Imam Hassouna, Kathrin Hannke, Swetlana Sperling, Konstantin Radyushkin, Ahmed El-Kordi, Lizzy Schulze, Anja Ronnenberg, Fred Wolf, Nils Brose, Jeong-Seop Rhee, Weiqi Zhang, Hannelore Ehrenreich
BMC Biology 2008, 6:37 (9September2008)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
Complex chloroplast RNA metabolism: just debugging the genetic programme?
Uwe G Maier, Andrew Bozarth, Helena T Funk, Stefan Zauner, Stefan A Rensing, Christian Schmitz-Linneweber, Thomas Borner, Michael Tillich
BMC Biology 2008, 6:36 (28August2008)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
Evolution of developmental roles of Pax2/5/8 paralogs after independent duplication in urochordate and vertebrate lineages
Susan Bassham, Cristian Caestro, John H Postlethwait
BMC Biology 2008, 6:35 (22August2008)
[Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
Platypus globin genes and flanking loci suggest a new insertional model for beta-globin evolution in birds and mammals
Vidushi S Patel, Steven JB Cooper, Janine E Deakin, Bob Fulton, Tina Graves, Wesley C Warren, Richard K Wilson, Jennifer AM Graves
BMC Biology 2008, 6:34 (25July2008)
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Research article
Systematic comparison and reconstruction of sea urchin (Echinoidea) internal anatomy: a novel approach using magnetic resonance imaging
Alexander Ziegler, Cornelius Faber, Susanne Mueller, Thomas Bartolomaeus
BMC Biology 2008, 6:33 (23July2008)
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Research article
A periodic pattern generator for dental diversity
Gareth J Fraser, Ryan F Bloomquist, J Todd Streelman
BMC Biology 2008, 6:32 (14July2008)
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Research article
A cryptic promoter in the first exon of the SPG4 gene directs the synthesis of the 60-kDa spastin isoform
Giuseppe Mancuso, Elena I Rugarli
BMC Biology 2008, 6:31 (9July2008)
[Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
Transcriptome analysis for Caenorhabditis elegans based on novel expressed sequence tags
Heesun Shin, Martin Hirst, Matthew N Bainbridge, Vincent Magrini, Elaine Mardis, Donald G Moerman, Marco A Marra, David L Baillie, Steven JM Jones
BMC Biology 2008, 6:30 (8July2008)
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Research article
The role of upstream sequences in selecting the reading frame on tmRNA
Mickey R Miller, David W Healey, Stephen G Robison, Jonathan D Dewey, Allen R Buskirk
BMC Biology 2008, 6:29 (30June2008)
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Research article
Integrating paleoecology and genetics of bird populations in two sky island archipelagos
John E McCormack, Bonnie S Bowen, Thomas B Smith
BMC Biology 2008, 6:28 (27June2008)
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Research article
The diversity of reproductive parasites among arthropods: Wolbachia do not walk alone
Olivier Duron, Didier Bouchon, Sbastien Boutin, Lawrence Bellamy, Liqin Zhou, Jan Engelstdter, Gregory D Hurst
BMC Biology 2008, 6:27 (24June2008)
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Research article
A subgroup of plant aquaporins facilitate the bi-directional diffusion of As(OH)3 and Sb(OH)3 across membranes
Gerd P Bienert, Michael Thorsen, Manuela D Schssler, Henrik R Nilsson, Annemarie Wagner, Markus J Tams, Thomas P Jahn
BMC Biology 2008, 6:26 (10June2008)
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Research article
'Systems toxicology' approach identifies coordinated metabolic responses to copper in a terrestrial non-model invertebrate, the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus
Jacob G Bundy, Jasmin K Sidhu, Faisal Rana, David J Spurgeon, Claus Svendsen, Jodie F Wren, Stephen R Strzenbaum, A John Morgan, Peter Kille
BMC Biology 2008, 6:25 (3June2008)
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Research article
Effects of aging and calorie restriction on the global gene expression profiles of mouse testis and ovary
Alexei A Sharov, Geppino Falco, Yulan Piao, Suresh Poosala, Kevin G Becker, Alan B Zonderman, Dan L Longo, David Schlessinger, Minoru SH Ko
BMC Biology 2008, 6:24 (3June2008)
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Research article
Interactions of biotic and abiotic environmental factors in an ectomycorrhizal symbiosis, and the potential for selection mosaics
Bridget J Piculell, Jason D Hoeksema, John N Thompson
BMC Biology 2008, 6:23 (28May2008)
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Research article
Visual sensitivities tuned by heterochronic shifts in opsin gene expression
Karen L Carleton, Tyrone C Spady, J Todd Streelman, Michael R Kidd, William N McFarland, Ellis R Loew
BMC Biology 2008, 6:22 (23May2008)
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Research article
Induced metamorphosis in crustacean y-larvae: Towards a solution to a 100-year-old riddle
Henrik Glenner, Jens T Heg, Mark J Grygier, Yoshihisa Fujita
BMC Biology 2008, 6:21 (20May2008)
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