UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Litigation Release No. 14816 / February 14, 1996 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION v. DENNIS LINDSAY HELLIWELL, et al., 96 Civ. 1045, U.S.D.C., S.D.N.Y. (MP) The Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") announced that, on February 13, 1996, a Temporary Restraining Order was issued by Judge Pollack of the United States District Court, Southern District of New York, against Dennis Lindsay Helliwell ("Helliwell) and The Helliwell Group Limited ("Helliwell Group"). The Court also froze the defendants' assets. The Order stems from a Complaint filed by the Commission against the defendants on the same day, seeking, among other things, injunctive relief, disgorgement and civil penalties. A hearing will be held on February 16, 1996 on the Commission's application for a Preliminary Injunction. Named in the Complaint, filed today in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, were: DENNIS LINDSAY HELLIWELL, age 37, who resides in Brooklyn, New York, and is the president of The Helliwell Group Limited. THE HELLIWELL GROUP LIMITED, a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the State of New York and located in New York, New York, which commenced business as a "financial advisory services" firm in or about January 1995. Neither Helliwell nor the Helliwell Group is registered in any capacity with the Commission. As detailed in the Complaint, from in or before April 1995 through the present, defendants Helliwell and the Helliwell Group have raised at least $2,580,000 from at least thirty investors for whom the defendants were providing various financial services. The Complaint alleges that Helliwell falsely told investors that he would invest their funds at Marine Midland Bank ("Marine Midland") in a large "pool of funds," where the investors would receive an 18%-20% return on their investments. The Complaint further alleges that, in return, Helliwell provided investors with notes which indicated that their money was invested in this pool of money. The Complaint also alleges that Helliwell never invested the investors' funds in this "pool of funds" at Marine Midland. Instead, he appears to have misappropriated most of the investors' funds. The Commission's Complaint against Helliwell and the Helliwell Group seeks an accounting, an asset freeze, as well as preliminary and permanent injunctive relief from further violations of the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws, disgorgement of ill gotten gains, including prejudgment interest, civil penalties and other ancillary relief.