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NOAA's Medium Resolution Digital Vector Shoreline

NOAA's Medium Resolution Digital Vector Shoreline is a high-quality, Geographic Information System-ready, general-use digital vector data set originally created by the Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) Division of NOAA's Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assessment. The Medium Resolution Digital Vector Shoreline is now managed by the NOS Special Projects Office. Compiled from hundreds of NOAA coast charts, this product comprises over 75,000 nautical miles of coastline (nearly 2.5 million vertices), representing the entire conterminous United States of America. Alaska, the Hawaiian Islands, Puerto Rico, and all other interests and territories of the United States are not included in the collection.

Data Availability

These digital geographic boundary files are available for download from NOS SPO or may be ordered directly from SPO as an entire suite on CD-ROM.

NOAA/Special Projects Office FTP Server

Technical assistance:, NOS SPO

This digital coastline is also available through the coastline extractor.