Warning Improvements

Debris Flow

Boulder left on a roadway by a mudslide.

California is particularly susceptible to mudslides and debris flow caused by extreme rainfall.  Two NSSL researchers were invited by the NWS to serve on an interagency team to create a debris flow, or mudslide warning system for southern California.  The interagency team will provide guidelines for the warning system including developing a research plan for improved QPE over the southern California mountains. 

Utilizing the NSSL national radar mosaic for gridding and quality control of WSR-88D for use with multi-radar, multi-sensor QPE techniques for input to USGS regional distributed hydrologic models will likely be beneficial to California residents as well as a fruitful NSSL research endeavor.

Rapidly-moving debris flow, triggered by severe rainstorms, are among the most numerous and dangerous type of landslides, particularly in California.  Debris flows can begin suddenly, accelerate quickly, reach velocities up to 60 km/hr, and flow down streams or other channels for distances of several kilometers.  They can smash homes and other structures, wash out roads and bridges, sweep away cars, knock down trees, and lay down thick deposits of mud, rock and other debris where they come to rest, obstructing drainages and roadways.