Midcourse Review  >  Table of Contents  > Focus Area 19: Nutrition and Overweight  >  Disparities Table

Figure 19-2. Disparities Table for Focus Area 19: Nutrition and Overweight
Disparities from the best group rate for each characteristic at the most recent data point and changes in disparity from the baseline to the most recent data point.

Characteristics: Race and Ethnicity
Population-based objectives American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Native Hawaiian
or other
Pacific Islander
Two or more races Hispanic or Latino Black non-Hispanic White non-Hispanic Summary index
19-1. Healthy weight: 20+ years
(1988-94, 1999-2002)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.10-49 percent difference from the best group rate. Data are for Mexican Americans. Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significantThe group with the best rate for specified characteristic. 10-49 percent difference from the best group rate
19-2. Obesity: 20+ years
(1988-94, 1999-2002)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Data not available. Decrease in disparity 10-49 percentage points (less than 10 percent from the best group rate or not statistically significant). Data are for Mexican Americans. 10-49 percent difference from the best group rateThe group with the best rate for specified characteristic. Decrease in disparity 10-49 percentage points (10-49 percent difference from the best group rate)
19-3a. Overweight or obesity: 6-11 years
(1988-94, 1999-2002)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Data not available. Decrease in disparity 10-49 percentage points (less than 10 percent from the best group rate or not statistically significant). Data are for Mexican Americans. The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. Most favorable group rate for specified characteristic, but reliability criterion not met. Data not available.
19-3b. Overweight or obesity: 12-19 years (1988-94, 1999-2002)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix. Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.50-99 percent difference from the best group rate. Data are for Mexican Americans. 50-99 percent difference from the best group rateThe group with the best rate for specified characteristic. 50-99 percent difference from the best group rate
19-3c. Overweight or obesity: 6-19 years
(1988-94, 1999-2002)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.50-99 percent difference from the best group rate. Data are for Mexican Americans. 50-99 percent difference from the best group rateThe group with the best rate for specified characteristic. 50-99 percent difference from the best group rate
19-4. Growth retardation: low-income, < 5 years (1997, 2003)Measures of variability were not available. Thus, the variability of best group rates was not assessed, and the statistical significance of disparities and changes in disparity over time could not be tested. See Technical Appendix. The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. Decrease in disparity 10-49 percentage points (10-49 percent difference from the best group rate). Data are for Asians or Pacific Islanders. Decrease in disparity 10-49 percentage points (10-49 percent difference from the best group rate). Data are for Asians or Pacific Islanders. Data not available.10-49 percent difference from the best group rate10-49 percent difference from the best group rate10-49 percent difference from the best group rate10-49 percent difference from the best group rate
19-5. Fruit intake: 2+ servings/day, 2+ years (1994-96)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix. Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. 10-49 percent difference from the best group rateLess than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significantLess than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant
19-6. Vegetable intake: 3+ servings/day with 1/3+ dark green/orange, 2+ years (1994-96)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix. Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Best group rate reliability criterion not met.Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.
19-7. Grain intake: 6+ servings/day with 3+ whole grain,
2+ years (1994-96)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significantLess than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significantThe group with the best rate for specified characteristic. Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant
19-8. Saturated fat intake: < 10 percent of caloric intake,
2+ years (1994-96)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. 10-49 percent difference from the best group rateLess than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significantLess than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant
19-9. Total fat intake: ≤ 30 percent of caloric intake, 2+ years (1994-96)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix. Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. 10-49 percent difference from the best group rateLess than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant10-49 percent difference from the best group rate
19-10. Sodium intake: ≤ 2,400 mg/day, 2+ years (1988-94)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix. Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.The group with the best rate for specified characteristic.  Data are for Mexican Americans. The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significantLess than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant
19-11. Calcium intake: ≥ mean requirement,
2+ years (1988-94)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Less than 10 percent from the best group rate or not statistically significant. Data are for Mexican Americans. 10-49 percent difference from the best group rateThe group with the best rate for specified characteristic. 10-49 percent difference from the best group rate
19-12a. Iron deficiency: 1-2 years
(1988-94, 1999-2000)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Best group rate reliability criterion not met. Data are for Mexican Americans. Best group rate reliability criterion not met.Best group rate reliability criterion not met.Data not available.
19-12b. Iron deficiency: 3-4 years
(1988-94, 1999-2000)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Best group rate reliability criterion not met. Data are for Mexican Americans. Best group rate reliability criterion not met.Best group rate reliability criterion not met.Data not available.
19-12c. Iron deficiency: nonpregnant females 12-49 years (1988-94, 1999-2000)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix. Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Best group rate reliability criterion not met. Data are for Mexican Americans. Best group rate reliability criterion not met.Best group rate reliability criterion not met.Data not available.
19-13. Anemia: low-income pregnant females, third trimester, 12-49 years (1996, 2003)Measures of variability were not available. Thus, the variability of best group rates was not assessed, and the statistical significance of disparities and changes in disparity over time could not be tested. See Technical Appendix. 10-49 percent difference from the best group rateThe group with the best rate for specified characteristic.  Data are for Asians or Pacific Islanders. The group with the best rate for specified characteristic.  Data are for Asians or Pacific Islanders. Data not available.Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant50-99 percent difference from the best group rateLess than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant10-49 percent difference from the best group rate
19-17. Nutrition counseling for medical conditions during physician office visits: 20+ years (1997, 2000)Measures of variability were not available. Thus, the variability of best group rates was not assessed, and the statistical significance of disparities and changes in disparity over time could not be tested. See Technical Appendix. Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Data not available.Less than 10 percent from the best group rate or not statistically significant. Data include persons of Hispanic origin. The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. Data include persons of Hispanic origin. Data not available.
19-18. Food security: U.S. households
(1995, 2003)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
100 percent or more percent difference from the best group rateMost favorable group rate for specified characteristic, but reliability criterion not met. Data are for Asians or Pacific Islanders. Most favorable group rate for specified characteristic, but reliability criterion not met.  Data are for Asians or Pacific Islanders. Data not available.100 percent or more percent difference from the best group rate100 percent or more percent difference from the best group rateThe group with the best rate for specified characteristic. 100 percent or more percent difference from the best group rate


Data for objectives 19-14 and 19-16 are unavailable or not applicable. Objective 19-15 was deleted at the midcourse.

Years in parentheses represent the baseline data year and the most recent data year (if available).

Disparity from the best group rate is defined as the percent difference between the best group rate and each of the other group rates for a characteristic (for example, race and ethnicity). The summary index is the average of these percent differences for a characteristic. Change in disparity is estimated by subtracting the disparity at baseline from the disparity at the most recent data point. Change in the summary index is estimated by subtracting the summary index at baseline from the summary index at the most recent data point. See Technical Appendix for more information.

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