Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 12/9/96

Series: Organization

Part 118: Minerals Management Service

Chapter 6: Policy and Management Improvement

Originating Office: Minerals Management Service

118 DM 6

6.1 Associate Director for Policy and Management Improvement. Policy and Management Improvement provides evaluation and assessment capability to the Director. It performs policy analyses and special studies to ensure optimum program performance and success of Minerals Management Service (MMS) activities. It also manages the MMS' appeals activities. The Associate Director oversees all responsibilities of the Associate Directorate and serves as an advisor to the Director on policy and management issues. (See organization chart).

6.2 Appeals Division. The Appeals Division manages and directs appeals activities of the MMS. The Division reviews and recommends decisions involving appeals from final orders of Program officials. In this activity, the Division adjudicates administrative appeals so that appellants receive an independent review.

6.3 Washington and Lakewood Divisions. The Washington and Lakewood Divisions of Policy and Management Improvement perform policy analyses and special studies to provide independent advice, analyses, and counsel to the Director and program managers on the full spectrum of MMS activities and issues. The Divisions provide a review and assessment of initiatives within the Royalty Management and Offshore programs. The offices also provide Agencywide coordination for quality management, performance improvement, customer service, and strategic planning.

12/9/96 #3107

Replaces 4/26/94 #3002

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