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Multistate Tax Commission Bylaws

Bylaw 6: Executive Committee

(a)  The chairman and vice chairman of the Commission shall be, respectively, chairman and vice chairman of the Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee shall meet on the call of the chairman or executive director and, except as provided in Bylaw 7 and 12, and subject to ratification by the Commission as provided herein, may act for the Commission in any matter other than the submission to the party States of  requests for appropriations.  Any and all actions by the Executive Committee shall require a majority of those present and eligible to vote

(b)  The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the seven (7) members elected pursuant to Article VI.2.(a) of the Multistate Tax Compact.

(c)  A quorum shall require the presence of four (4) members of the Executive Committee or their alternates.  No voting by proxy shall be allowed.  Presence includes participation by telephone, videoconference, or similar technological means that allows members or their alternates to participate in the discussions as the meetings occur.

(d)  Each member, as defined under Article VI.1.(a) of the Compact, or his or her duly authorized alternate, when present, shall have full voting power at any meeting of the Executive Committee.

(e)  Except for actions to which Bylaw 12 applies, any and all actions taken by the Executive Committee shall take effect at the time of the vote, or as otherwise specified in the vote, unless at the time of the vote any member state invokes the provisions of Bylaw 6(f).

(f)  If any member invokes this subparagraph at the time of an Executive Committee vote, that action of the Executive Committee shall take effect and be ratified by the Commission on the twentieth (20) day after written notice thereof to all member states unless within said twenty (20) days the Executive Director receives a written objection by a majority of member states.  If the Executive Director receives written objection by a majority of member states, the action of the executive committee shall be subject to ratification at the next annual meeting or at a special Commission meeting called by the chairman for that purpose.


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