

The UMass CMER program has engaged faculty members and graduate students from 11 departments on the Amherst campus in the College of Food and Natural Sciences, Eisenberg School of Management, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics as well as departments on the UMass Boston, Dartmouth, and Lowell campuses. Projects have addressed a wide range of issues important in the Northeast, such as winter flounder ecology, seafood shelf life, sampling designs, subsistence fishing, and cod maturation.

Rhode Island

The CMER Program at URI builds on a long history of cooperation and excellence in marine science, education, and management. Faculty at the Graduate School of Oceanography, the Coastal Institute, the College of the Environment and Life Sciences, the College of Engineering, and the College of Arts and Sciences have worked together with NOAA scientists on a wide variety of research topics. The URI program director also provides guidance for the CMER activity at Southampton College on Long Island, with its unique focus on undergraduate training.

right whale spouting water A Northern Atlantic right whale breaking surface. This whale species is threatened by ship strikes and fishing gear. CMER research on their distribution may help better protect these animals.
transparent fish Growth and survival during the first months of life for the larval haddock in large part determine the production and availability of fish. The CMER program has funded a variety of studies on the critical, early-life stages of fish.


The Rutgers CMER program reaches out to faculty and students throughout the university. State-of- the-art expertise in molecular genetics, physical oceanography, remote sensing, modeling, and analytical chemical techniques, among other fields, has been used to address questions regarding essential fish habitat, fish biology and life history, pollutant effects, and socioeconomics. Recently, bluefish and striped bass dynamics have been a major component of the program. Scientists at the James J. Howard Laboratory at Sandy Hook, NJ are important collaborators on many projects.

Virginia CMER

The Virginia CMER program was established in 2000. It includes both Hampton University and the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), which is the School of Marine Science for the College of William and Mary. In addition to supporting the overall goals of CMER, this program is designed to facilitate interactions between a historically minority-serving university with an excellent undergraduate program and an established and focused program in marine science at VIMS.

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