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Multistate Tax Commission Bylaws

Bylaw 4: Meetings

(a)        The Annual Meeting of the Commission shall be held during July of each year, unless otherwise specified by the Executive Committee.  All regular meetings of the Commission shall be held on dates and at places to be fixed by the Executive Committee unless otherwise ordered by the Commission.  Special meetings may be called at any time and place by the Chairman or, if the Chairman is incapacitated, by the Vice Chairman.  The Chairman or Vice Chairman, as the case may be, shall be required to call a special meeting, upon reasonable notice, on the request in writing of one fourth or more of the Commission membership.

(b)       In addition to the notice of regular meetings of the Commission afforded by subparagraph (a) hereof, the Chairman or the Executive Director shall give specific notice of each regular meeting by written communication to all members of the Commission, all alternates, the Attorneys General of the party States, and any designees of such Attorneys General or other counsel who are entitled to be present pursuant to Article VI.1.(a) of the Compact.  Such notice shall be sent at least 20 days in advance of the meeting to which it refers. Wherever practicable, notice of a special meeting shall be in accordance with that required for regular meetings but, if the Chairman or the Executive Director determines that greater urgency exists, he may give notice by any means of communication sufficient to afford actual notice to all persons entitled to receive it a least 5 days in advance of the meeting.  Notice of a special meeting, in addition to setting forth the time and place thereof, shall detail the reason for its being called and shall enumerate the matter or matters intended for discussion and Commission action.

(c)        A written agenda of business to be transacted shall accompany all notices given of regular meetings of the Commission or special meetings of the Commission pursuant to subparagraph (a) and (b) hereof.


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