Orbiting above the Earth, an astronaut can look down on our home and see the thin blue ribbon that rims our planet. That transparent blanket--our
atmosphere--makes life possible. It provides the air we breathe and regulates our global temperature. And it contains a special ingredient called
ozone that filters deadly solar radiation.
Life as we know it is possible in part because of the protection afforded by the ozone layer. Gradually, it has become clear to scientists and to governments alike that human activities are threatening our ozone shield. Behind this environmental problem lies a tale of twin challenges: the scientific quest to understand our ozone shield and the debate among governments over how to best protect it. Here is the story.
Ozone and Humankind
For nearly a billion years, ozone molecules in the
atmosphere have safeguarded life on this planet. But over
the past half century, humans have placed the ozone layer in
jeopardy. We have unwittingly polluted the air with chemicals
that threaten to eat away the life-protecting shield surrounding
our world.
Although ozone molecules play such a vital role in the
atmosphere, they are exceedingly rare; in every million molecules
of air, fewer than ten are ozone. Nitrogen and oxygen make up
the vast proportion of the molecules in the air we breathe. In
this way, ozone resembles a critical spice in a pot of soup.
Using just a few grains of a particular herb, a chef can season
the whole pot with a distinctive flavor.
Ozone molecules show different character traits depending on
where they exist in the atmosphere. About 90 percent of the
ozone resides in a layer between 10 and 40 kilometers (6 and 25
miles) above the Earth's surface in a region of the atmosphere
called the stratosphere. Ozone there plays a beneficial role by
absorbing dangerous ultraviolet radiation from the sun. This is
the ozone threatened by some of the chemical pollutants that we
have released into the atmosphere.
Close to the planet's surface, however, ozone displays a
destructive side. Because it reacts strongly with other
molecules, it can severely damage the living tissues of plants
and animals. Low-lying ozone is a key component of the smog that
hangs over many major cities across the world, and governments
are attempting to decrease its levels. Ozone in the region below
the stratosphere-- called the troposphere-- can also contribute
to greenhouse warming.
Although smog ozone and stratospheric ozone are the same
molecule, they represent separate environmental issues,
controlled by different forces in the atmosphere. This monograph
will focus on the stratospheric ozone layer and the world's
attempts to protect it.
What is ozone and where does it originate? The term itself
comes from the Greek word meaning "smell," a reference to ozone's
distinctively pungent odor. Each molecule contains three oxygen
atoms bonded together in the shape of a wide triangle. In the
stratosphere, new ozone molecules are constantly created in
chemical reactions fueled by power from the sun.
The recipe for making ozone starts off with oxygen molecules.
When struck by the sun's rays, the molecules split apart into single
oxygen atoms, which are exceedingly reactive. Within a fraction
of a second, the atoms bond with nearby oxygen molecules to form
triatomic molecules of ozone.
Even as the sun's energy produces new ozone, these gas
molecules are continuously destroyed by natural compounds
containing nitrogen, hydrogen, and chlorine. Such chemicals were
all present in the stratosphere -- in small amounts-- long before
humans began polluting the air. Nitrogen comes from soils and
oceans, hydrogen comes mainly from atmospheric water vapor, and
chlorine comes from the oceans.
The stratospheric concentration of ozone therefore
represents a balance, established over the aeons, before creative
and destructive forces. The total level of ozone in the
stratosphere remains fairly constant, an arrangement resembling a
tank with open drains. As long as the amount of water pouring in
equals the amount flowing out of the drain holes, the water level
in the tank stays the same.
In the stratosphere, the concentration of ozone does vary
slightly, reflecting small shifts in the balance between creation
and destruction. These fluctuations result from many natural
processes such as the seasonal cycle, volcanic eruptions, and
changes in the sun's intensity.
For about a billion years, the natural ozone system worked
smoothly, but now human beings have upset the delicate balance.
By polluting the atmosphere with additional chlorine-containing
chemicals, we have enhanced the forces that destroy ozone -- a
situation that leads to lower ozone concentrations in the
stratosphere. The addition of these chemicals is the same as
drilling a larger "chlorine" drain in the tank, causing the level
to drop.
A Problem Arises: The Early 1970s
No one dreamed human activity would threaten the ozone layer
until the early to mid-1970s, when scientists discovered two
potential problems: ultrafast passenger planes and spray cans.
The plane threat surfaced first, after the invention of a
new breed of commercial aircraft called the supersonic transport
(SST). These planes could fly faster than the speed of sound and
promised to trim hours off long journeys. In the 1970s, the
United States and other nations began considering whether to
build large fleets of such ultrafast jets.
As scientists such as Harold Johnston and Paul Crutzen
looked at the SST issue, they grew concerned about the effects
such planes might have on the stratosphere. SSTs are unusual
because they must fly high up in the atmosphere -- where the air
is thin -- to achieve their fast speeds. Several researchers
suspected that the reactive nitrogen compounds from SST exhaust
might accelerate the natural chemical destruction of ozone,
causing ozone levels to drop.
In 1974, news of another possible threat to the ozone layer
made national headlines. This time scientists implicated a
widely used class of chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs), which were most commonly known as the aerosol propellant
in spray cans. Invented in the late 1920s, CFCs contain
chlorine, fluorine, and carbon atoms arranged in an extremely
stable structure.
Through decades of use, CFCs proved themselves to be ideal
compounds for many purposes. They are nontoxic, noncorrosive,
nonflammable, and unreactive with most other substances. Because
of their special properties, they make excellent coolants for
refrigerators and air conditioners. CFCs also trap heat well, so
manufacturers put them into foam products such as cups and
insulation for houses.
Most scientists had not worried about how CFCs would affect
the atmosphere. But two chemists, F. Sherwood Rowland and Mario
Molina, began considering these wonder compounds, and they
uncovered something disturbing. Because CFCs were extremely
stable in the lower atmosphere, they could drift up into the
stratosphere, where they would break apart when bombarded by the
sun's high energy radiation. CFCs therefore carried millions of
tons of extra chlorine atoms into the stratosphere, adding much
more than the amount of chlorine supplied naturally by the oceans
in the form of methyl chloride.
Rowland and Molina hypothesized that the chlorine buildup from
CFCs would spell severe trouble for the ozone layer. According
to their predictions, each chlorine atom could destroy 100,000
ozone molecules, meaning that decades of CFC use could cause
substantial declines in the concentration of stratospheric ozone.
Any drop in ozone levels, whether from SSTs or CFCs, would
allow more ultraviolet light to reach the Earth's surface -- an
effect that holds severe consequences for life on the planet.
Exposure to ultraviolet light enhances an individual's risk for
skin cancer and cataracts, so an increase in this radiation could
lead to more cases of such diseases. Ultraviolet light also
harms food crops and other plants, as well as many species of
Thus the world faced two ozone-related environmental issues
in the first half of the 1970s. In terms of SSTs, policy makers
had to decide whether to build such planes. With CFCs, the
question was whether to limit the production and use of these
Of all the countries considering SSTs, the United States had
planned the largest fleet, and it addressed this issue rather
quickly. When preliminary scientific studies suggested the
planes would significantly thin the ozone layer, the U.S.
government decided against the proposed fleet.
Political leaders faced a much tougher decision on the
subject of CFCs. For example, in the United States, these
extremely reliable chemicals formed the center of a multi-
billion-dollar industry. Though the Rowland/Molina hypothesis
warned that CFCs might endanger the health of the planet's
inhabitants, officials feared that a ban on such chemicals would
disrupt many segments of society. Was it worthwhile to face
economic hardships solely because of a scientific hypothesis and
its predicted effects?
Decision makers also knew that the ozone layer belonged to
the entire world, meaning that all countries would have to
address the problem.
Stratospheric Ozone: The First Decade (1974-1984)
Would CFCs really bring significant harm to the ozone layer?
that was the question politicians were asking in 1974, and the
scientific community set out to provide an answer.
Atmospheric researchers had to judge the seriousness of the
problem. If ozone levels were to decline by only 1 percent in
the next 50 years, nations would have little cause for concern.
On the other hand, a substantial drop in ozone levels could
jeopardize the world.
The first attempts to assess the problem produced dire
forecasts, suggesting that CFCs could destroy perhaps half of the
ozone shield by the middle of the next century. Yet experts did
not know how much to believe these early estimates, because they
were based on a very simplistic understanding of chemical
reactions in the stratosphere.
It was like trying to decipher a partially completed jigsaw
puzzle, spread out on a table. Scientists wondered what the
missing pieces looked like and whether they would change the
emerging picture.
Over the next few years, researchers took many different
routes toward filling in the gaps in the ozone puzzle.
Experiments in the laboratory allowed chemists to gauge how
quickly chlorine destroyed ozone molecules. Other scientists
launched balloons that carried instruments up into the
stratosphere, where they measured the concentrations of key
chemicals that controlled ozone levels. All this information fed
into new computer models that predicted how chemicals would
affect the ozone layer.
By 1976, many experts had grown convinced that CFCs did
indeed present a serious threat. In the United States -- the
world's largest producer and user of CFCs -- the public called
for the government to place limitations on these chemicals.
Civic leaders launched boycotts against items that used CFCs, and
some companies even eliminated the compounds from their products.
The U.S. and some other governments responded in 1979 by
banning the sale of aerosol cans containing CFCs. Because spray
cans represented the largest use of these chemicals, the ban led
to an abrupt leveling off of CFC production.
After the spray can decision, the ozone issue quickly
receded from worldwide headlines. But atmospheric researchers
knew that danger still threatened the protective ozone layer.
While CFCs no longer filled U.S. aerosol cans, companies
continued to produce these chemicals for use in air conditioners,
in insulation, and in the cleaning of electronic parts. What's
more, most countries aside from the United States continued to
use CFCs in spray cans. So even as the threat to the ozone layer
slipped from the public spotlight, scientists extended their
investigations into the problem.
Researchers also began watching the ozone layer more
closely, searching for evidence that chlorine pollution had
already started weakening the protective shield. they knew it
might be difficult to spot such destruction at first. Ozone
levels fluctuate naturally by several percent, so identifying the
subtle signs of unnatural ozone loss would be like trying to hear
someone whisper a message across a crowded room.
The U.S. ban on CFC propellants in spray cans caused a temporary
pause in the growing demand for the offending compounds. But
worldwide use of the chemicals continued, and levels of CFC
production began to rise again. By 1985, the production rate was
growing 3 percent a year.
The increase in CFC use rekindled worldwide attention to the
threat of ozone destruction, spurring countries in 1985 to sign
an international agreement called the Vienna Convention. The
convention called on negotiators to draw up a plan for worldwide
action to this issue. It also required scientists to summarize
the latest information on the atmospheric consequences of CFCs
and related bromine-containing chemicals called Halons, which had
grown popular over the previous decade because of their ability
to extinguish fires. Collectively, CFCs and Halons fit under the
name halocarbons.
Using the most complete models, experts predicted that if
levels of halocarbon production continued to increase as they had
in the past, ozone concentrations in the stratosphere would drop
by about 5 percent by the year 2050. Although much less severe than
the predictions of earlier years, even a 5 percent decrease would still
allow a very serious surge in the amount of ultraviolet radiation
reaching the Earth's surface, causing millions of new cases of skin
cancer in the United States alone.
By the time of the Vienna Convention, scientists remained
uncertain whether ozone levels had actually started to drop. The
research community, nonetheless, warned that countries could not
afford to take a wait-and-see approach. Halocarbons present an
insidious danger for the future because they can survive in the
atmosphere for decades; some can last several centuries. That
means even if the entire world stopped producing such compounds
instantly, the halocarbons already in the atmosphere would
continue to damage the ozone layer for more than 100 years. Many
governments thought it critically important to limit the
chemicals as soon as possible.
Then in May of 1985, shocking news spread throughout the
scientific community. British researchers reported finding
dramatic declines in ozone values over Antarctica each spring --
actually "holes" in the ozone layer. Atmospheric scientists
didn't know how to explain these large and unanticipated changes.
Some proposed that natural processes were at work, while others
thought it was the first sign that halocarbons were wearing away
the protective ozone shield.
Despite uncertainty about the Antarctic phenomenon's cause,
scientists firmly believed halocarbons would eventually deplete
the global ozone shield. Their certainty and the jarring
unexpectedness of the ozone hole's appearance motivated countries
to act. In September 1987, diplomats from around the world met
in Montreal and forged a treaty unprecedented in the history of
international negotiations. Environmental ministers from 24
nations, representing most of the industrialized world, agreed to
set sharp limits on the use of CFCs and Halons. According to the
treaty, by mid-1989 countries would freeze their production and
use of halocarbons at 1986 levels. Then over the next ten years,
they would cut CFC production and use in half.
For scientists and policy makers, the Montreal Protocol
marked a truly profound moment. When negotiators drew up the
treaty, they were motivated by concerns about future ozone loss,
rather than by direct observations of current ozone destruction
by CFCs. (Certainly the ozone hole in Antarctica had unnerved
world leaders, but it was by no means clear whether chemical
pollutants had caused this decline.) Thus, the agreement was
based primarily on confidence in a theory.
The Montreal Protocol established a new way of viewing
environmental problems. In the past, the world had addressed
such issues only after damage grew noticeable. For example,
nations agreed to limit above-ground nuclear tests once it became
evident these explosions poisoned the air and water with
radioactivity. The Montreal agreement, however, tackled the
ozone issue early, demonstrating a heightened sense of
environmental responsibility.
The framers of the protocol also broke new ground in another
way; they realized their agreement might not suffice if future
scientific work revealed that the ozone layer faced even greater
danger. Uppermost in their minds was concern over the Antarctic ozone hole and its possible implications for global ozone. The
diplomats therefore included a provision calling for negotiators
to reconvene in 1990 to examine any new scientific or technical
information that might necessitate adopting deeper cuts.
The Ozone Years: 1985-1989
The Ozone hole was born in the late 1970s, long before the
Montreal Protocol was signed. Like a leak in the roof over the
distant part of a house, the hole at first grew unnoticed by any
human being living below.
Each spring, ozone abundances over the ice-covered continent
dropped below normal and then rose gradually toward normal
amounts in summer. And each year, the springtime losses grew
A British team, which had measured ozone levels over the
Antarctic coast since 1956, first began noticing the phenomenon
in the early 1980s. But it was hard to swallow the evidence at
first. Was the ozone hold real, or were the instruments
malfunctioning? wondered the scientists. After checking and
rechecking the instruments, the British researchers grew
confident of their discovery. In 1985, they announced their
startling news to the rest of the world.
Atmospheric experts moved quickly to determine whether the
ozone hole was real. Consulting measurements made by satellite-
borne and balloon-borne instruments, they found evidence
confirming the springtime ozone depletion. Even more staggering,
measurements showed the hole extending over the entire Antarctic
The discovery of the ozone depletion blindsided the
scientific community, catching it totally off guard and without a
suitable explanation. But within a few months, theoretical
scientists came up with three competing ideas that could explain
why the ozone hole had developed over Antarctica.
One group of scientists focused on the solar cycle -- the
periodic waxing and waning of the sun's energy output. Noting
that solar radiation had grown particularly strong in the early
1980s, some researchers proposed the intense radiation had
created above-normal levels of reactive nitrogen chemicals in the
stratosphere. These compounds could then concentrate over
Antarctica and destroy ozone there.
A second group suggested that natural changes in
stratospheric winds were responsible. According to this
"dynamical" theory, the ozone hole resulted from changes in the
system of air motions that transport ozone and establish its
amount in the polar regions.
Both the solar cycle and dynamical theories stressed natural
processes as a cause for the depletion. But a third theory held
that human-made chemicals deserved blame. According to this
idea, the cold conditions above Antarctica amplified the ozone-
destroying power of CFCs and halons, accelerating the loss of
this region.
The three separate theories held profoundly different
implications for the world. If halocarbon pollution created the
hole, then scientists had gravely underestimated the chemicals'
destructive power, and the ozone layer faced even more danger
than previously thought. But if the hole formed because of
natural processes, then humans could breathe a sigh of relief.
With very little known about the Antarctic ozone losses,
atmospheric researchers could not tell which theory was correct.
Yet they recognized that political leaders would need an answer
as soon as possible. The signers of the Montreal Protocol would
be meeting to review the limitations on halocarbons, and it was
critical to know whether these chemicals lurked behind the ozone
The scientific community threw itself at the problem,
launching several field expeditions aimed at solving the riddle
of the ozone depletion. In September of 1986, a hastily
assembled team hurried off to McMurdo Station in the Antarctic.
Using ground-based instruments and balloons to probe the
stratosphere, this team found high levels of ozone-destroying
compounds. A year later, the United States, in conjunction with
other countries, sent a massive group of more than 100
scientists, engineers, and technicians to Punta Arenas, Chile, at
the southern tip of South America. From this distant base, two
research airplanes flew into the dangerously cold Antarctic sky
to gather conclusive data about the mysterious affairs in the
stratosphere over the icy land. Other scientists returned to
McMurdo for further measurements.
By October 1987, the researchers came back from the Southern
hemisphere with a dark message for the world: blame for the ozone
hole falls on human shoulders. The expeditions showed that
chlorine and bromine pollution had shifted the fragile chemical
balance in the Antarctic, thereby draining those skies of ozone
during the spring.
Ozone loss is accelerated over the frozen continent because
the Antarctic stratosphere contains cloud particles not normally
present in warmer climes. these icy particles have a critical
effect on the chlorine and bromine pollution floating in the
stratosphere. Normally, the chlorine and bromine are largely
locked into "safe" compounds that cannot harm ozone, but the ice
particles transform them into destructive chemicals that can
break apart ozone molecules with amazing efficiency. In 1987,
ozone concentrations above Antarctica fell to half their normal
levels, and the hole spread across an area the size of the United
Evidence gathered during these expeditions and new data from
laboratories back home enabled scientists to fashion a consistent
theory to explain the hole. In the prelude to ozone depletion,
ice particles form during the polar night, when several months of
darkness descend on Antarctica and temperatures plummet below -80
degrees (C)(-112F) in the stratosphere. On those floating ice
particles, reactions convert chlorine from the "safe" to the
"destructive" form. The real action begins when the sun returns
to this part of the world during springtime, energizing the
chemical cycle that destroys ozone. Wind patterns during winter
and spring contribute by isolating the Antarctic stratosphere
from warmer air to the north.
The ozone hole forms only in Antarctic before this region
has an unique combination of weather conditions: it is the
coldest and most isolated spot on Earth. But somewhat similar
conditions exist in the Arctic, and scientists wondered whether
the North also suffered from ozone loss. Even small depletions
in this region would represent cause for concern, because many
people live in northern latitudes potentially affected by the
Arctic ozone loss. So in 1988, two small teams traveled to
Greenland and Canada to gather data. A year later, an extensive
group headed to Norway to take measurements with the two
airplanes that helped to solve the Antarctic puzzle.
The northern expeditions revealed that during wintertime,
the Arctic stratosphere has the same types of destructive
chlorine and bromine compounds hat cause the problems in the
Antarctic. Indeed, when scientists returned to the Arctic for an
extended study in 1991 and 1992, they discovered strong hints
that such compounds had destroyed significant amounts of ozone in
the polar region. But because the Arctic atmosphere is not as
isolated, the ozone losses there appear to be much smaller than
those in Antarctica -- at least for the present.
Between trips to the ends of the earth, atmospheric
scientists during this period also stepped up their search for
signs of a global erosion in the ozone layer. An international
panel of experts came together to scrutinize measurements made by
satellites and by ground-based instruments around the world. In
1988, they reached a verdict: global ozone levels had declined
over the past 17 years, mainly in the winter. Normal processes
such as the solar cycle had caused part of the drop, but natural
effects could not explain the entire ozone loss.
The news grew even worse. an international panel announced
that ozone levels had dropped by measurable amounts not only in
winter and spring but also in summer. Because people spend far
more time outdoors during summer, ozone loss at this time of the
year poses the greatest threat to the health of humans.
Scientists suspect that CFCs and Halons are to blame for
much of the ozone decline, which has reached several percent over
the midlatitudes of the Northern hemisphere -- the segment of the
globe that encompasses the United States and Europe. But
atmospheric researchers are not yet fully confident that they
know what mechanism lies behind the drop. The largest changes
have occurred over the poles and neighboring midlatitudes,
leading some researchers to suggest that loss near the poles have
enhanced the decline in global ozone levels. Others suspect that
the natural, thin layer of sulfur-containing particles in the
stratosphere could be involved in midlatitude ozone loss, in a
role somewhat similar to that played by ice particles over
The fast-paced research of the late 1980s revealed that the
original Montreal protocol would not go far enough toward
protecting the fragile ozone layer. Even with the 50 percent
cuts mandated by the treaty, levels of chlorine and bromine would
still rise in the stratosphere, meaning that ozone loss would
only worsen with time.
In June 1990, diplomats met in London and voted to
significantly strengthen the Montreal Protocol. The treaty calls
for a complete phaseout of CFCs by the year 2000, a phaseout of
Halons (except for essential uses) by 2000, and a rapid phaseout
of other ozone-destroying chlorine compounds (carbon
tetrachloride by 2000 and methyl chloroform by 2005).
The treaty also attempts to make the phaseouts fair for
developing countries, which cannot easily afford the higher-
priced substitutes that will replace banned compounds. The
revised agreement establishes an environmental fund -- paid for
by developed nations -- to help developing nations switch over to
more "ozone-friendly" chemicals.
Our Ozone Layer: Present and Future
But many pieces of the ozone puzzle remain missing, and
scientists wonder whether new ozone problems will develop in the
near future. Experts are exploring several unanswered questions,
- What surprises lurk in the next decade or so? Even with
the amended protocol, chlorine abundances will continue to rise
until around the turn of the century.
- Will ozone loses grow worse in the Arctic as chlorine
abundances increase?
- How safe are the CFC substitutes? Will some of them
significantly contribute to ozone loss, global warming, or other
environmental problems?
- How appropriate is it to allow countries to continue
"essential" uses of the powerful ozone depleting Halons? The
current treaties permit these uses.
- Are there other compounds that significantly deplete the
ozone layer and hence could deserve attention under the Montreal
Protocol -- such as methylbromide, which is used widely as a
- How will polar ozone destruction affect populated
countries? Will the Antarctic hole cause ozone declines over Chile,
Argentina, and New Zealand? Will Arctic losses spur drops in
ozone concentration over Canada, Scandinavia, the United States,
and the former Soviet Union?
- How much do the natural particles in the stratosphere,
other than the icy polar clouds, accelerate the chemical
destruction of ozone at midlatitudes?
- How will large volcanic eruptions -- which can inject
immense amounts of dust into the stratosphere -- affect the ozone
layer when the chlorine from CFCs reaches unprecedented
- How will the ozone hole and global ozone loses affect
worldwide weather and climate?
- Does a proposed new class of high-altitude aircraft
threaten the ozone layer?
Decisions makers will need answers to such questions as they
continue to revisit their international agreements in the future
and ask if these are adequate in light of new research findings.
The Montreal Protocol provides a dramatic example of science
in the service of humankind. By quickly piecing together the
ozone puzzle, atmospheric researchers revealed the true danger of
halocarbons, allowing world leaders to take decisive action to
protect the ozone layer.
This international agreement represents a critical step
toward saving the world's ozone layer. But perhaps more
importantly, it has taught scientists and policy makers an
invaluable lesson about addressing environmental problems.
Negotiations on this issue mark the first time the nations of the
world have joined forces to protect the Earth for future
The treaty can serve as a crucial apprenticeship for world
leaders and scientists, who now face an even more daunting
environmental matter -- the threat of global greenhouse warming
that looms over the future of this planet. The successful ozone
agreement offers hope that scientific understanding can once
again provide the foundation for responsible action by the
international community.
Our Ozone Shield is the second in a series of publications on Climate and
Global Change intended for public education. They are a joint effort of
the UCAR Office for Interdisciplinary Earth Studies and the NOAA Office
of Global Programs, for the purpose of raising the level of public
awareness of issues dealing with global environmental change. The
reports are written by knowledgeable scientists and science writers on
timely subjects and guided by a scientific editorial board. The first in
the series, The Climate System, appeared in Winter 1991.
Writers and Contributers:
Daniel L. Albritton, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, Richard Monastersky, Science News with
input from John Eddy, Consortium for International Earth
Science Information Network, J. Michael Hall, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Eileen Shea,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration