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Intragovernmental Reports

Individual Trading Partner Reciprocal Report (ITPR)

The Individual Trading Partner Comparison Report (ITPR) is a spreadsheet in pivot table format, providing agencies with additional information that is not on the Intragovernmental Activity Detail and Intragovernmental Reciprocal Category Reports. This information includes agencies’ fund titles, fund account groups, and Standard General Ledger accounts to assist agencies with their reconciliation process.

Instructions on using the pivot table:

  1. Click on the drop down menu next to "Your Agency" field, select your agency code, and click "OK."
  2. Click on the drop down menu next to "Trading Partner" field, select your partner code you wish to see, and click "OK."
  3. Click on the drop down menu next to the "Recip Category" field, select the reciprocal category you wish, and click "OK."
  4. Click on "Run" button in the red box.

Caveats to the spreadsheet:

  1. Both the reporting agency and the trading partner must be a verifying agency.
  2. Do not click on any drop down menu on the Partner’s side.
  3. Only select one trading partner at a time from the drop down menu.
  4. Only select one reciprocal category at a time from the drop down menu in order to work.

ITPR Reports Fiscal Year 2008

ITPR Reports Fiscal Year 2007

Fiscal Year 2008 Additional Explanation

Additional ExplanationMS Worf File for Quarter Additional Explanation 2008
(35 KB)

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   Last Updated:  Thursday July 31, 2008

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