PerFORM PRO FORM 1.01 =3TC3 Courier1Univers Condensed"CG TimesUnivers Condensed"CG Times (WN)Univers (WN)#Va@$R-;uI^X  HH|R-;TI^X  JGJJG   METHOD OF PAYMENT  BILLING FREQUENCY - Enter 0,1,2,3,4, or 5 TYPE OF ACCOUNT   FINANCING (Requesting Agency - When NOT serviced by NFC) -  Complete this block only when the requesting agency does not participate in the Central Accounting System processed by the USDA's National Finance Center.   FINANCING (Requesting Agency - When serviced by NFC) -  Complete this block only when the requesting agency does participage in the Central Accounting System processed by the USDA's National Finance Center.   FINANCING (Performing Agency) -  Enter agency code, fund code, accounting station, accounting classification code, object class, and amount as stated in 14 above. Accounting codes used in this agreement cannot be duplicated in any other agreement number.   LEAVE FACTOR -  If leave is to be considered in billing the Requesting Agency for services, enter the leave factor. Enter 10.6% as 010/60 or 10/6.  FICA FACTOR -  If FICA taxes paid are to be considered in billing the Requesting Agency for services, enter the FICA factor. Enter 6.85% as 006/85 or 6/85.   OVERHEAD FACTOR -  If overhead is to be considered in billing the Requesting Agency for services, enter the overhead factor. Enter 18% as 018/00 or 18/0.   APPROVAL FOR REQUESTING AGENCY -  Self Explanatory.   APPROVAL FOR PERFORMING AGENCY -  Self Explanatory. 1R;4I>X  WmUJWU   AGREEMENT NUMBER  - Enter the performing Agency's Agreement Number - Enter up to 25 Positions Alpha/Numeric, First 6 Positions must be:   FISCAL YEAR -  Enter 4 Positions, e.g. 1984.   ESTIMATED AMOUNT -  Enter up to $999,999,999.99, omit commas and decimal point.   AGENCY BILLING INDICATOR -  Enter 1, 2,3, or 4.   TRANSACTION CODE -  Enter 0, 1,2,A,B,C   ACTION CODE -  Enter 1,2,3 or 4   NAME AND ADDRESS OF REQUESTIONG AGENCY    NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERFORMING AGENCY -  Same as item number seven.   SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED  - Enter brief narrative.   LIST REFERENCES FOR CORRESPONDENCE -  Enter reference data that the Requesting Agency requires for Correspondence or Billing (e.g., Requesting Agency Agreement Number) or Authority for Agreement (e.g., Public Law 97-212).   DURATION OF AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE -  Enter month, day, year.   CONTINUING THROUTH -  Enter month, day, year. R`O;&IJX  RuFJRF 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ;Y)-mJ;+^CX  H,THTINSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM AD - 672 (Revised)RT;>IbX  GkFBGF 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ;R;;I>X  L'H:L&H 1 - 2 - Agency Code 3 - 4 - Fund Code 5 - 6 - Fiscal Year 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 0 - 1 - 2 - A - B - C - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 -   Name  (32 positions)  1st Line Address  (32 positions)   2nd Line Address  (32 positions)  City  (21 positions)  State  (2 positions)  Zip Code  (9 positions) jUR;NI>X  V+F2VF Requesting Agency is an agency serviced by NFC's MISC system Requesting Agency is a Government Agency. Bill SF 1081 Requesting Agency is a Government Agency. Bill SF 1080 Requesting Agency is other than Federal Government. Bill AD-631 Revenue - Government Refund - Government Reimbursement - Government Revenue - Public Refund - Public Reimbursement - Public Add New Agreement Change Existing Agreement Delete Existing Agreement Issue Bill for Method of Payment upon demand or upon completion of work TR-;bI^X  7HF*6HF 0 - Immediately 1 - Monthly 2 - Quarterly 3 - Semi-annually 4 - Upon completion of work 5 - Upon demand 0 - Transfer of Appropriation Account 1 - Consildated Working Fund   Agency Code -  Enter 2-digit NFC assigned agency code.   Fund Code -  Enter 2-digit NFC assigned fund code.   Accounting Station -  Enter assigned accounting station code.   Accounting Classification Code -  Enter accounting classification code of requesting agency.   Object Class -  Self explanatory.   Amount -  Enter the estimated agreement amount allowable to each accounting classification code.