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Include appropriate indicators of quality, quantity, cost efficiency, or timeliness,  }  where applicable.) M !"#                             P  &&&&    B"$t Standard_Decribe_B! "-./567M89:;>?@ABCG                         P #      $      '  }  Y@$.,! *  < &&&& = &&&    `"j &   4. ELEMENT RATING     (At the end of the rating period, compare the employee's performance with standard  }  and assign an element rating. For instructions about documentation, see 435A.) ,4 !"#                             P  &&&&    " }& EXCEEDS  } }Exceeds_B #$%9&,' ()+,-.                             P   !  *  1  2      3      Exceeds_B=TRUE    Exceeds_B          ?@RESETOBJ (Fully_Sucess_B);@RESETOBJ (Not_Meet_B) '  Fully_Sucess_B     #  Not_Meet_B    @" }& FULLY SUCCESSFUL  } }Fully_Sucess_B #$%B&,'()+,-.                             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