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Series OccPlan!"-./5G67 89: ;>?@ABCG                         P #    d  $      '   Y@$.,! *  < && = &&     o^$ n 5 Name (Last, First, Middle Initial)$ Name!"-./567(89:(;>?@ABCG                         P #    d  $      ' A  Y@$.,! *  < && = &&     h n 6 Grade/Step or Pay Level Paylevel!"-./5+6789:;>?@ABCG                         P #    d  $      '   Y@$.,! *  < && = &&     ~  n 7 Appraisal Period : !"#      d                       P  &&    Fx n From FromDate!"- ./5:67 89:;>?@ABCG                         P #    d  $      '   Y@$.,! *  <   = &      V!       P    B!x n To ToDate!"- ./5F67 89:;>?@ABCG                         P #    d  $      '   Y@$.,! *  < &  = &     ^,  ( United States Department of Agriculture  2   Performance Appraisal # !"#      d                       P      h^~$ n 8 Official Position Title$ OfcTitle! "- ./567(89:(;>?@ABCG                         P #    d  $      ' A  Y@$.,! *  < && = &&     k~ n 9 Organization Structure Code OrgCode! "-./5+67&89:&;>?@ABCG                         P #    d  $      ' A  Y@$.,! *  < && = &&     _^z  n 10 Duty Stationz DutyStatn! "-./56789:;>?@ABCG                         P #    d  $      ' -  Y@$.,! *  < && = &&     ^l n 11 Funding Unitl FundUnit! "-./56789:;>?@ABCG                         P #    d  $      '   Y@$.,! *  < && = &&     ZD n 12 Agency Use AgyUse! "-./5/6789:;>?@ABCG                         P #    d  $      '   Y@$.,! *  < && = &&     WF4 n 13 NFC Use4 NFCUSe!"-./5@6789:;>?@ABCG                         P #    d  $      '   Y@$.,! *  < && = &&     ^ |X n\ 14  n Performance Elements - !"#                             P  &&     X nQ 15A  n Critical  n Element  ne (T) 0 !"#      Z                       P  &&     X no 15B  n Exceeds  n` Fully  n Successful 8 !"#      Z                       P  &&    x X no 15C  n= Meets  n` Fully  n Successful A !"#      Z                       P  &&    `" X n 15D  n  Does Not  n Meet Fully  n Successful I !"#      Z                       P  &&     V^@       P     Vz&@       P    t&  n Instructions   !"#                             P  &&    & n Blocks 1 through 10, completed by NFC,  n  should be reviewed and, if necessary, corrected.  n Block 11. Enter funding unit number.  n Block 14. Enter brief description of performance elements.  n Block 15A. Check performance elements identified  n  as critical.  $ !"#                             P  &&    5b n Blocks 15B, 15C., 15D. Rate actual performance by entering  n  2 for critical elements and 1 for non-critical elements  n  in appropriate column.  n Blocks 15E, 15F, 15G. Enter total of each column.  n Block 15H. Enter total from 15E, 15F and 15G.  n Block 16A. Check off the correct summary rating described in decision  n  table (16B).  n Blocks 17 through 22. Self-explanatory. + % !"#                             P  &    n^[ nb 1)  !"#                             P      N& p Element1 Element1!"-\./567,89:;>?@ABCG                         P #      $      '  H  Y@$.,!@ *  < && = <&     T 1 T_1#$(a),0-.!/012456789                                    P ! ^"$%&')*                       Y@$.,!  ( &&  3 &&    A     ?    ?    ?    ?    ,"]$%&')*                        Y@$.,!  ( &&     *"^$%&')*                       @$.,!  ( &&     *"_$%&')*                       @$.,!  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P   !  *  1  2      3     $T 1 T_3#$(o),0-.!/012456789                                    P ! ^"f$%&')*                       Y@$.,!  ( &&  3 &&    A     ?    ?    ?    ?    ,"p$%&')*                        Y@$.,!  ( &&     *"q$%&')*                       @$.,!  ( &&     *"r$%&')*                       @$.,!  ( &&     *"s$%&')*                       @$.,!  ( &&     n^t nb 4)  !"#                             P      8& Element4!"-u./567,89:;>?@ABCG                         P #      $      '  H  Y@$.,!@ *  < && = <&     j&      CrElem4#v$%4&'()+,-.                             P   !  *  1  2      3     T 1 T_4#$(w),0-.!/012456789                                    P ! ^"f$%&')*                       Y@$.,!  ( &&  3 &&    A     ?    ?    ?    ?    ,"x$%&')*                        Y@$.,!  ( &&     *"y$%&')*                       @$.,!  ( &&     *"z$%&')*                       @$.,!  ( &&     *"{$%&')*                       @$.,!  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( &&     o^2@ n 16B (5 !"#                             P  x&&     n Decision Table (check off Summary Rating in block 16A) (2 !"#                             P  &&    9 F n Rating of Outstanding if 15E equals 15H.  n Rating of Unacceptable N/ if any critical element is rated in 15D.  n Rating of Superior if no element is rated in 15D; 15F is greater  n  than zero; and 15E is greater than 15F.  n Rating of Marginal / if 15G is greater than 15E, and no critical  n  element is rated in 15D.  n Rating of Fully Successful if none of the above apply.  )2 !"#                             P  &    $ n N/ Unsatisfactory for SES  n / Minimally Satisfactory for SES .2 !"#                             P  &    W& n 15E Exceeds  Exceed!-"-./586(789:;>?@ABCG                         P #      $      '    @$.,! *  < && = &&     d@sum(T_1[B1],T_2[B1],T_3[B1],T_4[B1],T_5[B1],T_6[B1],T_7[B1],T_8[B1],T_9[B1],T_10[B1])  T_1  T_2  T_3  T_4  T_5  T_6  T_7  T_8  T_9  T_10     k  Tx& n 15F Meets  Meets!."-./5A6(789:;>?@ABCG                         P #      $      '    @$.,! *  < && = &&     d@sum(T_1[C1],T_2[C1],T_3[C1],T_4[C1],T_5[C1],T_6[C1],T_7[C1],T_8[C1],T_9[C1],T_10[C1])  T_1  T_2  T_3  T_4  T_5  T_6  T_7  T_8  T_9  T_10     k  s`"& n 15G Does  n  Not Meet  ^NotMeets!/"-./5I6(789:;>?@ABCG                         P #      $      '    @$.,! *  < && = &&     d@sum(T_1[D1],T_2[D1],T_3[D1],T_4[D1],T_5[D1],T_6[D1],T_7[D1],T_8[D1],T_9[D1],T_10[D1])  T_1  T_2  T_3  T_4  T_5  T_6  T_7  T_8  T_9  T_10     k   V#!       P    o#! n 15H K+ !"#                             P  &&    ??\O{! n 15H Enter total 8+ !"#                             P  &&    " n 15E + 15F + 15G = 15H :, !"#                             P  &&    5#`" TotalRate!0"-./5K6,789:;>?@ABCG                         P #      $      '    @$.,! *  < && = &&     )@sum(Exceed,Meets,NotMeets)   Exceed   Meets   NotMeets    k  Z#  n 16A Summary Rating (See Decision Table in 16B) 8-  !"#                             P  &&x    %4 n Outstanding   Outstdg1#$%;&/'()+,-.                             P   !  * < 1  2      3     %4 n Superior   Superior2#$%;&0'()+,-.                             P   !  * < 1  2      3      &4 n Fully Successful   FullSuc3#$%;&1'()+,-.                             P   !  * < 1  2      3     t'4 n Marginal /   Marginal4#$%;&2'()+,-.                             P   !  * < 1  2      3     <(4 n Unacceptable N/   UnAccpt5#$%;&3'()+,-.                             P   !  * < 1  2      3     6) n N/ Unsatisfactory for SES  n / Minimally Satisfactory for SES ;4 !"#      n                       P  &    ^%2 n 17 Employee (Check off appropriate box) 05 !"#                             P  <&    6^H&X n I have a copy of USDA and Agency regulations on employee responsibilities  n and conduct; I have discussed them with my supervisor and questions have  n been answered to my satisfaction. 1( !"#                             P  <&&    H&  n Yes   USDAYes6#$%*&1'()+,-.                             P   !  * < 1  2      3       @RESETOBJ (USDANo)   USDANo    t'  n No   USDANo7#$%*&2'()+,-.                             P   !  * < 1  2      3      !@RESETOBJ (USDAYes)    USDAYes    ^(2 n 18 Employee's Signature 45 !"#                             P  <&    ^0* n (Instructions for resolutions of disputes are on the reverse of employee copy.) 6, !"#                             P  <&     V (,       P    j (^ n Date 4 !"#                             P  &&    (^ n If employee did not sign, state reason. &4 !"#                             P  &&    2^6)T  EmplSign!8"-./564789:;>?@ABCG                         P #      $      ' (  Y@$.,! *  < && = &&     5 6) ESignDate!9"-./5647 89:;>?@ABCG                         P #      $      ' (  Y@$.,! *  < && = &&     0h) EReasn!:"-./5&65789:;>?@ABCG                         P #    Z  $    Z  '  (  Y@$.,!d *  < && = &&     `^*+   n 19 Supervisor's Signature SpvrSign!;"-./567789:;>?@ABCG                         P #      $      ' (  Y@$.,! *  < <& = &&      V *+,       P    M *+x  n Datex SSignDate!<"-./5677 89: ;>?@ABCG                         P #      $      '   Y@$.,! *  < && = &&     ^*+t  n 20 Reviewer's Signaturet RevwSign!="-./5'67789:;>?@ABCG                         P #      $      ' (  Y@$.,! *  < <& = &&     M!*+x  n Datex RSignDate!>"-./5F677 89: ;>?@ABCG                         P #      $      '   Y@$.,! *  < && = &&      V!*+,       P    ^J.N  n 21 Approving Official's or Funding Unit  n  Manager's Signature (optional)N AprvSign!?"-./56;789:;>?@ABCG                         P #      $      ' (  Y@$.,! *  < <& = &&      V J.,       P    M J. n Date AprvSDate!@"-./56;7 89: ;>?@ABCG                         P #      $      '   Y@$.,! *  < && = &&     {J. n 22 FOR SES ONLY ';* !"#                             P  <&<    Dv/  p PLA PLA!A"-./506<789:;>?@ABCG                         P #      $      '    Y@$.,! *  < && = &&     :f!v/ BonusAmt!B"-./5G6<7 89:;>?@ABCG                         P #      $      '     $.,! *  < && = &&     ov/, n PLA to ES +< !"#                             P  $    rFv/L, n Bonus Amount @<  !"#                             P  $    z j1 ni Form AD-435 (11/86) F?  !"#                             P  &&    v81h  d This form was electronically produced by Elite Federal  d Forms, Inc. /? !"#                            <  &<&    81xQ ( Print Form print  C ;?  !"#$%           &&     @setvalue(route,"Original -- NFC Processing Copy",true);@printdlg();@setvalue(route,"Copy 1 - Official Personnel Folder/Employee Performance File",true);@printdlg();@setvalue(route,"Copy 2 - Employee Copy (Employee Appeal Rights On Reverse)",true);@printdlg();@setvalue(route,"Copy 3 - Supervisor Copy",true);@printdlg();@setvalue(route,"Copy 4 - Agency Use",true);@printdlg();@resetobj(route)&   route 6  Original -- NFC Processing Copy              route S  Copy 1 - Official Personnel Folder/Employee Performance File              route Q  Copy 2 - Employee Copy (Employee Appeal Rights On Reverse)              route /  Copy 3 - Supervisor Copy              route *  Copy 4 - Agency Use              route    ??wHw^1 q& route route!D"-./56?7,89:;>?@ABCG                         P #      $    d  ' K  Y@$.,! *  < && = &&     ?=(defg h =O<$defg <^o elite10.DLL IVALID FILLER This form was Designed by Elite Federal Forms and requires the Elite/Novell Filler! Call 410-647-9691 for more information. elite10.COM IVALID FILLER This form was Designed by Elite Federal Forms and requires the Elite/Novell Filler! Call 410-647-9691 for more information. WPIN$ELITE10FunctionSet,4.1 ^=ZM\RZx