PerFORM PRO FORM 1.01,s3V@3 4SAMPLE_A . SAMPLE_B . SAMPLE_C . SAMPLE_D . SAMPLE_E . TOTAL_AD. wHvH & Enter numbers only - a maximum of 6.PAGE_AD. PAGE_BD. PAGE_CD. PAGE_DD . PAGE_ED . TOTAL_B . -'HH&HH[PAGE_A]+[PAGE_B]+[PAGE_C]+[PAGE_D]+[PAGE_E] &HHEnter numbers only - a maximum of 6.AVG_AEĂ . HH[TOTAL_B:1]/[TOTAL_B:2]AVG_Bt . LL[TOTAL_B:3]/[TOTAL_B:1]AVG_Ct. _G^G[AVG_A]+[AVG_B]AVG_Dt.  GG[AVG_C]*4TYPE_A G/G!@G.G0 6G7G GG ,GGFG[TYPE_B]=0&[TYPE_C]=0&[TYPE_D]=0&[TYPE_E]=0TYPE_B GG!@GG0 GG GG ,G~G[TYPE_A]=0&[TYPE_C]=0&[TYPE_D]=0&[TYPE_E]=0TYPE_C GG!@GG0 GG GG ,GG[TYPE_B]=0&[TYPE_A]=0&[TYPE_D]=0&[TYPE_E]=0TYPE_D FoG!@FnG0 FF FF ,FF[TYPE_B]=0&[TYPE_C]=0&[TYPE_A]=0&[TYPE_E]=0TYPE_E FF!@FF0 FF FF ,FF[TYPE_B]=0&[TYPE_C]=0&[TYPE_D]=0&[TYPE_A]=0CLASSt . TERMSt . ORG_NAME . ORG_ROOM . ORG_EXT . ORG_DATE . ORG_OPI . FORMSt . ZFORMS_DATE . 2REPORTS . 2REPORT_DAT . 2DEADLINE . DIST_CODE !. dNAMElt ". 2TITLEt #. 2ROOMlt $. DATE_IN %. DATE_OUT &. INITIALS '. OTR_ORG (.  OTR_NAME ). < OTR_ROOM *.  IN_DATE +.  OUT_DATE ,.  CONCUR_A- 7EP! 6EP0 II CONCUR_B. TT! ~TT0 wJvJ NONCNCUR/ TE! TE0 gTfT REMARKS 0. SIGNATURE 1. SIG_TITLE 2. SIG_DATE 3. 4Courier1Univers Condensed"CG TimesUnivers Condensed"Univers (WN)#CG Times (WN)Va(<$~@7 V?1X  I3GB IFBENTER DATA FOR EACH SAMPLE AS INDICATED BELOW 5e.K1X   PBPBc. Number of Sentences ~@$cׅ?P0a  'JB &JBGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS~@\7?sP0a  ?JB >JBINSTRUCTIONS FOR FOG INDEX~@V^?P1a  NPC NCDETERMINE THE AVERAGE FOG INDEX FOR ALL TEXT USING TOTALS IN ITEM 4 ABOVE~@ׅE\?Ns0a  OJM NJMSPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS }K%X_TGU ^TFU (Treat hard words, all words of 3 or more syllables, abbreviations and symbols. Do not include capitalized words [proper nouns, adjectives, titles], unless symbo- lized or abbreviated.) 5y_'LXJM JM (Count units which end in a period or a question mark. In vertical listings [except one- or two-word items] count the in- troduction and each item as a separate sentence.) |}6%X7JoM 6JnM (Do not count words in headings unless continous with text. Treat as one word: hyphenated words, numbers, abbrevia- tions, and other symbols.) rfׅP0X  N?U N>UPrepare original and allow one copy for each clearance officer if clearances are obtained simul- taneously. If clearance is obtained sequentially, only one copy is required.%\Ps0X  X_MX^MConcur (No Comments) - In agreement with the directive to the extent that it affects the functions and activities of the clearing organization. Concur (Comments Attached) - The clearing organization is in general agreement with the directive but is suggesting some changes. These changes, however, are only suggestions and the directive is considered acceptable if the changes are not made. If clearance is simultaneous, minor changes may be entered on the directive itself; if major changes are suggested, the clearance office must prepare a memorandum and return it with the directive to the originator. If clearance is sequential, the clearance officer should contact the OPI to resolve any conflicts before forwarding to the next clearance officer. Nonconcur (Comments Attached) - The clearing organization has strong feelings about the effects of the proposed directive on its own areas of responsibilities and operations. The nonconcurring official must prepare a memorandum explaining the reasons for nonconcurrence and stating what specific changes are necessary before concurrence can be given. This memorandum of nonconcurrence is attached to the directive package and returned to the originator immediately for both simultaneous and sequential clearances. %\s0X  ND~NDa. b. c. _7uP0X  J'B J&BChoose a representative sample of text of at least 100 words. For long directives, use samples from several pages. Analyze short documents (one-half page or less) completely. Exclude tables, graphics, and lists of one- or two-word items. e|.0X   NXNXa. Identify Sample |e5.1X   IDIDb. Number of Words eVK.1X   IAIAd. Number of Hard Words e.0X  P*EP~EPage and paragraph number of sample(s)P0X  PAPATotalb1X   PVWPWa.  Average number of words per sentence (item 4b divided by item 4c)  bn1X   TGATAb.  Percent of hard words (Item 4d divided by item 4b)  nz=1X   TUWTWc.  Sum of word average and hard word percent (Item 5a plus item 5b)  z=^1X   /O9A.OAd.  Fog index (Item 5c multiplied by .4)  ~@^ ?(1X  O&gC OfCHOW YOU CAN LOWER THE FOG INDEX aP(1X  OA OAa.  Use simple words  b.  Write in the active voice  c.  Write short sentences  d.  Limit sentences to one thought  e.  Cut useless words and information  1!5UNX NWNWThe above procedure is based on Robert Gunning's Fog Index Formula, from "The Technique of Clear Writing," McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.~@ׅRv?.XU_C U^C Clearance officers are to indicated concurrence/ nonconcurrence by initial- ing one of the three columns described.  ,$cVT0MX  wCoCvCnC1,ׅVTi0MX  NUNU2,\VT0sMX  EWEW3,7VTɿ0MX  NUNU4,VVT 0MX  gL/XfL.X5,^VT0M X  NXNX6~@D.$c?IXJ"XJXWriter's Readability Appraisal|VP1X  TOTAL_B  EEe|.]0X  SAMPLE_A  e|V.]1X  PAGE_A  EEa |]0X  SAMPLE_B  |a V]1X  PAGE_B  TTa K|0X  SAMPLE_C  a |KV1X  PAGE_C  JJK]|0X  SAMPLE_D  K|]V1X  PAGE_D  TT]|0X  SAMPLE_E  ]|V1X  PAGE_E  GOFO|P0X  TOTAL_A  bP1X  AVG_AE  bnP1X  AVG_B  nz=P1X  AVG_C  z=^P1X  AVG_D  BP')":1a  OE OETYPE OF CLEARANCE / ACTIONBՇs'C"_1a  wVUvVUREMARKS RANBs '_"p1a  VD VDSIGNATURE AUTHORITY B':"P1a  O&J OJCLASSIFICATION NUMBER AND TITLE BWY'"1a  C(K CKCLEARANCE DEADLINE / DISTRIBUTION B''g"r1a  OFOFORIGINATOR B'WY'r"1a  WV"F VVFFORMS AND REPORTS CLEARANCE Bh8'"1a  O'X OXCLEARANCE ORIGINATING ORGANIZATIONBh8Շ'"C1a  OD ODOTHER CLEARANCES ETN*":1X  7{N1X   _VF^VFNameBR'PYg1X  O'F O&FINDEX TERMS Bh8'HXC,V CV See specific instructions on reverse;aNq1X   O'A O&AOrganization Abbreviations;aq1X  7TgB6TfBName and Title v;BJ 1X  OWBOVBConcur vJa1XC7X C6Xno commentsB:#J #X  CXCXNonconcurJBa 1XO'E ~O&Ecomments attachedBJa "1X'VwI &VvIcomments attached;a1X  oOA nOARoom Number; vJ1X  wOWAvOVADateJnDa1X  V/AV.AInnDJ va1X  OO?INO>IOutB;J "1X  {731X  7N?L6N>LTitle37 v1X  'NL &NLRoom Number v7B 1X  NLN~LDate v1X  NKNKInB 1X  DWFDVFOutB7 "1X  W_KW^KInitialsU$dL*t0X  MoLMnLSimultaneous )Uodv*0X  VUVUSequential Ud*0X  M/TM.TNew ential 6U<d*0X  VTVTRevised ent<U?d*0X  DSDSAmended ent> !;R]!)X  M]S MSCLEARANCE AND APPROVAL FOR DEPARTMENTAL ISSUANCES UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREBeP'Z)XVSVSAD116l !p"wX  MOAMNAForm AD-116, SEPT 82,VT:-KX  VSVS2,VT3P-aX  CSC~S3,VT'g-rX  MgSMfS4+*'QHr,~X  COSCNS5+*WYQcz,X  /P7S.P6S6+*Q,X  VSVS7+*h8QtY,X  WEWE8+*ՇQC,NX  ?ME>ME9+*sQ_,jX  BIBI10,PVT)-:X  7MS6MS1ׅN;"P1X   CLASS  NR"g1X  TERMS   'Nhr1X  ORG_NAME  BR BRName +WYNs1X  FORMS  MR MRForms \N1X  DEADLINE  oBR nBRComplete by (date) #sND"_1X  REMARKS  B(H BH(for additional space attach paper)  N`p1X  SIGNATURE  LX LXSignature aՇNqC1  X 'gՇN8qC  OTR_ORG  ODNDaՇqC1 X   OTR_NAME  gNfNaՇC1 X   OTR_ROOM  wNvNanDՇC1 X anDe+  IN_DATE  7W6WnDa vՇC1 X   OUT_DATE  WNVN vaՇC1 X  CONCUR_A  WWaBՇ C1 X  CONCUR_B  ?D>DBaՇ "C1 X  NONCNCUR  TT{h8N1 X  NAME  /W.W{3h81X  TITLE  TT3 vh81X  ROOM  GNFN vh81X  DATE_IN  'D&DBh8 1X  DATE_OUT  KKBh8 "1X  INITIALS  gMfM `p1X  SIG_TITLE  W W Title  `"p1X  SIG_DATE  GC FC Date \"1X  DIST_CODE  wDR vDRDistribution Codes  'hr1X  ORG_ROOM  UR URRoom Number +WYs1X  FORMS_DATE  wWR vWRDate +WYs1X  REPORTS  CoR CnRReports +WYs"1X  REPORT_DAT  UWR UVRDate  _'hr1X  ORG_EXT  _D?R ^D>RExtension _ t'hr1X  ORG_DATE  U'R U&RDate nsiont 'h"r1X  ORG_OPI  LR LROPI nsionizsO1R51XTYPE_A 1i;sy1|51XTYPE_B [iGs151XTYPE_C is151XTYPE_D nDiZNs151XTYPE_E