Peter Soltys

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Photo of Mr. Soltys   Co-Acting Chief, Information Resources Management Branch
6101 Exec Blvd MSC 8405
Bethesda, MD 20852

Peter Soltys is the IRMB Data Management Section Chief and Co-Acts as the Branch Chief and CIO. Mr. Soltys received his B.A. in English Language and Literature from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville in 1981. Prior to working at NIH, he worked for 14 years in the private sector developing full life cycle, small application automated solutions for Department of Defense clients in a wide array of business areas including financial management, contracts workflow and management and human resources. Mr. Soltys joined NINDS in 1997 as a Senior Applications Developer in the IRMB Data Management Section responsible for streamlining and automating Extramural grants processes, and providing enterprise data to support NINDS business unit requirements.

Date Last Modified Wednesday, July 09, 2008