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International Research Opportunities

U.S.-based researchers (citizens and legal residents) are eligible to apply for all categories of NIDCR funding and are encouraged to submit research applications that include international partners.

Non-U.S. researchers and institutions are eligible to apply for NIDCR funding via the following research grant support mechanisms:

  • Individual Research Project Grants (RO1) - support specific, circumscribed projects performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his/her specific interests and competency
  • International Collaborative Oral Health Research Planing Grant (R21)  - encourage the development of new research activities in categorical program areas
  • Research Conference Grants (R13) - offer general support for research conferences and meetings, and support for researchers wishing to attend. (Both domestic and international meetings may be supported; however, an international meeting can only be supported through the U.S. representative organization of an established scientific or professional society.)

International researchers may also enter the grants process by partnering with U.S.-based research grantees in jointly submitted grant applications. To search the NIH grants database and to identify NIH-funded researchers who are conducting research in your field of interest, go to the CRISP database system.

Non-U.S. scientists also have the opportunity to come to the NIDCR to conduct research in the Institute’s Division of Intramural Research. The Visiting Scientist Program is sponsored in cooperation with the NIH Fogarty International Center. At any given time, about 100 foreign scientists are working at the NIDCR alongside American scientists. They come to the Institute to learn, conduct research, and serve as mentors to others.

Additional opportunities for postdoctoral research training are offered to non-U.S. researchers through the Fogarty International Center.

Updated May 31, 2007

This page last updated: March 13, 2008