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Oral Complications from Cancer Treatment

Population Sciences Program
Clinical, Epidemiology and Behavioral Research Branch
Division of Population and Health Promotion Sciences

Objective: The goal of this initiative is to stimulate research that will reduce the incidence and severity of oral complications from cancer therapy. These research activities will target oral mucositis and osteonecrosis, improvement in the management of oral infections and salivary gland dysfunction, and ways to minimize the risk of associated chronic oral diseases such as dental caries.

Background: An estimated 1,284,900 new cases of cancer were diagnosed in the US in 2002. Treatments for cancer, which includes chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiation, are aggressive and may have a serious negative impact in the oral cavity.

The most common oral complications related to cancer therapy are mucositis, infection, salivary gland dysfunction, taste dysfunction and pain. These complications can lead to secondary problems such as dehydration and malnutrition. In addition, radiation of the head and neck can affect the oral mucosa, vasculature, muscle and bone, causing xerostomia, rampant dental caries, trismus, and necrosis of bone and soft tissues.

Management of oral complications of cancer therapy includes identification of high-risk individuals, patient education, initiation of pretreatment interventions and timely management of lesions. Assessment of oral status and eliminating any oral problems or disease prior to cancer therapy are critical to the patient's quality of life and overall care. The patient care should be both preventive and therapeutic to minimize oral and associated systemic conditions.

Current Portfolio Overview: The NIDCR intramural research portfolio includes two projects on interventions to address mucosal injury associated with treatment of oral cancer. The NIDCR has no grants in its portfolio that address other complications of oral cancer treatment.

Recommendations From Workshops: The NIH Consensus Development Panel on Oral Complications of Cancer Therapies: Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment included recommendations for care of oral cancer patients and the need for additional research on the oral complications of cancer therapy.

Collaborative Activities: Possible collaborations between NIDCR and Community Clinical Oncology Program (CCOP) in NCI.

References: National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Panel (1989). Consensus statement: Oral complications of cancer therapies. National Cancer Institute Monographs, 9, 3-8.

Peterson, DE, and Sonis, ST. (2001). Executive Summary. Mucosal Injury in Cancer
Patients: New Strategies for Research and Treatment. Proceeding of a Multidisciplinary
Conference. Bethesda, MD, May 24-25, 2000. JNCI Monographs, 29, 3-5

This page last updated: February 26, 2008