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Budget Update

FY 2008
The FY 2008 appropriation provides $389.7 million for NIDCR.  See the table below for the distribution by budget mechanism.

FY 2009
The President’s Budget Request provides $390.5 million for NIDCR. See the table below for the distribution by budget mechanism; the complete NIDCR budget justification to Congress is available at:

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
MECHANISM FY 2008 Estimate FY 2009 Request
Number Amount ($000) Number Amount ($000)
Research Grants            
Research Projects            
Noncompeting 468 181,219 468   179,503  
Competing 167 51,199 170   52,019  
Subtotal 635 232,418 638 231,522 
SBIR/STTR 30 8,520 30   8,529  
Subtotal, RPG 665 240,938 668  240,051 
Research Centers 8 17,519 6   14,050  
Other Research            
Research Careers 83 10,366    83  10,366  
Other 19 1,932 19   1,932  
Subtotal, Other Research 102  12,298 102 12,298 
Total Research Grants 775  270,755 776   266,399  
   FTTP    FTTP   
Research Training 356  15,934 354   15,934  
Research & Development Contracts 22  20,728 22   24,652  
SUBTOTAL, EXTRAMURAL    307,417    306,985  
Intramural Research    59,485    60,400  
Research Management and Support    22,801    23,150  
TOTAL, NIDCR    389,703    390,535

Updated February 5, 2008

This page last updated: August 13, 2008