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Inside.OMAO* New address 8/8/08

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Memorandum For:   NOAA Employees

From:                   William F. Broglie
                           NOAA Chief Administrative Officer

Subject:              Annual Reminder of Requirements for Hosting Foreign Nationals
                            and Technology Controls

One year ago, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued policies and procedures for hosting foreign nationals as visitors or guests and for maintaining appropriate access controls on certain types of technology. [SeeNOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 207-12.

These policies and procedures are designed to ensure compliance with the Export Administration Regulations to prevent the unauthorized release of certain technology to foreign nationals in the United States (i.e., “deemed exports”), while supporting NOAA’s mandate of information sharing and exchange with the international community.  These policies also incorporate the Department of Commerce requirements regarding access to NOAA facilities by foreign national visitors and guests.

As you prepare to host foreign nationals in your facility or on research cruises, or if you otherwise plan to engage in technical exchanges with foreign nationals, you are reminded of the need to meet the NOAA and Department of Commerce requirements.

Does this policy apply to you? 

The policy applies to all NOAA employees but most directly affects you if you:  (1) are likely to work with or host foreign national visitors or guests, (2) work at a national critical infrastructure site, or (3) conduct or oversee NOAA-sponsored research in collaboration with foreign nationals.

How do you comply with procedures to host foreign national visitors and guests? 

Obtain authorization for all foreign national “Visitors” or “Guests,” as defined in NAO 207-12, from your Servicing Security Office.  The following must be completed to obtain authorization:

-Submit required data (NAO 207-12, Section 5.08) to your Servicing Security Office

       -  Visitors: at least 1 business day before arrival

       -  Guests:  30 calendar days before arrival

-For Guests,

Submit the following to the Controlled Technology Coordinators for your office (See, http://deemedexports.noaa.gov/contacts.html)

       - “NOAA Line Office/Corporate Office Endorsement Supplement for the NOAA Sponsor of Foreign National Guests"


     -  Appendix B of NAO 207-12, “Certification of Conditions and Responsibilities for Departmental Sponsors of Foreign National Guests

        Submit Appendix C of NAO 207-12, “Certifications of Conditions and Responsibilities for Foreign National Guests directly to the Servicing Security Office.

NOTE: Required information, forms, and links to Servicing Security Offices referenced above can be found at the NOAA Deemed Exports webpage, “How to Sponsor a Foreign National” (See, http://deemedexports.noaa.gov/sponsor.html)

If you will be hosting a foreign national on an Office of Marine and Aviation (OMAO) platform (e.g., ships and planes), please refer to OMAO’s instructions for providing assurance to the commanding officer that all policy requirements have been met.  (See, http://www.omao.noaa.gov/foreign.html).

Where can you learn more?

·        NOAA Deemed Export website (http://deemedexports.noaa.gov)

·        Line Office and Corporate Office Controlled Technology Coordinators (http://deemedexports.noaa.gov/contacts.html)

·        Bureau of Industry and Security website (http://www.bis.doc.gov/)

·        Your Department of Commerce Servicing Security Office:

·        DOC Eastern Region Security Office  

·        DOC Mountain Regional Security Office

·        DOC Western Region Security

·        DOC HCHB Servicing Security Office

·        NOAA Silver Spring Security Servicing Office

You may also contact Ann Murphy at ann.murphy@noaa.gov and Melanie Caesar at Melanie.caesar@noaa.gov for additional information.

This message was generated for the Chief Administrative Officer by the NOAA
Information Technology Center/Financial and Administrative Computing Division



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