WASHINGTON, D.C. 20250






SUBJECT:    Roadless Area Conservation National Advisory Committee

DATE:    April 3, 2007

OPI:   Forest Service





This regulation renews the Roadless Area Conservation National Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee) in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App. II).  The purpose of the Advisory Committee is to provide advice and recommendations to the Secretary on the management and conservation of roadless areas, including, but not limited to, petitions by the States to the Secretary, or his designee, under the authority of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. §553(e) and 7 CFR 1.28).  The Advisory Committee shall review submitted petitions and provide advice and recommendations to the Secretary.  The Advisory Committee shall also provide advice and recommendations to the Secretary on any subsequent State-specific rulemakings. 





a         This regulation will expire 2 years after the date of filing unless renewed by proper authority and appropriate action.  This supersedes amended Departmental Regulation (DR) 1042-151 dated October 18, 2006.


b        The function of this Advisory Committee cannot be completed in less than 2 years.





a    This Advisory Committee shall consist of up to 15 members appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture.  The Committee Chair will be elected by the members.  Officers or employees of the Forest Service may not serve as members of the Advisory Committee. 

b    The Advisory Committee shall consist of members who represent diverse national organizations interested in the conservation and management of National Forest System inventoried roadless areas.  Committee members should have a demonstrated ability to work in a manner designed to establish a consensus of opinion in order to develop recommendations that reflect relevant needs and perspectives.  Members will seek to reach mutual agreement on a course of action or issues and will be expected to work together to draft recommendations that are representative of the diverse values and interests represented in the Committee.

c    Membership, to the greatest extent possible, shall be selected from geographically diverse locations.

d    The Secretary of Agriculture shall appoint a designated Federal officer (DFO) under sections 10(e) and (f) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act.

e    A vacancy on the Advisory Committee shall be filled in the same manner in which the original appointment was made.

f     Equal opportunity practices, in line with USDA policies, shall be followed in all membership appointments to the Advisory Committee.  To ensure that the recommendations of the committee have taken into account the needs of the diverse groups served by the Department, membership shall include, to the extent practicable, individuals with demonstrated ability to represent minorities, women, and persons with disabilities.



4        DUTIES

a         The Advisory Committee shall review petitions received by the Secretary, or his designee, (under the authority of the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. §553(e) and 7 CFR 1.28) submitted by the States regarding roadless area management.  The Committee shall provide advice and recommendations to the Secretary within 90 days of the Committee’s receipt of a completed petition regarding the need for additional information from the petitioner and the Secretary’s response to a petition.  The Committee shall also provide advice and recommendations to the Secretary on any subsequent State-specific rulemakings. The Committee may extend the time for review for up to an additional 90 days.


b        The Advisory Committee may create and operate subcommittees recommended by a majority of the committee members and approved by the Secretary or the DFO. 


c         Consistent with applicable laws and Departmental Regulations, the Advisory Committee may adopt such by-laws or rules of operation as it deems advisable.





a         The members of the Advisory Committee who are not officers or employees of the United States shall be provided per diem and travel expenses while attending meetings or other events held by the Advisory Committee.


b        The estimated cost of operating the Advisory Committee is $140,000 annually for the term of this regulation.  Federal staff support is estimated to be 0.3 FTE.


c         At the Advisory Committee’s request, the Chief of the Forest Service may make employees of the Forest Service available to the Advisory Committee for technical and administrative assistance.





The Advisory Committee will meet as often as is necessary to complete its work.





a    The Advisory Committee shall review petitions forwarded to it for review and provide the Secretary advice and recommendations.


      b    To the extent practicable, support for the Advisory Committee shall be

provided by the Forest Service.



