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Compliance Memorandum Number 4

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Subject: Nonprofit Agency Organization-wide Direct Labor Ratio Requirements

Effective Date: October 1, 2004

1. Purpose

2. Effective Period of Memorandum

3. Direct Labor Requirement

4. Nonprofit Agency Responsibilities

5. Central Nonprofit Agency Requirements

6. Phase-in Requirements

7. Calculation of Direct Labor Ratios

8. Failure to Meet Direct Labor Requirements

9. Verification of Direct Labor Ratios

10. Reinstatement


1. Purpose

In accordance with the Committee's regulations (41 CFR 51-1.3 and 51-4.3), this memorandum prescribes the procedures to be followed by nonprofit agencies participating in the AbilityOne Program when submitting annual direct labor certifications to the Committee. It also prescribes the procedures to be followed when a nonprofit agency fails in any fiscal year to meet the requirements for the direct labor ratios of people who are blind, in the case of nonprofit agencies associated with National Industries for the Blind (NIB), and people who are blind and/or have other severe disabilities, in the case of nonprofit agencies associated with NISH. This memorandum supersedes Compliance Memorandum No. 4, dated January 12, 1995.


The effective date of the attached interim guidance is October 1, 2004, and the expiration date of the interim guidance is the latest of the following dates:

  • September 30, 2005; or
  • the effective date of a final rule incorporating this guidance into the Committee's regulations at 41 CFR 51; or
  • the date of publication in the Federal Register of a withdrawal of the proposed rule to incorporate this guidance into the Committee's regulations at 41 CFR 51.


The definition of a qualified nonprofit agency under the JWOD Act requires the agency to employ people who are blind (in the case of NIB-associated nonprofit agencies serving such individuals) or people who are blind and/or have other severe disabilities (in the case of NISH-associated nonprofit agencies serving such individuals) for at least 75 percent of the direct labor hours performed in the nonprofit agency during any fiscal year (hereinafter 75 percent ratio).


A. Prior to verification to participate in the AbilityOne Program, nonprofit management must have attended a central nonprofit agency (CNA) training course on the AbilityOne Program.

B. Once the Committee has added a nonprofit's first project to the Procurement List, personnel from the nonprofit who will be managing/supervising the project must attend training on the AbilityOne Program prior to the nonprofit beginning performance.

C. Each nonprofit agency that has been authorized to produce a product or provide a service is required to submit quarterly reports to either NIB or NISH, as well as an annual certification (in accordance with the Committee's regulations at 41 CFR 51-4.3(a)) through NIB or NISH to the Committee. These provide the following information:

      1. The number of direct labor hours performed by persons who are blind (in the case of NIB-associated nonprofit agencies serving such individuals) or persons who are blind and/or have other severe disabilities (in the case of NISH-associated nonprofit agencies serving such individuals);
      2. The number of direct labor hours performed by persons who are not blind (in the case of NIB-associated nonprofit agencies) or do not have severe disabilities (in the case of NISH-associated nonprofit agencies);
      3. The total direct labor hours performed in the agency; and
      4. Other information as required by Committee Form 403 for NIB-associated nonprofit agencies serving individuals who are blind, or Committee Form 404 for NISH-associated nonprofit agencies serving individuals who are blind and/or have other severe disabilities.

D. The annual certification mentioned above is due to NIB or NISH by November 1st for the fiscal year ending the preceding September 30. (Committee Forms 403 and 404 with instructions are at Appendix 1.) Quarterly reports are due to NIB or NISH within 30 days of the end of the fiscal quarter.


A. NIB and NISH will provide training to nonprofit agencies interested in becoming authorized nonprofits so that the nonprofits are aware of all Program requirements prior to a nonprofit submitting its request for verification.

B. During a nonprofit agency's first year in the AbilityOne Program, NIB or NISH will monitor and report the nonprofit's performance on a quarterly basis to the Committee.

C. NIB and NISH will monitor the quarterly reports of their nonprofit agencies. Those nonprofits with cumulative overall ratios below 75 percent after the second quarter will be sent warning letters. The letters to the Board Chair and executive director/president will state the process that will be used if the nonprofit should finish the year below 75 percent.

D. NIB and NISH will report to the Committee the status of nonprofit cumulative overall direct labor ratios after the end of the second quarter.

E. NIB and NISH are required to review and forward their nonprofits' annual certifications to the Committee by December 1.


At the time the CNA submits a request proposing the addition of a product or service to the Procurement List or the transfer of a product or service from one nonprofit to another, the request must include an estimate of the direct labor hours that will be performed by people who are blind or have severe disabilities (ADD-5 or ADD-6). If the nonprofit is unable to initially perform the project at the direct labor ratio stated on the form, a phase-in must also be requested.

A. Normally, phase-ins will be reserved for unusual or highly complex projects that are large (more than 10 people) or where unique circumstances exist.

B. When a phase-in is requested by the nonprofit agency, the CNA must include information on whether or not the phase-in will cause the nonprofit's cumulative overall direct labor ratio to drop below 75 percent and, if so, when that ratio will again be at 75 percent.

C. A project that has a phase-in approved after the nonprofit has already begun work on that project will not be exempted from meeting the required direct labor ratios.

D. A phase-in plan must be submitted when the nonprofit agency's overall direct labor ratio will drop below 75 percent as a result of the phase-in.


Direct labor ratio information must be reported to two decimal places. The Committee will use commonly understood rounding rules in determining compliance with direct labor ratios. A ratio at or above 74.51 percent will be counted as 75 percent.


A. 75 Percent Overall Direct Labor Ratio

      1. The following procedures will apply when a nonprofit agency fails to meet the 75 percent overall direct labor ratio in any fiscal year, except for any nonprofit agency whose failure to meet the ratio is attributable solely to its operating under a Committee-approved phase in plan/schedule with which it is in full compliance or attributable to providing a product or service under national emergency or wartime surge requirements.

        a) The Committee will, by certified letter, place the nonprofit agency on probation. The letter will explain the process that will be used if the nonprofit wishes to remain in the AbilityOne Program. (See Appendix 2.)

        b) The Committee will suspend any proposed additions for that nonprofit agency until the nonprofit is again above 75 percent. However, the Committee will consider projects on a case-by-case basis if the nonprofit agency can present a compelling argument to the Committee for an addition while below 75 percent.

        c) The nonprofit agency is required to report its direct labor information to the Committee quarterly by submitting to the Committee a copy of their CNA's quarterly report. These reports will begin with the first quarter of the fiscal year following the year in which the nonprofit agency failed to meet the 75 percent ratio and continuing through the four quarters of that fiscal year. These quarterly reports must reflect cumulative data for the fiscal year through the end of the reporting quarter and must reach the Committee within 30 days after the end of each quarter.

        d) Failure to submit the quarterly reports may result in withdrawal of the Committee's approval of a nonprofit agency's authorization to produce products for or provide services to entities of the Government under the provisions of 41 U.S.C. 46-48c. (See Appendix 2 for a sample letter requiring quarterly reports.)

        e) If the Committee determines it is appropriate, an on-site compliance visit will be conducted by NIB, NISH or the Committee staff within the fiscal year following the year in which the nonprofit agency failed to meet the 75 percent direct labor ratio requirement.

        f) If the Committee staff determines that the circumstances are extreme enough to warrant the withdrawal of the nonprofit agency's authorization, the facts in each particular case will be presented to the Committee for a formal decision. A report by NIB or NISH, as provided by the Committee's regulations (41 CFR 51-4.5(a)), will also be presented to the Committee. Both the nonprofit agency and NIB or NISH will be permitted to address the Committee if they desire.

        g) If the Committee disqualifies the nonprofit agency, it cannot receive future orders, and if another nonprofit cannot immediately perform the work, in accordance with 41 CFR 51-5.4(c), the Committee will issue a purchase exception to the contracting activity to permit procurement from other sources.

      2. The following procedures will apply when a nonprofit agency fails to meet the 75 percent ratio for a second consecutive year. The same exceptions noted above will continue to apply.

        a) The nonprofit will be given the opportunity to present the specific circumstance to the Committee for a formal decision on whether the nonprofit should be removed from the AbilityOne Program. A report by NIB or NISH, as provided by the Committee's regulations (41 CFR 51-4.5(a)), will also be presented to the Committee. Both the nonprofit agency and NIB or NISH will be permitted to address the Committee if they desire.

        b) If the Committee votes to allow the nonprofit to remain in the AbilityOne Program, the nonprofit agency is required to continue to submit quarterly reports to the Committee along with an updated plan detailing further action that will be taken to correct the direct labor ratio.

        c) The Committee will determine if an on-site compliance visit, including review and/or intervention in specific issues, is appropriate. Unless it is determined that there are compelling reasons why an on-site review is not needed, a review will be conducted as soon as is practicable within the fiscal year following the year in which the nonprofit agency failed to meet the 75 percent ratio requirement for a second consecutive year. In most cases, the on-site review for a second consecutive year will be conducted by Committee staff.

        d) If the Committee disqualifies a nonprofit agency or removes a AbilityOne project from the nonprofit, it cannot receive future orders, and if another nonprofit cannot immediately perform the work, in accordance with 41 CFR 51-5.4(c), the Committee will issue a purchase exception to the contracting activity to permit procurement from other sources.


At the time that a Committee, NIB or NISH compliance staff person makes an on site visit to an individual nonprofit agency, that nonprofit agency must make available the cumulative direct labor hours being performed on all projects.


A. When the Committee has withdrawn a nonprofit agency's designation as a qualified nonprofit agency, the following conditions must be met before the nonprofit agency may be reinstated as a qualified nonprofit agency, in addition to the qualification requirements of 41 CFR 51-4.2:

    1. The nonprofit agency must meet the 75 percent direct labor requirements for the year in which the authorization was withdrawn; or
    2. The nonprofit agency must meet the 75 percent direct labor requirement for two consecutive quarters.

B. For the nonprofit agency to receive orders for the item it was previously authorized to provide, the following circumstances must apply:

    1. No other nonprofit agency has assumed responsibility for providing the item under the AbilityOne Program; or
    2. 2. The nonprofit agency providing the item has no objection to permitting the affected nonprofit agency to reassume supply responsibility for the item.


Leon A. Wilson, Jr.
Executive Director
Date: November 1, 2004

Appendix 1 - Committee Annual Certification forms (Forms 403 and 404) (Download in Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat)
Appendix 2 - Sample letters to agencies not meeting direct labor requirement (Download in Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat)

Seal of The Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled The Committee for Purchase From PeopleWho Are Blind or Severely Disabled
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