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NWS RDA-RPG Commercial T1 Service Consolidation
Information    Schedule

Due to increase in reports of WSR-88D wideband T1 communications problems, the ROC conducted a comprehensive investigation at seven sites through 2003. One result of that investigation was a recommendation that NWS RDA-RPG links using commercial T1 service be consolidated to a single provider for more reliable service, better support tools, and consistent problem troubleshooting. Use of a single carrier provides more leverage for NWS toward achieving the best possible services. NWS OCIO concurred with consolidation of 40 links to two providers. Thirty-one of the sites with new commercial T1 circuits were awarded to MCI FTS 2001.

The schedule link above provides the site effectivity list and projected MCI service delivery schedule. The effectivity list and a preliminary schedule were coordinated with each of the NWS Regions. However, the preliminary schedule is no longer valid, because there have been address issues with nearly all the sites. ROC will update the posted delivery schedule as new information is provided by MCI. Those locations where the Telco provider is identified as “Carrier 2” are TBD at this time pending an NWSH decision to award services at those locations.

TSP - Telecommunications Service Priority - a regulated service provided by a telecommunications provider, is being applied to all circuits in order to ensure the LEC delivers the new service on the most reliable facilities available.

As MCI processes the telecommunication service orders, they will provide progress reports to the ROC and that information will be forwarded to the respective offices. After the new MCI T1 circuit is delivered to both the RDA and WFO/RPG ends, tested, and accepted by MCI, a completion memo is sent to the ROC. In turn, ROC will notify the site that the circuit is ready for use and the Comms Documentation on the ROC Web pages will be updated for sites to download.

After MCI turns up a circuit for testing and then notifies the OCIO and ROC that the circuit is available for testing, a 72 hour clock starts, after which the government owns the circuit. Thus, if the circuit exhibits any errors during this 72 hour window, the WFO should notify MCI immediately and open a trouble ticket at 888-387-7821. This action will stop the billing and government acceptance of the new circuit until the problem is fixed by MCI. Unless weather conditions do not permit immediate cutover, all sites should transition over to the new wideband circuit as soon as possible after receipt of the completion email/memo from the ROC.

After 30 days of successful operations on the new MCI service, the existing wideband T1 service will be disconnected by OCIO.

ROC Project Leads: Sallie Ahlert and Mark Albertelly

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Page last modified: Wednesday, April 02, 2008
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