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NWS WSR-88D Level II Data Collection and Distribution Network Information

 Blue Diamond Bullet Top Tier Sites MOA Template (PDF) -
 Blue Diamond Bullet Points of Contact at Top Tier Sites for Obtaining Data Feeds (PDF) - Updated 06/19/08
 Blue Diamond Bullet NOAA Press Release of 4/13/04 (PDF) -
 Blue Diamond Bullet Update (PDF) - Updated 05/2/08
 Blue Diamond Bullet Briefing Slides Used At 06/18/08 FOS Meeting (PDF) - Updated 08/18/08
 Blue Diamond Bullet Results of 18 June 2003 Public Meeting -
 Blue Diamond Bullet Full Operational Capabiliity Architecture (PDF) -
 Blue Diamond Bullet List of Connected Sites and Planned Sites (PDF) - Updated 08/31/07
 Blue Diamond Bullet FAQ (PDF) - Updated 12/28/05
 Blue Diamond Bullet Radar Feed Monitor From NWS -
 Blue Diamond Bullet 2007 AMS Annual Meeting Level II Paper (PDF) -

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WSR-88D BUILD 10 Updated 05/02/2008

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Page last modified: Monday, August 18, 2008
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