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Patrick R. Leahy

Patrick Leahy photoMr. Patrick R. Leahy was appointed by President Bush to serve on the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled in early 2007 and represents the Department of Commerce.  Additionally, Mr. Leahy serves on the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities.

Currently, Mr. Leahy serves as the Director of Legislative Affairs for Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez.  His primary focus is the overall management of the Department’s legislative staff, and specializes in international trade, immigration reform, and disability policy issues.

Recently, his duties have centered on achieving Congressional approval of the pending Free Trade Agreements (FTA) with Peru, Colombia, Panama, and South Korea.  Mr. Leahy works closely with Secretary Gutierrez to promote the FTAs and communicate their importance to industry and Congress.

Before joining the Department, Mr. Leahy worked for the House Administration Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2001 to 2004.  He was instrumental in the development and passage of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) in response to the controversial 2000 election.  This historic legislation provided for sweeping election reform across the United States. 

Mr. Leahy has also worked for House Republican Conference Chairman J.C. Watts (R-OK) and Senator Fred Thompson (R-TN).  He graduated from Millersville University in 1997 with majors in Political Science and History.  During his free time, Mr. Leahy enjoys weight training, reading, and is an avid baseball fan.  In addition, he has a Guide Dog named Pepe who is an eight year old black Labrador.
Seal of The Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled The Committee for Purchase From PeopleWho Are Blind or Severely Disabled
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