User Guide:

Proposal File Update


Principal Investigators and Sponsored Research Office (or equivalent) officials are responsible for thoroughly reviewing proposals before submission to NSF. There have been cases where there were problems with a file uploaded to the proposal that for some reason the PIs and SRO officials did not identify before submission.

The FastLane Proposal File Update system gives organizations the ability to request the replacement of files associated with previously submitted proposals. Proposal sections that can be updated are only those sections where a file was uploaded during proposal preparation - sections where text was entered in the web text box provided cannot be updated.

Proposal File Updates requests must be submitted by an organization's Sponsored Research Office (SRO), or equivalent, and electronically signed by an Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR).


A file update request can have multiple file changes associated with it and will be accepted or rejected as one package. NSF will only accept and process one request per proposal at a time. Once a given Proposal File Update request is accepted or rejected by NSF or withdrawn by the organization, the organization is eligible to submit an additional update request, provided the proposal remains eligible for updating.

It is anticipated that it will be a very rare occurrence for more than one file update request to be submitted for a proposal.

Automatic Acceptance

Proposal File Update Requests will be accepted automatically if submitted prior to the deadline date or target date of the program announcement or solicitation indicated on the cover sheet, or if for an unsolicited proposal anytime prior to review or a funding recommendation.

NSF Acceptance

Proposal File Update Requests will require NSF acceptance if submitted after a proposal deadline or target date. If a request is accepted by NSF (either automatically or by an NSF program officer), the proposed files will be immediately integrated with the original proposal, replacing the previous files and becoming part of the official proposal.

Withdrawal of a Request

Organizations may withdraw a Proposal File Update request until the point that NSF accepts or rejects the changes. Accepted, rejected, and withdrawn update requests remain part of the official proposal record.


The following requirements must be met to successfully submit an Update request.

Eligibility Requirements for Proposal File Update

Proposals available for update must meet the following criteria:

File Update Requirements

For File updates to be considered by NSF the following conditions must be met:


The following steps must be completed by the PI and SRO as noted.

Principal Investigator (PI)

Sponsored Research Office (SRO)

National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia 22230, USA
Tel: 703-292-5111, FIRS: 800-877-8339
TDD: 703-292-5090

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