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Nuclear Power Deployment Scorecard
Powering Future Decades
Current Scorecard - September 3, 2008

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New Nuclear Plant Deployment
Current State of the Industry

Federal Financial Incentives
Summary: EPAct 2005 incentives are at various stages of development: two rules issued and one notice published.

Standby Support: Rule issued, no industry requests to date, no contracts issued.

  • Final Rulemaking Issued August 2006.
  • Published Standard Conditional Agreement September 2007.
  • DOE released on-line instructions for requesting Conditional Agreement December 2007.
  • Two Notices of Intent to Request Conditional Agreement received April 21, 2008 and June 13, 2008.
  • Expect first industry request for Conditional Agreements – FY-08.
  • Expect first DOE approval for standby support contract – late 2010.

Production Tax Credits: Notice issued.

  • Internal Revenue Bulletin 2006-18 published May 2006.
  • Final Rule on Tax Credit and Guidelines on Certification Process issued FY 2008.

Energy Facility Loan Guarantee: Final rulemaking issued. Congress provided DOE with authority to issue guarantees for up to $4 billion in loans (FY07).

  • DOE issued solicitations for $18.5 billion in loan guarantees for new nuclear power facilities and $2 billion for the "front end" of the nuclear fuel cycle on June 30, 2008.
    • One power company has submitted a full Part 1 loan guarantee application for a nuclear power plant.
    • Four power companies have provided initial responses to the loan guarantee solicitation indicating their intent to apply.
    • A full loan guarantee application was submitted for a fuel cycle facility on July 25.
  • As estimates of the construction costs continue to rise, the authorized amount for loan guarantees may be unable to cover the necessary number of nuclear projects needed to catalyze follow-on nuclear construction fully financed by the private sector. It will be necessary to:
    • Increase the loan guarantee authority,
    • Revise the Final Rule to allow inter-creditor agreements across multiple loans on one project, or
    • Agree that only the actual USG exposure on partially guaranteed loans be scored against the loan guarantee authority rather than the entire loan principal.
  • Nuclear power facilities solicitation is broken into two application parts that must be received by the Department by September 29, 2008 and December 19, 2008, respectively.
  • Nuclear fuel cycle solicitation is also broken into two application parts that must be received by the Department by September 29, 2008 and December 2, 2008, respectively.


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