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Anonymous uk visa said...

Hi Michael
I enjoyed your post and the website as a whole.
I think the US investment in minimising illegal immigration and the openness with which you do it is in marked contrast to the way the UK is currently approaching the problem.
It's particularly refreshing to read about the measures taken without the rhetoric that mostly accompanies any discussion on immigration.

November 8, 2007 6:16 AM

Blogger Mike said...

I would agree that the Coast Guard has done a wonderful job so far with the limited resources that they have been given. On the security front however, I would note that to date, major terrorist events haven't occured in the maritime environment or on our nation's shores due to..? Is it the Coast Guard's prevention efforts or is it just that the terrorists haven't yet figured out the best method to create havoc in the maritime environment? Maybe a little of both; however, one must admit that to create havoc in the maritime environment can be a daunting task, but its certainly not impossible.
I certainly sleep better at night knowing our folks are working hard to prevent any major security breaches in our ports and waterways, but the thought of a major attack still swirls in the back of my mind because I'm just not sure that it isn't because the bad guys haven't figured it out yet. Hopefully, smart Coasties will continue to stay ahead of the curve and prevent those from ever happening.
Prevention is a difficult thing to measure. I hope the congress continues to fund all of these efforts, but I'm a little suspect that over time they might not see the value of prevention if we can't show them proof that we've interdicted the bad guys and truly stopped that maritime attack scenario.

November 8, 2007 8:40 PM