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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said - thank you for your blog- it is a contrast to what our nation's media publishes regarding what we are doing to protect our nation. Thank you for your service, many of us quietly appreciate your dedication to this wonderful nation of ours.

October 18, 2007 9:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a Westminster student, and your speech was very very good. I am so glad that I went. You could really tell that you knew your stuff. Thanks for the speech. I'll remember it forever.

October 18, 2007 12:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your dissertation is very well received by most Americans including myself. I have lived thru all that you expressed but we must also realize what has been happening to blur all our freedom loving efforts. The House committee on Foreign Affairs has reared the head of the "ugly American" once more in inciting riot and distrust in Turkey. When will the Democrats learn that their stupidity and their ignorance of foreign mentality is not ours to judge? It is not our job to use incriminating nomenclature to lose allies in Democxracy just for political gain. This is creating a new situation in which we must defend ourselves.

October 21, 2007 5:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can one fight an ideological war with conventional weapons? Should we not be the leader in showing goodwill? Should we not give the respect we want to receive? Is not ideology a demonstration of our attitudes and culture?

I fear we have fallen into a trap where it may be too late to talk, which means we ourselves have moved beyond the ideological and toward our own brand of medieval fanaticism.

As Churchill put it: "To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war."

A battle of ideas has never been won with bombs and rifles.

October 22, 2007 5:04 PM

Blogger Hipster Doofus said...

anon #4- If you want to show goodwill to an enemy who will not show goodwill towards you, be my guest. Radical Islam is not just the enemy of America, it is the enemy of every freedom-loving nation on the globe, and the sooner all of the leaders of the free countries realize this, the sooner Radical Islam will be defeated. It is a medieval ideology where Iranian women are stoned to death for adultery, and Palestinian children are indoctrinated with unfounded hatred for the children of Israel. From Indonesia to Madrid to London to the World Trade Center, radical Islamists have shown time and time again that they are not willing to talk their way to their ends, they are only interested in achieving their goal through violence. The sooner we realize this and stand up to this very real threat, as President Bush has already done with the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, the sooner we can defeat an enemy who has nothing but contempt for our ideas of freedom.

October 22, 2007 7:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am concerned about the gang problem in this country, I see that as a more urgent problem than al queda as many Americans are being murdered and victimized in other ways by these violent gangs. Please do not forget the danger they pose to Americans.

October 28, 2007 6:51 AM