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Anonymous Anonymous said...

With a change of administration approaching, one critically important element of any comprehensive protection strategy is to ensure continuity of expertise and awareness as political appointees depart over the next few months. The Department has emphasized its reliance on political appointees' career deputies for this essential continuity, but does not seem to have a process in place to verify that the politicals are actually allowing their deputies to be fully engaged in relationship building and decision making. Rumors of some key headquarters career executives being shunted aside and assigned "make work" tasks are disturbing. Are you able to verify that senior political appointees are in fact supporting your transition strategy and not clinging tightly to power at the expense of continuity for our homeland security? Have you checked with the deputies themselves?

July 19, 2008 4:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me. Chertoff, in the now increasing ICE raids we note they seem to be a focus on Mexico as an originating country.

We urge you to take a long hard look at Michigan for its large group of ILLEGAL Yemenis, Bangladashians, and Baltics that have filled Hamtramck, Michigan,

July 22, 2008 7:01 PM