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Blogger mrbill said...

We have found in our state that we will charge anyone caught using a false or fake DL or document for gaining employment will be charged with Forgery and or Fraud which are FELONIES.

This will then preclude them from EVER becoming a legal resident. Good deterrence and filtering device.

December 14, 2007 12:31 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course; using a fake ID is fraud! It's just that up till now....the person using the fake ID to gain employment never is punished, or rarely even caught.
I like the REAL ID idea; I am very curious "how" the new database is able to check birth certificates, as there as many different birth certificates as there are state and hospitals. I do know illegal aliens who buy packets of "fake" ID paperwork for themselves, usually get a SSC and birth cert. maybe a driver's lic. too. Will this new system really be able to tell if that illegal alien’s fake "birth certificate" is indeed, FAKE?

I also do not think one state should accept a different states Driver’s license as ID for employment or as ID to obtain a new driver’s license in a new state! That is where “fraud” will occur!

December 16, 2007 9:00 PM

Blogger Toby said...

I think it should be illegal for a government agency to campaign for a political position, such as REAL ID. I don't want my tax money used for political promotions.

Quit lobbying voters for your point of view, and using our money to do it.

You all have a vested interest in this because you make money as employees of the agency. You promote fear because you make money off of the fear of Americans. You promote the theft of our liberties because your jobs are safer if you can control us.

Shame on you all.

February 2, 2008 2:05 PM