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Blogger John R. said...


1. REAL ID has requirements demanded by the NATIONAL government.

2. The purpose is for IDENTIFICATION.

3. It is on a CARD.

1+2+3= National ID Card.

I'm for fighting terror. I love my country. But I don't want to see America morphed into a state where the federal government holds all the cards over against the individual. We've fought a long time to be a free country.

Our DHS leaders have shown a disdain for people who are concerned about the ever growing power and presence of the federal government. Yet the whole spirit of the Constitution is based on the principles of limited government, federalism, delegated powers, and liberty.

Let's fight terror. But let's keep America... America.

Just saying the words "It's not a national id card" (like waving a magic wand over the issue) doesn't make it so.

American citizens are supposed to free. Part of that freedom is "innocent until proven guilty." Not "Suspect until properly identified."

Our DHS leaders have plainly stated that they see "countless" other uses for REAL ID.

Not good.

June 21, 2008 4:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not a national ID card.........duh.

It's only a driver's Lic. and it's not required.

Don't get one if your afraid of having ID. Geeze!

June 23, 2008 3:51 PM

Blogger John R. said...


I encourage you to read more. REAL ID is required IF you want to function in society. The whole point of REAL ID is to take it way beyond a mere driver's license.

REAL ID was included in the EEVS legislation. The momentum behind REAL ID is eventually require it work.

A main leader at DHS has said, "In the end, by embracing REAL ID, we can indeed cash a check, hire a baby sitter, board a plane or engage in countless other activities with confidence."

REAL ID would soon be required to by "cold medicine" as some proponents have also said.

My reply to such talk is that we can already by medicine, cash checks, hire baby-sitters, or engage in countless other activities with confidence and without having ongoing real-time permission from DHS.

Please increase your awareness, beware of bureaucrats speaking, avoid gullibility, look down the road, consider history, and think for yourself.

June 23, 2008 5:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cowards, the lot of you.

July 2, 2008 2:05 PM