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Treasury Officials


Tim Skud
Deputy Assistant Secretary (Tax, Trade and Tariff Policy)
Office of Tax Policy

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Tim Skud is the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Tax, Trade and Tariff Policy) in the Office of Tax Policy at the Treasury Department. Prior to the 2003 reorganization of the Departmental Offices, he served in the Office of Enforcement as the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Tax, Trade and Tariff Enforcement). As DAS (Tax, Trade and Tariff Policy), Mr. Skud provides policy oversight of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau and for Customs revenue functions.

Prior to joining the Department of the Treasury, Mr. Skud was with the Department of State, serving in Iran, Lesotho, Germany, and Britain. After attending public schools in Boothbay Harbor, Maine, Mr. Skud attended Bucknell University, the University of Washington, and George Mason University. He has degrees in international affairs, economics, and law.