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November 30, 2007

DOE Statement on Canada Joining the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership

WASHINGTON, DC – Today the U.S. Department of Energy commended Canada’s announcement that it will join the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP).  This voluntary partnership seeks to expand the use of clean and affordable nuclear energy for peaceful purposes worldwide in a safe and secure manner through a closed nuclear fuel cycle that increases energy security, while promoting non-proliferation.  Canada’s announcement will bring the total number of GNEP partners to 18.

“We welcome Canada’s announcement that it will join the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership and help expand the benefits of safe, emissions-free nuclear energy worldwide to meeting growing energy demand,” Dennis Spurgeon, U.S. Department of Energy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy, said.  “Canada’s position as the world’s largest uranium producer coupled with its commitment to non-proliferation and safety will make its participation and perspective especially beneficial to this global framework and further demonstrates the diversity of this growing partnership.”

Earlier this month while in Rome, Secretary Bodman congratulated Italian Minister of Economic Development Pier Luigi Bersani for signing the GNEP Statement of Principles and welcomed Italy to GNEP.

At the second GNEP Ministerial meeting in September, GNEP tripled the size of its partnership when China, France, Japan, Russia and the United States, who are original GNEP partners, as well as Australia, Bulgaria, Ghana, Hungary, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, and Ukraine signed the GNEP Statement of Principles, which addresses the prospects of expanding the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, including enhanced safeguards, international fuel service frameworks, and advanced technologies.  GNEP principles state that nations participating in this cooperation would not give up any rights and voluntarily engage to share the effort and gain the benefits of economic, peaceful nuclear energy.

For additional information on the GNEP Statement of Principles and the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership, visit the Office of Nuclear Energy.

Media contact(s):
Angela Hill, (202) 586-4940


Link: The White House Link: USA.gov Link: E-gov Link: Information Quality (IQ) Link: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
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