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Clinton W. Jeske, Ph.D.


Clinton W. Jeske, Ph.D. 1991. Colorado State University. Waterfowl biology, avian physiological ecology, reptile physiological ecology, migration ecology, international avian conservation.

Jeske's research has focused on behavioral and physiological ecology of wintering waterfowl. Current studies are attempting to determine environmental cues used by northern pintails to assess remote habitat availability prior to initiation of long-distance movements; waterbird use of hypersaline wetlands in New Mexico and avian osmoregulatory ability when exposed to hypersaline habitats; measuring stress in lesser snow geese; determining the role of metabolic limitations in observed winter distribution patterns; and determination of normal baselines for hematological parameters.

Jeske's NWRC Publications

The following list of publications is current only through 2001. For an update, please go to the online NWRC publications data base ( to search for the bibliographic citations of individual staff members.


Finley, M.C., and C.W. Jeske. 1997. Capture myopathy in a captive black-bellied whistling duck. Wildfowl 48:181-185.

Huner, J.V., and C. Jeske. 2001. Observations on the occurrence and food habits of double-crested cormorants and neotropic cormorants in Southern Louisiana crawfish ponds. The Journal of Louisiana Ornithology 5(1):22-30.

Jeske, C.W. 1993. Factors influencing size of the wintering mallard population in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. The Southwestern Naturalist 38:155-156.

Jeske, C.W. 1996. Migration strategies of North American Anatinae. Gibier Faune Sauvage, Game Wildlife 13:207-219.

Jeske, C.W. 2000. Factors affecting habitat selection by wintering ring-necked ducks in Florida, USA. Pages 137-146 in F.A. Comin, J.A. Herrera, and J. Ramirez, editors. Limnology and Aquatic Birds: Monitoring, Modelling, and Management. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida (Mexico).

Jeske, C.W., D.W. Gilbert, D.R. Anderson, J.K. Ringelman, and M.R. Szymczak. 1993. Use of a restraining board and wing bands to immobilize and mark mallards. Journal of Field Ornithology 64:84-89.

Jeske, C.W., H.F. Percival, and J.E. Thul. 1993. Food habits of ring-necked ducks wintering in Florida. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 47:130-137.

Jeske, C.W., and H.F. Percival. 1995. Time and energy budgets of wintering ring-necked ducks Aythya collaris in Florida, USA. Wildfowl 46:109-118.

Jeske, C.W., M.R. Szymczak, D.R. Anderson, J.K. Ringelman, and J.A. Armstrong. 1994. Relationship of body condition to survival of mallards in San Luis Valley, Colorado. Journal of Wildlife Management 58(4):787-793.

Ji, W., and C. Jeske. 2000. Spatial modeling of the geographic distribution of wildlife populations: a case study in the lower Mississippi River region. Ecological Modelling 132:95-104.

Ringelman, J.K., M.R. Szymczak, C.W. Jeske, and K.E. Ragotzkie. 1992. Ulnar lipid as an indicator of depleted fat reserves in mallards. Journal of Wildlife Management 56(2):317-321.

Other Peer Reviewed Publications

Jeske, C.W. 1991. The endangered kingdom (book review). Wildlife Review September 1991:210.

Jeske, C.W. 1991. Handbook of the maintenance of reptiles in captivity (book review). Wildlife Review September 1991:300.

Jeske, C.W. 1991. Osprey: a natural and unnatural history (book review). Wildlife Review September 1991:140.

Jeske, C.W. 1995. Iguanas: a guide to their biology and captive care (book review). Wildlife Review November 1995:587.

Jeske, C.W. 1995. The reptiles and amphibians of South Australia (book review). Wildlife Review November 1995:590.

Jeske, C.W., P.C. Chadwick, M.C. Finley, and F. Roetker. 1994. Telemetry study identifies movement patterns and migration routes of northern pintails instrumented in Louisiana. National Biological Survey Research Information Bulletin 71. 3 pp.

Jeske, C.W., W. Ji, P.C. Chadwick, W. Norling, and M.C. Finley. 1997. Use of a spatial decision support system for analysis of habitat use by wintering northern pintails. Pages 83-85 in J. Goss-Custard, R. Rufino, and A. Luis, eds. Effect of habitat loss and change on waterbirds. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Symposium No. 30, Wetlands International Publication No. 42.

Management Reports

Michot, T.C., Jeske, C.W., Vermillion, W., Mazourek, J., and Leberg, P., 2001, Distribution, species composition, and numbers of wading bird and seabird colonies in Louisiana, as determined from aerial surveys, Spring 2001: U.S. Geological Survey, National Wetlands Research Center, Final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

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