Department of Health and Human Services logo

Mental Health and Mental Disorders



Modifications to Objectives and Subobjectives

Progress Toward Healthy People 2010 Targets

Progress Toward Elimination of Health Disparities

Opportunities and Challenges

Emerging Issues

Progress Quotient Chart

Disparities Table (See below)

Race and Ethnicity

Gender, Education, and Income

Objectives and Subobjectives


Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas

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Midcourse Review  >  Table of Contents  >  Focus Area 18: Mental Health and Mental Disorders  >  Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas
Midcourse Review Healthy People 2010 logo
Mental Health and Mental Disorders Focus Area 18

Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas

1. Access to Quality Health Services
1-1. Persons with health insurance
1-3. Counseling about health behaviors
1-4. Source of ongoing care
1-5. Usual primary care provider
1-6. Difficulties or delays in obtaining needed health care
1-7. Core competencies in health profession training
1-8. Racial and ethnic representation in health professions
1-10. Delay or difficulty in getting emergency care
1-11. Rapid prehospital emergency care
1-12. Single toll-free number for poison control centers
1-13. Trauma systems
1-14. Special needs of children
1-15. Long-term care services

2. Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions
2-4. Arthritis counseling

3. Cancer
3-10. Provider counseling about cancer prevention

6. Disability and Secondary Conditions
6-1. Standard definition of people with disabilities in data sets
6-2. Feelings and depression among children with disabilities
6-3. Feelings and depression interfering with activities among adults with disabilities
6-4. Social participation among adults with disabilities
6-5. Sufficient emotional support among adults with disabilities
6-6. Satisfaction with life among adults with disabilities
6-7. Congregate care of children and adults with disabilities
6-8. Employment parity
6-9. Inclusion of children and youth with disabilities in regular education programs
6-10. Accessibility of health and wellness programs
6-11. Assistive devices and technology
6-12. Environmental barriers affecting participation in activities
6-13. Surveillance and health promotion programs

7. Educational and Community-Based Programs
7-1. High school completion
7-2. School health education
7-3. Health-risk behavior information for college and university students
7-4. School nurse-to-student ratio
7-5. Worksite health promotion programs
7-6. Participation in employer-sponsored health promotion activities
7-10. Community health promotion programs
7-11. Culturally appropriate and linguistically competent community health promotion programs
7-12. Older adult participation in community health promotion activities

9. Family Planning
9-1. Intended pregnancy
9-2. Birth spacing
9-3. Contraceptive use
9-4. Contraceptive failure
9-5. Emergency contraception
9-6. Male involvement in pregnancy prevention
9-7. Adolescent pregnancy
9-8. Abstinence before age 15 years
9-9. Abstinence among adolescents aged 15 to 17 years
9-10. Pregnancy prevention and sexually transmitted disease (STD) protection
9-11. Reproductive health education

11. Health Communication
11-1. Households with Internet access
11-2. Health literacy
11-3. Research and evaluation of communication programs
11-4. Quality of Internet health information sources
11-5. Centers for excellence
11-6. Satisfaction with health care providers' communication skills

13. HIV
13-1. New AIDS cases
13-5. New HIV/AIDS cases
13-13. Treatment according to guidelines
13-17. Perinatally acquired HIV/AIDS and AIDS
13-18. Heterosexually transmitted HIV/AIDS in women

15. Injury and Violence Prevention
15-10. Emergency department surveillance systems
15-11. Hospital discharge surveillance systems
15-12. Emergency department visits
15-33. Maltreatment and maltreatment fatalities of children
15-34. Physical assault by intimate partners
15-35. Rape or attempted rape
15-36. Sexual assault other than rape
15-37. Physical assaults
15-38. Physical fighting among adolescents
15-39. Weapon carrying by adolescents on school property

16. Maternal, Infant, and Child Health
16-2. Child deaths
16-3. Adolescent and young adult deaths
16-4. Maternal deaths
16-5. Maternal illness and complications due to pregnancy
16-6. Prenatal care
16-14. Developmental disabilities
16-17. Prenatal substance exposure
16-18. Fetal alcohol syndrome
16-19. Breastfeeding
16-22. Medical homes for children with special health care needs
16-23. Service systems for children with special health care needs

20. Occupational Safety and Health
20-5. Work-related homicides
20-6. Work-related assaults
20-7. Elevated blood lead levels
20-9. Worksite stress reduction programs

23. Public Health Infrastructure
23-2. Public access to information and surveillance data
23-3. Use of geocoding in health data systems
23-4. Data for all population groups
23-6. National tracking of Healthy People 2010 objectives
23-7. Timely release of data on objectives
23-8. Competencies for public health workers
23-9. Training in essential public health services
23-10. Continuing education for public health personnel
23-11. Performance standards for essential public health services
23-12. Health improvement plans
23-13. Access to public health laboratory services
23-14. Access to epidemiology services
23-17. Population-based prevention research

25. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
25-3. Primary and secondary syphilis
25-9. Congenital syphilis
25-11. Responsible adolescent sexual behavior

26. Substance Abuse
26-7. Alcohol- and drug-related violence
26-8. Lost productivity
26-9. Substance-free youth
26-10. Adolescent and adult use of illicit substances
26-11. Binge drinking
26-12. Average annual alcohol consumption
26-13. Low-risk drinking among adults
26-14. Steroid use among adolescents
26-15. Inhalant use among adolescents
26-16. Peer disapproval of substance abuse
26-17. Perception of risk associated with substance abuse
26-18. Treatment for alcohol or illicit drugs
26-22. Hospital emergency department referrals
26-23. Community partnerships and coalitions

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