Monitor and report on demonstration projects at agencies by January 1, 2007, and update each year thereafter. |
A-6 |
Increase number of CHCO agencies using the USAJOBS announcement format and integrating online applications with their assessment systems to 50% by April 1, 2007; 75% by April 1, 2008; and 100% by April 1, 2010. |
C-10 |
Complete progress reviews for OPM employees by May 1, 2007 and every year thereafter except for new staff that have not been under standards the requisite period of time. |
E-57 |
Work with CHCO Council to roll out a more targeted (by learning institution, profession) job fair process in 2006 and expand through strategic planning period. |
C-4 |
Decrease hiring decision timeframes to 45 days from closing date of job announcement to date of offer for 50% of hires by end of FY 2006, increasing by 10% per year thereafter to 90% in 2010. |
C-8 |
Implement a human capital accountability system, including compliance with merit system principles, laws, rules, and regulations in accordance with OPM standards, at eight CHCO agencies by October 1, 2006; 16 by October 1, 2008; and all by October 1, 2010 |
D-6 |
Convert 50% of hard copy official personnel folders Governmentwide to electronic format by October 1, 2008; increasing 20% per year thereafter to 90% by 10/1/2010. FY 2008 Total = 900,000. FY 2009 Total = 1,260,000. |
D-9 |
Work with CHCO council to host and lead a new forum, including private sector thought leaders, for exploring innovative human resources practices by October 1, 2007, and each year thereafter. |
D-24 |
Pandemic Threats: Support Administration strategies to address pandemic threats throughout planning period. |
E-13 |
Achieve full cost recovery annually for each revolving fund program. |
E-21 |
Comply fully with A-123 and achieve unqualified assurance for agency control over financial reporting every year by October 1 for the period ending June 30. |
E-47 |
Lead in the Federal Government in completing background investigations for OPM employees by
Obtaining a 97% compliance with OFI-79A requirements (Report of Agency Adjudicative Action on OPM Personnel Investigations) by October 1st of each year. |
E-82 |
Identify al least one initiative per year to partner and implement beginning in 2006. |
G-5 |
Receive unqualified audit opinion and report no material weaknesses every year. |
E-16 |
Report on SES performance-based pay system results each calendar year. |
A-2 |
Improve hiring practices as measured by CHCO Council-approved manager surveys at a total of eight CHCO agencies by July 1, 2007; 15 by October 1, 2008; and all agencies by 2010. |
C-9 |
Review all FEHBP carriers for compliance with guiding principles at least once during the 2007-2010 period. |
E-20 |
Achieve rate of no more than 1% of completed investigations returned as deficient from agency security/adjudication offices each year. |
E-26 |