40 Fountain Street ~ Providence, RI 02903
401.421.7005 (V) ~ 401.421.7016 (TDD) ~ 401.222.3574 (FAX) ~ 401.272.8090 (Spanish)

ATAP Information & Referral - 800.916.8324

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Current News

FFY 2008 AT State Plan

New Chair of RICAT

Device Exchange Website


ATAP, the Rhode Island Assistive Technology Act Program (P.L. 105-394) is designed as a statewide partnership of organizations, each with a targeted assistive technology focus, working together to improve access to and acquisition of assistive technology for individuals with disabilities.

We provide the following services:

    • Device Re-use
    • Device Loans
    • Device Demonstrations
    • Training
    • Public Awareness
    • Information & Referral
    • Coordination and Collaboration

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call me at 401.421.7005, extension 373, or email me at Kathleen Grygiel. We welcome your questions and comments.




Office of Rehabilitation Services (ORS)

ATEL (Adaptive Telephone Equipment Loan) Program

East Bay Educational Collaborative (EBEC)


PARI Indpendent Living Center


Fact Sheets*
ATAP Accomplishments
ATAP Partners in AT
ATAP Partnership
Definition of Assistive Technology
Disability Credits For Businesses
Independent Living
Lemon Law

About Us
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
Who Are The ATAP Partners?

What Is Assistive Technology?
What We Do?

Rhode Island Council on Assistive Technology (RICAT)

News Archives

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Resource Links

Click for Providence, Rhode Island Forecast

Date last modified
July 8, 2008

* Fact sheets are in PDF format.
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
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