Midcourse Review  >  Table of Contents  > Focus Area 28: Vision and Hearing  >  Progress Quotient Chart

Figure 28-1. Progress Quotient Chart for Focus Area 28: Vision and Hearing

Moved away from target Moved away from target Moved toward target Moved toward target Met target Met target

  Percent of targeted change achieved
28-4. Blindness and visual impairment: < 18 years
(1997, 2003)
Moved toward target
50% - Moved toward target
28-11a. Newborns receiving hearing screening before age 1 month (2001, 2002) Moved toward target
71% - Moved toward target
28-11b. Infants with possible hearing loss receiving evaluation before age 3 months (2001, 2002) Moved away from target
-29% - Moved away from target
28-11c. Infants with hearing loss receiving intervention services before age 6 months (2001, 2002) Moved away from target
-50% - Moved away from target
28-12. Otitis media: < 18 years (1997, 2002) Moved toward target
82% - Moved toward target
28-14. Hearing examination in past 5 years
(1999–2000, 2001–02)
a. 20-69 years Moved toward target
20% - Moved toward target
b. 70+ years Met target 100% - Met target


Tracking data for objectives 28-1, 28-2, 28-3, 28-5, 28-6, 28-7, 28-8a and b, 28-9a and b, 28-10a and b, 28-13a through d, 28-14c, 28-16a and b, 28-17, and 28-18 are unavailable. Objective 28-15 was deleted at the midcourse.

Years in parentheses represent the baseline data year and the most recent data year used to compute the percent of the Healthy People 2010 target achieved.

Equation expressing change between baseline data year and most recent data value to detemine percent of 2010 target achieved.

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