Use the agency-wide Document Management System in 250 person pilot group by March 1, 2006, and extend through the agency by October 1, 2006 |
E-11 |
February 27, 2006 |
Identify and initiate at least one project on which to work with Members of Congress by March 1, 2006 |
G-3 |
March 1, 2006 |
Develop pilot program for eliminating interim payments; identify two agency participants in pilot program by April 1, 2006; finalize 50% of initial retirement benefits by first payment due date (eliminating interim payments) by January 1, 2007; and evaluate program and expand pilot to additional agencies in 2007 |
B-7 |
March 30, 2006 |
Complete all routine OPM clearances in seven business days starting by April 1, 2006 |
E-9 |
March 31, 2006 |
Develop guiding principles to be updated, published and required for FEHBP carriers by the FY 2007 call letter mailing |
E-19 |
March 24, 2006 |
Award Retirement Systems Modernization contracts and begin implementation for Defined Benefit Technology Solution and Business Transformation/Information Technology Service by May 1, 2006, and June 1, 2006, respectively |
B-3 |
April 28, 2006 |
Operate under a fully implemented set of delegated authorities and clearance protocols by May 1, 2006 |
E-10 |
April 28, 2006 |
Revalidate requirements for financial management system migration to Bureau of Public Debt by May 1, 2006; complete implementation by February 1, 2007 |
E-22 |
April 28, 2006 |
Award Retirement Systems Modernization contracts and begin implementation for Defined Benefit Technology Solution and Business Transformation/Information Technology Service by May 1, 2006, and June 1, 2006, respectively |
B-3 |
May 23, 2006 |
Identify Federal Government workforce Career Patterns (see Appendix E) for the future with accompanying requirements/impact by June 1, 2006 |
C-1 |
May 26, 2006 |
Have the OPM Beta site operational by June 1, 2006 |
E-5 |
May 31, 2006 |
Establish performance measurement criteria by July 1, 2006, and collect data for determination that DOD may implement NSPS beyond initial 300,000 employee limitation |
A-4 |
June 22, 2006 |
Streamline and improve the examination rating schedules for common occupations by July 1, 2006 |
C-6 |
June 12, 2006 |
Develop and roll out a plan with the CHCO Council to work with the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program to recruit top talent for positions in management by July 1, 2006 |
C-7 |
June 19, 2006 |
Implement performance elements and standards for all OPM employees that support the OPM Strategic and Operational Plan by July 1, 2006 |
E-1 |
June 29, 2006 |
Implement an employee recognition program at OPM by July 1, 2006 |
E-3 |
June 19, 2006 |
Develop a group employee incentive program for the Human Resources Products and Services (HRPS) Division that factors in the uniqueness of HRPS as a reimbursable business operation by July 1, 2006; implement pilot program in Center for Talent Services by October 1, 2006 |
E-6 |
June 26, 2006 |
Develop performance standards for OPM common services by July 1, 2006, and implement by October 1, 2006 |
E-7 |
June 15, 2006 |
Develop new common services methodology by July 1, 2006; implement by October 1, 2006 |
E-14 |
June 23, 2006 |
Issue new internal control guidelines by July 1, 2006 |
E-15 |
April 24, 2006 |
Set up a Capital Investment Committee that will review and approve major capital expenditures by July 1, 2006 |
E-18 |
April 19, 2006 |
Develop and post on internal OPM website a functional organizational directory by July 1, 2006 |
E-29 |
May 11, 2006 |
Implement a plan to increase public awareness of professional development opportunities in the Federal workforce by July 1, 2006 |
F-1 |
May 2, 2006 |
Acknowledge receipt of all Congressional inquiries within 24 hours by July 1, 2006 |
G-1 |
May 16, 2006 |
Provide communications of OPM positions [to Congress] on routine issues within two days by July 1, 2006 |
G-2 |
June 12, 2006 |
Implement limited expense health care flexible spending account by August 1, 2006 |
B-9 |
July 14, 2006 |
Review and assist, where needed, agencies in ensuring performance appraisal systems focus on goal achievement by October 1, 2006 |
A-1 |
September 15, 2006 |
Issue a comprehensive catalog of Federal Government-offered professional development programs by October 1, 2006 |
B-1 |
September 29, 2006 |
Evaluate/update OPM educational curricula for relevance and effectiveness in the current human resources environment by October 1, 2006 |
B-2 |
September 14, 2006 |
Make final 90% of initial retirement benefits in 30 days by October 1, 2006 |
B-4 |
September 28, 2006 |
Complete and mail notice in 10 working days for 80% of subsequent change requests by October 1, 2006 |
B-5 |
September 14, 2006 |
Answer 85% of general inquiries within 72 hours by October 1, 2006 |
B-6 |
September 28, 2006 |
Update Executive Core Qualifications by October 1, 2006; complete development of enhanced automated examination tool by April 1, 2007 |
C-5 |
August 10 , 2006 |
Decrease hiring decision timeframes to 45 days from closing date of job announcement to date of offer for 50% of hires by end of FY 2006, increasing by 10% per year thereafter to 90% in 2010 |
C-8 |
September 15, 2006 |
Set guidelines for managerial development by October 1, 2006 |
C-13 |
September 12, 2006 |
Develop and operate Beta sites at 18 CHCO agencies by October 1, 2006 |
D-1 |
August 22 , 2006 |
Have written succession plans in place at 15 CHCO agencies by October 1, 2006, and meet milestones; all other agencies by October 1, 2007 |
D-3 |
September 15, 2006 |
Set targets for closing competency gaps in the Human Resources Management Specialist occupation by October 1, 2006, at all CHCO agencies |
D5 |
September 14, 2006 |
Implement a human capital accountability system, including compliance with merit system principles, laws, rules, and regulations in accordance with OPM standards, at eight CHCO agencies by October 1, 2006; 16 by October 1, 2008; and all by October 1, 2010 |
D-6 |
September 15, 2006 |
Obtain commitment from three agencies for migration to Human Resources Line of Business (HR LOB) Shared Service Centers by October 1, 2006 |
D-8 |
May 3, 2006 |
Develop policy and functional requirements for nine non-core HR LOB subfunctions by October 1, 2006 |
D-10 |
June 8, 2006 |
Implement a professional development program for OPM employees by October 1, 2006 |
E-2 |
September 29, 2006 |
Develop a group employee incentive program for the Human Resources Products and Services (HRPS) Division that factors in the uniqueness of HRPS as a reimbursable business operation by July 1, 2006; implement pilot program in Center for Talent Services by October 1, 2006 |
E-6 |
September 28, 2006 |
Develop performance standards for OPM common services by July 1, 2006, and implement by October 1, 2006 |
E-7 |
September 1, 2006 |
Maintain agency prompt payment performance at 98%; improve divisional performance (non-Investigative Services) 10% by October 1, 2006, and an additional 10% by October 1, 2007 |
E-8 |
September 29, 2006 |
Use the agency-wide Document Management System in 250 person pilot group by March 1, 2006, and extend through the agency by October 1, 2006 |
E-11 |
July 31, 2006 |
Publish eight proposed/final human resources regulations during FY 2006 |
E-12 |
May 8, 2006 |
Develop new common services methodology by July 1, 2006; implement by October 1, 2006 |
E-14 |
September 1, 2006 |
Redesign the OPM website by October 1, 2006 |
E-27 |
August 31 , 2006 |
Identify two national professional organizations focusing on human resources policy, benefits and employee development and achieve leadership positions in them during FY 2006 and each year thereafter |
F-4 |
August 31 , 2006 |
Report on SES performance-based pay system results each calendar year |
A-2 |
August 9 , 2006 |
Expand and publicize business case for introduction of reform legislation during 2006 |
A-5 |
November 1, 2006 |
Roll out new dental/vision plan by December 31, 2006 |
B-8 |
November 13, 2006 |
Promote affordable Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) options, which may include additional health savings plan options, each year during strategic planning period |
B-10 |
November 13, 2006 |
Work with CHCO Council to roll out a more targeted (by learning institution, profession) job fair process in 2006 and expand through strategic planning period |
C-4 |
August 22 , 2006 |
Increase number of CHCO agencies using the USAJOBS position announcement template to 85% by December 31, 2006 |
C-11 |
December 4, 2006 |
Improve performance management practices at 8, 12, 18 CHCO agencies during 2006, 2007, 2008, respectively, as measured by Performance Appraisal Assessment Tool |
D-2 |
December 29, 2006 |
Receive an unqualified audit opinion and report no material weaknesses every year |
E-16 |
November 14, 2006 |
Achieve full cost recovery annually for each revolving fund program |
E-21 |
November 14, 2006 |
Complete 80% of initial clearance investigations within 90 days by end of 2006 |
E-23 |
December 29, 2006 |
Achieve rate of no more than 1% of completed investigations returned as deficient from agency security/adjudication offices each year |
E-26 |
December 15, 2006 |
Develop OPM Pandemic Exercise After Action Report by December 15, 2006. |
E-38 |
December 15, 2006 |
Expand the Walter Reed Army Medical Center post-service employment support model to one additional hospital in both 2006 and 2007 |
G-4 |
December 15, 2006 |
Identify at least one initiative per year to partner [with unions and employee advocacy groups] and implement beginning in 2006 |
G-5 |
September 27, 2006 |
Simplify CFC participant eligibility rules for use in the 2007 campaign |
G-6 |
November 20, 2006 |
Implement action plan to ensure OPM is rated in the top 50% of agencies surveyed in the 2006 Federal Human Capital Survey (FHCS) and in the top five agencies in the 2008 FHCS |
E-4 |
October 3, 2006 |
Support Administration strategies to address pandemic threats throughout planning period |
E-13 |
September 29, 2006 |
Inform OPM customers of the agency's success in meeting the stated customer goals in the 2006-2010 OPM Strategic and Operational Plan within two weeks of each success |
E-28 |
July 7, 2006 |
Respond to routine [media] inquiries within two hours 95% of the time |
G-7 |
September 15, 2006 |
Hold Director media briefings twice per year |
G-8 |
August 8 , 2006 |