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NINDS Pathway to Independence Award(k99/R00) Recipients - Fiscal Year 2008

Anthony Antonellis, Ph.D.
National Human Genome Research Institute Intramural Program
Genetic and genomic approaches for studying inherited peripheral neuropathies

Marc Halterman, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Rochester
Defining neurotherapeutic targets in hypoxia-induced CHOP-10 signaling networks

Hiroyuki Koizumi, Ph.D.
University of California – San Diego
Doublecortin: career development plan in the neurosciences

David Prober, Ph.D.
Harvard University
Genetic analysis of sleep disorders in zebrafish

Avital Rodal, Ph.D.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Structure and regulation of synaptic architecture

Anastassios Tzingounis, Ph.D.
University of California – San Francisco
Molecular components of the calcium activated slow afterhyperpolarization



*FY2008 data include only the first round of the fiscal year, representing the awards made to date.