Study region for the coordinated MPAR/stacked SMART radar deployment.

Study region for the coordinated MPAR/stacked SMART radar deployment. Possible SMART radar sites are denoted by L1 and L2.

2007 National Weather
Radar Testbed Demo

Storms across Oklahoma this spring provided NOAA NSSL researchers an unprecedented opportunity to research rapidly evolving weather phenomena and to potentially extend warning lead-times for severe weather using the phased array radar (PAR), part of the National Weather Radar Testbed (NWRT).

The NWRT demonstration was conducted at the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed in Norman, Oklahoma during Spring 2007. Designated NWS forecasters from forecast offices across the U.S. participated in coordination with NOAA and University of Oklahoma research meteorologists.

The demonstration introduced real-time PAR data to a simulated operational environment to gather information about the benefits and challenges of using PAR data in warning decision-making situations. In the real-time simulation, the forecaster performed his/her usual warning decision-making duties while the lead/researcher team ran the PAR data collection. Operational benefits and challenges of rapid-update volumetric PAR data are being assessed. Other 2007 NWRT interrelated experiments investigated the utility of PAR data in forecasting, modeling, and identifying characteristics of deep convection. The demonstration also gathered high-density verification information for the PAR to support the development of scientifically sound severe storm guidance applications and techniques.

The NWRT PAR became functional in September 2003 and collected data in 2004 and 2005 for engineering tests, weather observations, and system checks. The PAR has been collecting data for research since 2006 to demonstrate the rapid-scan capability of the PAR antenna. More information can be found at: