NOAA Administrator's Awards

Doug Forsyth

Administrator's Awards NSSL's Doug Forsyth, Executive Director of Facilities and Strategic Planning and Chief of the Radar Research and Development Division was honored with a 2007 NOAA Administrator's Award. The citation reads, "In recognition of leadership in overseeing the design, construction and occupancy of the National Weather Center, a joint NOAA and University of Oklahoma project which was realized both on time and under budget."

Dave Jorgensen

NSSL scientist Dave Jorgensen, Chief of Warning Research and Development also received a 2007 NOAA Administrator's Award as part of the NOAA team that participated in the Debris Flow Project with the USGS. NSSL's role was to use mobile radar to gather high resolution rainfall data sets to be used by USGS to refine their thresholds for debris flows. Dave continues his involvement with this project this winter.