Flooding in the Monumental Core

NCPC, along with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, is a cooperating agency with the National Park Service in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) for flooding solutions in Washington, DC’s monumental core. The EA will examine interim actions and permanent design alternatives for the area near the intersection of 17th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, Constitution Gardens, 23rd Street and Constitution Avenue, and the Washington Monument Grounds. Members of the public had until June 20, 2008 to provide comments and feedback. For further information please click here.

No one who lives or works in Washington will soon forget the deluge of June 2006 that flooded numerous buildings in the Federal Triangle area. More than 11 inches of water fell, damaging property, shutting down several federal buildings, and disrupting vital government services. 

After this incident, the National Capital Planning Commission, directed staff to research flooding risks in the monumental core due and along the Anacostia River. The resulting Report on Flooding and Stormwater in Washington, DC, explores these topcis as well as stormwater risks, includes data on the city's flooding history, and suggests ways NCPC policy may help reduce future flooding risks.

While the flooding study was underway, NCPC joined forces with the General Services Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, and the District of Columbia to hold a two-day forum on flooding and stormwater risks. More than 100 participants from federal and District agencies met on June 12-13, 2007, at the Ronald Reagan International Trade Center to discuss the periodic flooding problem.

The talks focused on emergency response, stormwater management, and system-wide infrastructure improvements. Ideas raised by participants included establishing a clearinghouse to which all federal agencies would report to during a flood event, identifying agencies with portable generators, and putting an interim pumping station into place that could better protect federal buildings during flooding. Click here for a summary of the Flood Forum Proceedings.

nteragency teams will study the recommendations and hold additional meetings in the coming months to share information. Reports will be provided by NCPC, which will serve as a repository for all information.