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Regulated Pest List

The list was derived from pests identified in the U.S Code of Federal Regulations (7 CFR 300-399), regulated pests frequently intercepted from imported commodities at U.S. ports of entry, and regulated pests identified by APHIS or stakeholders as having the potential to cause serious economic or environmental damage in the U.S.. It is intended, under the international principles of sanitary and phytosanitary agreements, to provide the trading partners of the United States with an official USDA APHIS list of Regulated Plant Pests of concern to the U.S.. The listed organisms were a known threat at the time of their listing, and therefore, may not include all pests for which USDA APHIS would necessarily take action.

Search or browse the regulated pest list by one or more categories. Please note that viruses and agents are listed under common names only.

APHIS may take quarantine action on organisms within the following higher taxa whether or not they are included on the pest list.


Last Modified: July 16, 2007